

  • i occasionally eat chicken because the rest of the family does and i have to convince my son it's okay to eat it, but don't like fish. i think for me it is a texture thing on top of the fact that i just like to be nice to animals. what steps are you taking to train for the 5k? i am trying a modified version of the couch to…
  • never allow yourself to use the excuse "the diet starts again tomorrow" because then you fall into that cycle. Prepare food well in advance, substitute red meat for white meat in some meals, white meat for beans in others. Then you can still have homemade tacos, burgers, etc and still eat well. Switch all your condiments…
  • skinniest fat girl is exactly how i feel. i am 114 lbs right now which i am sure sounds tiny to a lot of people, but i weighed 100 lbs soaking wet my whole life until i got pregnant, ballooned up to 153 lbs and am still holding onto almost 25% of my baby weight! i look "thin" until i get naked and then it's like WOAH watch…
  • i just realized my link probably looks like porn lol! but it really is an awesome routine and you feel awesome doing it. it doesn't hurt until the next day and then it BURNS!!! i do mine on the floor in my living room while i watch my favorite prime time shows and try and do it for at least the commercial breaks so i get…
  • http://www.exercisetv.tv/blog/post/2010/09/23/Boobs-Abs-*kitten*-Quickie-Workout-in-Bed-with-Laurel-House.aspx i love this routine. it takes minimal time, you can use small weights or just the force of your own body, and it does the chest, biceps, and triceps and a brief bit of cardio at once.
  • Are you upping protein or carb intakes or changing your diet at all in order to prepare for the marathons and adventure races?