My name is Mary, and I'm a foodaholic.

poppins1981 Posts: 3
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hey! I started this website because I realized that if current trends continue and I keep gaining the weight that I do, I'll be well over 300 lbs when I'm done having kids. I always swore I would never turn out like my mom, and here I am. Just like my mom. I don't want my daughter to grow up and say "I don't want to be like my mom." So here I am, trying to fix 30 years of damage.

Question for everyone... what was the easiest thing for you to change? I'm having a hard time getting past the depressing 'this is too hard' aspect and could use some encouragement.


  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Counting My Calories and Nutrients, then ACTUALLY seeing what I needed to DO, DO, DO.
    Being Willing, then Eager to CHANGE My LIFESTYLE.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    You have taken the hardest step the rest is easier. The best thing to do is log even the bad days and learn from them. The easiest / no maybe the first thing for me was cutting softdrinks (soda's) and alcohol. I didn't even go to diet drinks. Straight to water, to make it special a squeeze of fresh lemon juice.
  • DKBelle
    DKBelle Posts: 585
    Easiest thing is maybe to get used to exercises. I like to walk and I used to walk a lot before, but after a while I found myself sitting at home and growing my butt. I started slow and now even if I walk 2 hours I feel I could do still some more. Even tho if some people say you cannot burn much calories whit this type of exercise I think it is good and refreshing and also give a the strength to try other exercises.
  • imgonnadoit123
    imgonnadoit123 Posts: 49 Member
    I wouldn't say any part of this is particularly easy..but you've made the giant leap to join MFP...i would suggest putting into writing your goals and be specific as you can....and provide the reasons on your profile page.
  • Hi Mary, I'm new to this site and I'm about 278. to answer your question depression is one hard thing to get over! and it takes time! You just need to take it one day at a time. . . one thing that has really helped me is going out in the sun for a few minutes a day and wighting 10 things you like about your self and your life. . . After all if you can't love your self how can you love anyone else! :)
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    I started with portion control. I plugged all of our 'regular recipes' into the database and figured out what would be a 'reasonable' portion and just ate that. I also started making myself eat breakfast, which I never really did before... and just those two tiny things made a HUGE difference. After a week or two, I found I was getting FULL on those smaller portions and was completely satisfied. Once I got used to THAT, I started incorporating healthier choices into my meals... skim milk for whole and less salt and low fat alternatives in my recipes, plus adding more 'fresh' ingredients... it's all kinda snowballed from there. I still eat SOME of my old favorites (like tonight we're having chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes and gravy), but they are RARE treats and I can usually balance the rest of my day to compensate and not go over my calorie budget. Add me as a friend if you'd like... it's a long road and friends are definitely helpful to have! :)
  • Jenn070608
    Jenn070608 Posts: 206 Member
    Hello Mary and welcome.
  • barbee55
    barbee55 Posts: 15
    Hi Mary, I'm Bobbi and I've been a member, two weeks tomorrow. I can say the easiest thing for me (so far) was to quit soda's. I was one of those people who ALWAYS had a soda in my hand and I thought that would be hard to stop but surprising enough it was easy. Probably the hardest is the exercise but I've found there are so many ways to exercise like dancing that doesn't seem like exercise. The main thing is to keep moving! I'm 56 over weight and if "I" can do it anyone can :) Logging everything down makes it so much easier because the guess work is gone. Good luck on your journey, I look forward into seeing your progress!
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Start slow, you can't expect to change everything all at once and if youre having "this is too hard" feelings chances are you're being too strict.

    I've found its best not to ban anything from your diet, this leads to cravings, cravings can lead to eating or bingeing on banned food and that leads to guilt....guilt is bad for you!

    Watch your portions, wean yourself down slowly so the hunger pangs don't get the better of you. Eat off smaller plates, if your eyes are satisfied your belly will often be too but if you don't feel satisfied have a drink and wait 20 minutes...your brain takes a while to get the message from your stomach that you are full. If after 20 minutes you are still genuinely hungry have a LITTLE more.

    Fill up on veggies, you can have a lot of veggies for very few calories, this helps with your fluid and fibre count too so win-win.

    Above all believe in yourself that you can do this...I had 99lbs to lose, I couldn't even see a pinprick of light at the end of the tunnel but I KNEW I would eventually and so will you
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Hi Mary, I'm new to this site and I'm about 278. to answer your question depression is one hard thing to get over! and it takes time! You just need to take it one day at a time. . . one thing that has really helped me is going out in the sun for a few minutes a day and wighting 10 things you like about your self and your life. . . After all if you can't love your self how can you love anyone else! :)
    What a beautiful idea. Thanks
  • jfavs
    jfavs Posts: 7
    never allow yourself to use the excuse "the diet starts again tomorrow" because then you fall into that cycle. Prepare food well in advance, substitute red meat for white meat in some meals, white meat for beans in others. Then you can still have homemade tacos, burgers, etc and still eat well. Switch all your condiments to the light variety. Make it so you don't have to stop eating the food you love, just change the contents of those foods and you're less likely to fall off the wagon. When you feel extra motivated try making some low fat pasta sauces, turkey burger patties, and that type of thing in advance and freeze it so when you feel snacky and lazy you can make a healthy meal quickly and conveniently. And if you're hungry, don't ignore it, because if you do, when you finally do it you're more likely to binge. And record everything as you eat it so you don't forget. I think the number one way that has helped me in the past, and will hopefully help me this time around is to always have snacks and premade healthy low calorie meals on hand at all times. Otherwise i may feel lazy, tired, hung over, over worked, or be just too busy to cook and find myself grabbing something awful to eat and then i think i did it once so i can do it again and the cycle starts over again.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    The easiest thing for me was coming here and making friends. I became addicted immediately.

    The hardest thing was giving up sugar in my coffee. I had made the decision to do that before even coming here, but it has helped me so much more than I ever thought possible. It was a very stubborn thing that I held on to and may seem small, but it wasn't until I stopped using sugar that I reallized how much it contributed to all the other sweet cravings I had throughout the day.

    stick to it, you can do it.

    Best wishes
  • cnktrott
    cnktrott Posts: 3
    Hello my name is Nicole and i weigh 258 pounds.I also fight with depression and let me tell you my weight is holding me down.Its a struggle everyday to not over eat.I am hoping this will help me on my new journey!
  • TiffyC828
    TiffyC828 Posts: 80 Member
    HI Mary!! Your post sounds like me! I've only been using this site for about 2 weeks, and I love it. I don't think everything is accurate, but it does give you a good idea of what you are eating and your activity. I love logging my calories, and seeing what I am eating and the (approx) calories I am taking in. It has been an eye opener for sure!

    The hardest thing for me was working out. Trying to find the time or not wanting to do it when I had the time. I don't have time to go to a gym. Kids, work, and college, on top of the husband, and house..whew! My husband bought me an ellipitical recently. I have used it 6 of the past 7 days..I have a love/hate relationship with it though. Babysteps. I use my stairs to run up and down a few times, walk alot with my kids outside (now that the weather is nicer). I still don't find it fun, but I find it necessary. I too want to be healthy and want my kids to not be embarassed by me. That's my motivation ;)

    Good luck to you! I'm sure you'll do great! Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like. Its always great to meet new people and have some in the same situation cheering you on!
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