TheIrish1981 Member


  • I've been told you see the majority of the difference at 40 pounds.
  • It is crazy though.....I even weighed a case of water on it which should be 32 pounds but it weighed it at 35.2 pounds, then at 33.8 pounds, then at 37.6 pounds. UGH!!!
  • I'm in the U.S.A.
  • I have been seeing a nutritionist and I asked her a very similar question in aspect of what do eat. She told me it is all a matter of getting the most bang for my calorie buck. For instance, I could have 1 Big Mac or I could have a Grilled Chicken Breast, Broccoli, 5 oz scoop of mashed potatoes, and a yogurt. Which one…
  • I personally enjoy tracking. If I eat it....I put it down. Just the other night I was in the Taco Bell drive thru and before starting this journey I would usually get 7 or 8 taco's but I knew that if I ate it....i'd have to log it and EVERYONE WOULD SEE THE FAILURE. You know what I did? I ordered 1 Taco ( 170 calories )
  • My nutritionist told me that I should track my calories in a 24 hour period and she said that the time that I decide to eat is irrelevant as long as I run a cal. deficit
  • Guys and Gals thank you all so much for the comments. I appreciate it so much. I just wanted to get some input on what to look forward to and what to expect on my journey =)
  • hahaha....Now that is hilarious =) The karate instructor got popped!
  • Thanks for all the great comments! For the one lady who lost 40 pounds and hasn't gotten a remark from family.....WOW..... You are doing a WONDERFUL job with the loss and how they haven't responded blows me away. That much weight is easily noticeable. I for one just want to say congrats on that loss and keep up the great…
  • I consume about 200 grams of carbs per day and that was advised by my nutritionist. In her words " Carbs are a great source of fuel for the body ". She did however stress the importance of using the majority of my 200 grams on Fruits, Veggies, and yes...even Pasta. Before I was eating about 500 grams of carbs per…
  • Perhaps it is good that I am over concerned. I'm down 10 pounds in 3 weeks =)
  • thx, I will read it now
  • Yes, I put my daughter as my profile pic =) Helps to keep me motivated
  • All I did was log my information in to myfitnesspal. I want to lose 2 lbs per week until I hit about 230 and then I was going to scale it back to 1 lb per week. They gave me the number of 1790 per day and I won't lie. I feel very very very hungry at times. I work a desk job, so I don't think I would fall in to the active…
  • Thanks for the input my friend. I guess I am simply having a hard time because I am only allowed 1790 calories per day when I'm use to eating about 4000 calories day, so I am simply trying to get the most bang I can for my calorie buck. For instance, I know I could have a Big Mac but i'd be hungry again in an hour, so…
  • I actually did reply. If you go back and read you will see that I am referring to a meal at my favorite steak house which consist of about 1500 calories. Should be somewhere around the 2nd page. I made clear that i'm not talking about a 4 ounce steak...i'm talking about a 16 oz steak, baked potato loaded, pepper poppers,…
  • I see you have lost 31 pounds which is amazing! Great Job! I have a question for you. Do you try to meet a daily calorie goal or are you more concerned about meeting your calorie goal for the week? If it is possible for me to extend exercise during the week to grant myself some more calories for a weekend meal that would…
  • So you log your cals by the week? Okay, that helps me a lot! Thanks so much
  • Not trying to show anyone anything. I just wish people could answer question in a mature way and without using smiley faces after every one of their post. I posted a legitimate question and was looking for legitimate answers. I truly don't know why you are trolling on my post. I mean, you have shown me what advice you have…
  • So if you go under calories one day or more in the week, do you then use them on another day? If that is possible that might make things a little easier because I could squeeze a cheat meal in every week if that is something that you have done and yet have still had success
  • Well, I was expecting answers to my questions and I got that from some helpful people. I know how the world is. I know there are always a few jack***** out there and I try my best to call them on it =) Have a good day
  • Well for someone to say a 1500 calorie meal isn't a cheat meal just seems absurd to me. Also as far as fitting it in to my daily plan of 1700 calories, that simply can't happen unless my other 2 meals are just vitamins and bean sprouts. Yea, that won't happen. Again, thanks to everyone who provided relevant responses. I…
  • Also, I don't want to seem obsessed. I just want to know what will work in the long run and what will not. I am 5'10 and 272 pounds. So I am extremely big and not training myself in the correct way to do this now will only result in failure later. So I was generally looking to hear from people who have had success and…
  • Some people say that don't consider a steak dinner cheating. Perhaps I should clarify. I'm talking about a 16 oz steak, Salad with honey mustard dressing, baked potato loaded, and an order of Pepper Poppers. We are talking about a 1500 calorie meal. If that isn't a cheat meal.....I don't know what is
  • I'd like to know what your feelings are on carbs. My nutritionist has me on a 200 grams of carb a day diet and so far I have lost almost 10 pounds in 2 weeks. She told me that carbs are irrelevant in my journey for weight loss and that the only think that matters is a caloric deficit. She actually went as far as to say…
  • Your BMR has to be higher than 800. It is possible that under eating for so long has wrecked your metabolism and you are going to have to allow this time to correct but nourishing your body properly.
  • Am I mistaken or isn't it impossible not to lose weight if you are running a calorie deficit? I've lost 10 pounds in barely over 2 weeks running a calorie deficit.
  • Special K has been a life saver to me. They have so many filling products that are low cal. I would suggest getting their egg and cheese flat breads. They are very filling and at 150 calories you could eat 1, 2, or hell....even 3 and then you can show your body who is boss =) I am fairly new to all this but i've dropped 9…
  • Nobody wants to tackle this one. lol
  • Would sincerely appreciate anyone that will add me and support me in my journey to FIT! ... In turn I will always offer my support to you =) I log in daily