When did you start getting compliments?

I'm just curious as to when some of you starting getting compliments on your weight loss from family/friends? (I.E. when did they start noticing?)

Also, as far as buying new clothes. Did you buy new clothes every time you dropped a size or did you weight until every 2 sizes? I've noticed my shorts are veryyyyy baggy but a belt fixes the problem. I guess my main question is do I just hold off as long as I can on buying new clothes or do I buy a few new things for every new size I fit in to.


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I don't remember really when I started to get compliments...usually when they saw me...

    As for new cloths when I needed them...and I refuse to wear cloths that are too big for me so that was a lot.

    I didn't buy a whole new wardrobe..just a few pieces I could mix and match.

    I am in the need of new summer stuff now as I am at goal weight but I am not going to go overboard just yet...I might lose another 10-15 after this summer..haven't decided..depends on how the summer goes.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    i put off buying clothes for as long as possible, im trying to wait now until i am at a point where i dont think my waist size will shrink anymore, which i think im approaching.
    for me it took about 2 months, or 30 lbs, before people started saying things about my weight loss, but they had told me they noticed before they said anything
  • ChrysalisCove
    ChrysalisCove Posts: 975 Member
    Family / friends noticed at 20lbs, around 30lbs coworkers & acquaintances began commenting.

    I bought 2 pairs of pants each time I dropped a size, but always from a discount / thrift / consignment store. Part of my motivation is feeling like I look better & wearing clothes that are too big just makes me look frumpy! It was also an inexpensive non-edible way to celebrate my progress!
  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    I started getting compliments about 10# lost - I'm short and that was about 1/3 of the total loss I wanted.

    I have bought some clothes at about 15# - thrift stores are great - to get me by. Next stop - shorts - mine are all falling off my butt! but then I'm holding off as long as I can - maybe new wardrobe for fall!

    I try to get a few things to get by, especially pants, because tops really just get baggier -and it's not a big deal. I can't stand my pants falling off or being way too bunched up with a belt (a little is ok, but not a lot).
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    My first compliment came after the first 10 lbs.
  • rebalee8
    rebalee8 Posts: 161 Member
    My weigh loss has yet to be remarked upon by anyone that knows me. Even in a non-specific "hey, you look nice" or "something's different about you, did you change your hair" or "is that a new dress" kind of way.

    But, just this week I started getting comments/propositions from random guys on the street and getting flirted with by check-out clerks, which hasn't happened for a number of years. Weird kind of NSV, I guess.
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    I don't see my family much so it's usually 6-12 months in between visits. That definitely makes weight loss more noticeable, but I've only gotten the "You look good!" comment a few times since it's kind of a sensitive subject.

    As for clothes... I have a hard time throwing things out (my favorite blouse is way too big for me now but I still wear it on lazy days around the house lol) but I buy new shirts and blouses when I've clearly gone down a size... There's a big difference in how XL stuff fits on a L/M body!

    I wear a lot of black leggings and yoga pants, which have so much stretch you don't really notice weight fluctuations, which can be dangerous if you're gaining weight but really convenient if you're losing because you don't have to buy new pants quite as often. With jeans, though, I feel really frumpy if they're too loose!
  • Kegha
    Kegha Posts: 37 Member
    For me it was at around 10 pounds since I am not tat tall not to say I am short :0). For the clothing I have a closet full of smaller clothes so it is not an issue but one thing for sure I will do is put the bigger sizes in the bin
  • sw33tp3a11
    sw33tp3a11 Posts: 4,646 Member
    It took me 3 weeks into my workout program that my husband said to me that my tummy looked smaller. Haven't lost much weight only 4 lbs but I have lost 2 inches around the tummy so far.
  • TheIrish1981
    TheIrish1981 Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks for all the great comments! For the one lady who lost 40 pounds and hasn't gotten a remark from family.....WOW..... You are doing a WONDERFUL job with the loss and how they haven't responded blows me away. That much weight is easily noticeable.

    I for one just want to say congrats on that loss and keep up the great work!
  • hospitablegirl
    hospitablegirl Posts: 64 Member
    Compliments - 15lbs or so
    New clothes - I held out for as long as I could. I only bought a couple pairs of pants and a few shirts because I do have to work looking NOT like a frumpy mess. I held out though. And I'm not buying a new wardrobe until I get to my goal weight.
  • Paizzaz
    Paizzaz Posts: 33
    I was still over weight last time I received a compliment from a family member.
  • liekewheeless
    liekewheeless Posts: 416 Member
    We are doing a weightloss thing at work so everyone knows. I got compliments almost right away (I think more of a good for you, keep it up type deal) My husband has started to compliment me on looking skinnier. I'm about a month and a half in.

    I don't buy new clothes cause I still have stuff that fits. Don't think I will buy anything until I have nothing left, or ones I start getting close to my final weight.
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    I bought a pair of jeans in my new size every time I needed them because my baggy jeans made me look very unprofessional. But I only bought 1 pair on clearance until I got down to my current size 9. I never worried to much about shirts because I mostly wear tank tops and t-shirts and having those in a size large rather than a medium wasn't nearly as big of a deal on my body. I don't have the money to go on a shopping spree. I tend to just buy one or two new things with coupons or on clearance every time I go to the mall (about once a week). I'm building up a new wardrobe slowly lol.

    I started getting compliments and people started to notice after I had lost about 15-20 pounds. Which was nice :)
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    I put off buying clothes as long as possible. I'm in a pattern of buying new clothes every other size. So I started at 18, bought 14s, and hopefully won't buy more until I'm in a 10. This leaves some time of looking quite "sloppy" when they're way too big which sucks, but it's better than wasting all that money.
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    I got faster in Martial Arts. I tagged one of the top, male instructors a couple of times. I ALMOST (so close!) tagged him with a spinning back kick. I was so proud of myself! He can't just stand there thinking about what to have for dinner anymore! Muhahahha!
  • darkestdayz
    darkestdayz Posts: 117 Member
    About 30lbs in before anyone noticed and said something although I was told by a male co-worker that he had noticed at about 20lbs but didn't say anything out of fear of being accused of looking LOL. As far as clothes, I had some smaller sizes but I quickly shrunk out of those. Thrift stores are my friends!
  • TheIrish1981
    TheIrish1981 Posts: 35 Member
    hahaha....Now that is hilarious =)

    The karate instructor got popped!
  • SkinnyMel78
    SkinnyMel78 Posts: 434 Member
    I was about 25-30 lbs in before people really started to notice. They say it takes longer for people who see you everyday to really notice until you've lost quite a bit. As far as clothes go, when things started getting baggy and too big for me I would go to my local goodwill and buy my jeans from there. Spending $5 for a pair of jeans I'm going to wear a few months is not bad. I've been on this journey for a little over a year and have gone from a size 22 jean to a 14. Lots of goodwill trips this past year!!
  • jenniferv38
    jenniferv38 Posts: 44 Member
    My weight has fluctuated up and down for so many years that I have at least the next four sizes down in my closet. Plus, I could never mentally let go of clothes that got too tight because I was convinced that I would one day lose the weight again and wear it. Some of the stuff I have is so old and outdated that if I did fit into it again, I would never wear it in public...lol.