When did you start getting compliments?



  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,099 Member
    I would say close to 20-30lbs for me. I also did the belt method and still had some smaller clothes in my closet that I could use as I got smaller. Now that i am close to goal I have bought more. BUT I was only 5lb heavier last summer and due to lifting those clothes even though only 5lbs are falling off too big so you have to think that through too if you plan to do anything once you hit goal weight that will effect your size as well.
  • JenD1066
    JenD1066 Posts: 298 Member
    Last weekend. Everyone got together for my son's birthday and my mother in law remarked on how much weight I'd lost.
    And this morning my husband noticed that my collarbone was visible. (Yay!) Perhaps it shouldn't be, but It's super motivating!

    And until I reach goal weight, I'm shopping at thrift stores!
  • mlanders22
    mlanders22 Posts: 140 Member
    I think I started getting my first comments after about 20 pounds lost.

    As far as clothing, I would get at least a pair or two of pants in the next size down when I needed them. I did consignment or thrift stores so it was usually $5-8 for a pair. I was stuck in size 14 for a good 10 months so ended up buying some full price pants in that size. Now I'm back to clearance or thrift stores as a I continue losing. I hate baggy pants and I think they make me look frumpy.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I'm still waiting for them......it's been.....um.....45 years???
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I always got compliments, no matter my size.

    But a few pieces in each new size, but try to make what you can work that is a big too big work.
  • unapologetically_crystal
    my first compliment was from a lady who goes to this chinese restaurant that my family goes to EVERY friday. (yeah i know lol) but she quietly asked my mom "is she losing weight?? she looks good!!" and then she decided to tell me herself after my mom said yes i was.

    for me i had the extra money and buying new clothes made me feel better.. frumpy clothes made me feel FAT and disgusting! i then started finding cheap clothes and clearance items and would sometimes buy some things in a smaller size that i could "grown down" into.

    all the summer clothes i bought on clearance last year still fit.. well actually they fit better then ever now.

    family & friends comment on wow factor pictures.. or they literally do NOT recognize me at all when i see them after a long time.. yeah thats awkward explaining to family yeah its me Crystal.. you know the one you watched grow up. lol
  • wissabear
    wissabear Posts: 62 Member
    It took 10 lbs for the boy friend to really notice, And then the dance troupe was next when I was wearing a costume (that shows everyone my tummy) I'm rather short, so a few pounds go a long way. I haven't gotten new pants yet, but Ive worn dresses a bit more as they are more forgiving to the smaller waist (I hate belts)
    MSLUC Posts: 30
    At five months into my gym membership, I was asked to pose for the "Highlight" member of the month photo.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    I've lost about 10 lbs so far and I'm already getting compliments. It's encouraging.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I've gotten one comment, a favorable one, from my niece, after dropping 22 lbs. As for clothes, all my clothing is purchased at Goodwill now that I am retired. Most of my wardrobe is size 12 ( a few things size 10) so I do not want to get smaller than that.
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    Family still hasn't noticed, coworkers and other people I see frequently noticed after 40lbs.
  • bkk40in2011
    bkk40in2011 Posts: 72
    my first compliment was from a lady who goes to this chinese restaurant that my family goes to EVERY friday. (yeah i know lol) but she quietly asked my mom "is she losing weight?? she looks good!!" and then she decided to tell me herself after my mom said yes i was.

    for me i had the extra money and buying new clothes made me feel better.. frumpy clothes made me feel FAT and disgusting! i then started finding cheap clothes and clearance items and would sometimes buy some things in a smaller size that i could "grown down" into.

    all the summer clothes i bought on clearance last year still fit.. well actually they fit better then ever now.

    family & friends comment on wow factor pictures.. or they literally do NOT recognize me at all when i see them after a long time.. yeah thats awkward explaining to family yeah its me Crystal.. you know the one you watched grow up. lol

    Crystal - you deserve every dime you spend on new clothes! What an awesome transformation and the consistency it takes to do something like that is incredible! Congrats!
  • wanttolose40lbs
    wanttolose40lbs Posts: 239 Member
    I started getting compliments after 15-20 lbs, some random ones before that from family members. I have put off buying clothes so far, the clothes that I look "frumpy" in I don't wear too much and other pants I wear a belt. I would like to lose another 5- 10 lbs before I start my new wardrobe, but it keeps getting harder every day to find something in my closet that looks decent. I have bought a couple pairs of capris for summer just because I know everything else is going to be too big.
  • mebepiglet123
    mebepiglet123 Posts: 327 Member
    After around 20lbs.. Lost around 37lbs so far another 10-15 to go.
    I sold my old clothes on trademe (like ebay) and brought new ones on trade me too..a few new items as well Just went shopping yesterday my fav clothes is gym gear now and gym shoes ...lol.

    Now I have a few people telling I have lost enough.. Argh, they don't see me naked. My partner is not one of them tho thankfully, he does see my naked...ha ha ha...
  • TheIrish1981
    TheIrish1981 Posts: 35 Member
    Guys and Gals thank you all so much for the comments. I appreciate it so much. I just wanted to get some input on what to look forward to and what to expect on my journey =)
  • unapologetically_crystal
    my first compliment was from a lady who goes to this chinese restaurant that my family goes to EVERY friday. (yeah i know lol) but she quietly asked my mom "is she losing weight?? she looks good!!" and then she decided to tell me herself after my mom said yes i was.

    for me i had the extra money and buying new clothes made me feel better.. frumpy clothes made me feel FAT and disgusting! i then started finding cheap clothes and clearance items and would sometimes buy some things in a smaller size that i could "grown down" into.

    all the summer clothes i bought on clearance last year still fit.. well actually they fit better then ever now.

    family & friends comment on wow factor pictures.. or they literally do NOT recognize me at all when i see them after a long time.. yeah thats awkward explaining to family yeah its me Crystal.. you know the one you watched grow up. lol

    Crystal - you deserve every dime you spend on new clothes! What an awesome transformation and the consistency it takes to do something like that is incredible! Congrats!

    aww thank you! =)
  • SrMaggalicious
    SrMaggalicious Posts: 495 Member
    For me it was at around 10 pounds since I am not tat tall not to say I am short :0). For the clothing I have a closet full of smaller clothes so it is not an issue but one thing for sure I will do is put the bigger sizes in the bin

    same...once I'm back in my smalls, there's no going back. If they get tight again, I go fat and naked, or burn up the fat.
  • sashafischang
    sashafischang Posts: 38 Member
    I don't think anyone talked about getting their clothes altered. I had five or sick pairs of slacks taken in as I lost weight. Once the slacks looked ridiculous on me, I took them in. And when I lost more weight, I had them taken in again. This only works if you are going down a size or two. Also, it wasn't very inexpensive (about $10 per pair), which I figured was cheaper than purchasing nice slacks for work. Next, I am going to take in some of my blouses that are too big.
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    I think it took about 80 pounds for my co-workers to notice, friends and family did notice at around the 20 pound start I was told co-workers didn't notice because even though I was wearing new clothes the styles were pretty much the same.

    I have pretty much always bought new clothes, I cannot stand wearing items that are too big.

    I regards to taking up clothes I re-made my work skirts so many times I just reached a point where I said no more and I took up a few tops as well along the way. I even started washing things in Hot water and putting them in the dryer trying to shrink them (cashmere included) - it's funny I used to swear my clothes used to shrink in the closet.
  • jtyler83
    jtyler83 Posts: 28 Member
    at first i didnt really buy clothes too often

    as i got into the smaller sizes, i became pickier about fit

    now that i buy 'small' i guess i'm set lol

    no idea when i first started getting compliments, but i sure get a lot of OMG U ARE TOO SKINNY ones