

  • We gain and lose about 5 lbs a day. With showering off residue, going to the bathroom, etc... not to mention if you weigh in with clothes on or off. Don't get down. I have the same problems, i'm tip toe'n on 200 lbs every week it seems. Initially if you start drinking a lot of water, you'll gain some water weight simply…
  • lol i love this! - I want to shut my husbands ex wife up. I've always been prettier than her, and before I got pregnant I was thinner and more athletic. Can't wait to show up looking hot so she can frigg'n choke on it! and for some weird reason- i wanna wear a cute sun dress and cowboy boots- they only look cute on skinny…
  • so far i'm getting some great feedback. I agree- maybe doing something with the little man before his nap would be good for us. I'm gonna try today! and I think I may try to re-organize my day. Maybe cleaning as much as I can while he's awake before his nap, then when he goes down for the 3 hours doing something on a dvd.…
  • thank you! i'm gonna have to try that
  • I found a great cook book called the super savers cookbook. i have 3 kids and a husband so we needed something to help budget. a lot of the idea's are slow cooker and casseroles (good for those of us who suck at cooking or have little time for it) but they also had a huge amount of on the go and snack suggestions. I have a…
  • ANYTHING jillian michaels. her "last chance workout" dvd for biggest loser will work you into a sweat in just a few minutes. it's a great in place cardio work out! make sure you buy some 5 lb or 10 lb weights to have handy. i used water bottles and it still burned. when i don't have weights, i do the workout at a double…