

  • Awesome! :) Keep going. I'm hoping to do a progress photo myself. I can see quite a different in my face after losing 30 pounds within a few months. Not just the shape but my face looks healthier.
  • I feel I should do some kind of weight training but currently none. I walk my dog each day usually a good 45-60 minutes over some woodlands, its a lovely walk. I do less than that on the weekends when I work heavy. And twice a week I swim for 30-45 minutes.
  • I'm currently doing Weight Watchers actually and I'm honestly amazed at how well its going so far. Its actually really easy too once you make yourself stick to the points program and I'm enjoying the food too. I make a lot from scratch and its tasty. Anyway, try it at least. It may not work for you but it may be the thing…
  • Yeah I've realised this myself actually. Well, I'm quite lucky actually at the moment as I'm losing weight at a great pace. I know though that it won't last and I've been trying to mentally remind myself not to cave in when it appears that the weight isn't going. I've taken measurements nearly 4 weeks ago now and I've been…
  • Er I had a little sugar crave yesterday. A harsh weekend at work and lack of sleep resulted in me needing choclate and cream. So I had myself two chocolate eclair. I felt horribly guilty afterwards which probably is a good thing for my diet. Though we all need to allow ourselves little hiccups from time to time. Just make…
  • Man if we could all lose the amount we wanted in 10 days then life would just be rosie peach wouldn't it? Fact is that attempting to lose weight sucks. Eating healthy stuff that doesn't generally taste as good and putting our body under strain with exercise isn't a walk in the park. Well you could have a walk in the park…
  • I've just started too and as you can see I got loads to lose too. It'll be a struggle but so worth it in the long run. We can do it.
  • Hi Tracy, I'm also from Kent! Great to hear you're doing well, you're an inspiration. Hearing how you've changed your life so much in a positive fashion just makes me want to change mine even more. Thank you.
  • Thanks guys for the advice. I've read and do appreciate every single one. I want to try so hard, I think I can stay commited. A big problem I have is my job which is a sit down desk job. It does make me lazy and then to make matters worse I will usually come home and then just go on my computer again. I'm not getting out…