What's your exercise routine?



  • nitka653
    nitka653 Posts: 97 Member
    Right now because I live in Oregon and it's not only raining all the time, it's often between 30ish to 40ish degrees out, not outdoor exercise material for me, I've been playing a ton of Xbox Kinect. I have both Dance Central games, both Your Shape games (2012 is way better) and just got Zumba Rush... I typically burn 300-600 calories in a 30-75 minute workout depending on what I'm doing. I also splurged on an HRM and some small weights (I have a lifting capacity due to back problems).

    I will probably NEVER buy a gym membership again!

    Next comes the elliptical!
  • smplycomplicated
    smplycomplicated Posts: 484 Member
    Monday. Biggest loser DVD, crunches, Wii Zumba (30 mins) walk the dogs (30 mins)
    Tuesday. 30 Day Shred DVD, Yoga core, Wii Just Dance 3 Sweat lvl 3 (30 to 45 mins) Walk the dogs (30 mins)
    Wednesday. Biggest Loser DVD, Elliptical (20 mins) Walk the dogs (30 mins)
    Thursday. 30 Day Shred DVD, Stepper (20 mins) Walk the Dogs(30 mins)
    Friday. 30 Day Shred DVD, Walk the dogs (30 mins) Wii Just dance 3 Sweat lvl 3 (30 to 45 mins)
    Saturday Biggest Loser DVD. Walk the dogs (30 mins)
    Sunday 30 Day Shred DVD, walk the Dogs (30 mins)

    this will vary just a lil bit depending on how much time i have, but this is my average routine.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Whatever the computer at the gym prints out for me to do for that week.

    I gave up on Chalene Turbo Jam
  • jmulldome
    4 days a week, I go to the gym at my work and do 30 minutes on an elliptical trainer.
    5 nights a week, I do a random video from 30 Day Shred, P90X, Insanity, or Turbofire (30 - 60 minute workout).

    I created an Excel file that picks a random video every time I open it, and that's the video I do............keeps me on my toes.
  • dport7
    dport7 Posts: 123 Member
    Monday, Wednesday Saturday I do tabata on my treadmill the other days consist of p90 sculpt, Kinect ufc trainer, your shape, and 30 day shred for a total 2 hour workout on "my off days"

    Love tabata. aI have my own little routine i do for each interval. Best cardio/aerobic workout Iv'e done
  • tasnim81
    tasnim81 Posts: 91 Member
    The program at exercise.com. Love it.:smile:
  • richelliott1
    richelliott1 Posts: 27 Member
    I only started my MFP 5 weeks ago and was lucky enough to have a top london trainer set my plan out. Can't complain 18lb lost in 5 weeks is nice and steady.

    Fitness wise I do:

    40 - 50 minutes cardio - 6 times a week

    Then on a rota basis:

    Lunges and Kettlebells - 20 - 30 minutes
    Medicine Ball and Core - 20 - 30 minutes
    Back and Chest - 20 - 30 minutes
    Triceps and Biceps - 20 - 30 minutes
    Legs - 20 - 30 minuts

    Then 2 times a week I play squash for 40 minutes (does it count as exercise if you have fun at the same time?)
  • Gagsy
    Gagsy Posts: 11
    I feel I should do some kind of weight training but currently none.

    I walk my dog each day usually a good 45-60 minutes over some woodlands, its a lovely walk. I do less than that on the weekends when I work heavy. And twice a week I swim for 30-45 minutes.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Monday, Wednesday and Sunday - Run 4 to 5km (approx. 35mins)
    Tuesday, Thursday and Friday - Bodyrock (weight training/calisthenics/interval training), and stationary bike (30-60mins per night)

    Saturday nights are usually my night off...may consist of walking the dogs...but that is every night...lol
  • Jaccyber
    Jaccyber Posts: 620 Member
    Walk 4 to 5 miles a day. I use the Personal Trainer: Walking program and included pedometer for the Nintendo DS to help record my steps. I have it set to 10000 steps, but I do not hit that everyday. I need to work on that.

    Also I am working on a 9wk easy program on the EA Sports Active on the Wii. I am starting my last week of that program and then take a week off, but I will probably do some stuff on the Wii fit plus or EASA 2. Then on April 2 will start 9wk medium on EASA2. This is the beginning of my 33rd week in a row of EASA2. I wine when the workouts get tough but I am liking the results.:smile:
    Also I weigh once a week on Sunday mornings on the Wii Fit Plus.

    Keep up the good work everyone.
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    ride my bike to work 2 times a week
    Strength training at the gym 2 times a week
    Saturday/sunday is a mixed bag - Hiking, road biking, or mountain biking, or what ever else I feel like.
    Walk my dogs daily
  • Taylerr88
    Taylerr88 Posts: 320 Member

    db or bb bench
    db shoulder press or incline db press
    some type of row.
    weighted pullup / dips.

    squat , deads
    some calve exercise.
    some quad exercise
    some hamstring exercise.
  • SlvrLyssa
    SlvrLyssa Posts: 41 Member
    Right now because I live in Oregon and it's not only raining all the time, it's often between 30ish to 40ish degrees out, not outdoor exercise material for me, I've been playing a ton of Xbox Kinect. I have both Dance Central games, both Your Shape games (2012 is way better) and just got Zumba Rush... I typically burn 300-600 calories in a 30-75 minute workout depending on what I'm doing. I also splurged on an HRM and some small weights (I have a lifting capacity due to back problems).

    I will probably NEVER buy a gym membership again!

    Next comes the elliptical!

    I just got Zumba Rush for the 360 this weekend, but didn't get a chance to play it yet. I can't wait!!

    I walk at least 30 a day, then add some Kinect games, general floor stuff like various abs, push ups, lunges, squats... I don't have a set schedual besides walking my dog in the morning. But I am on day 22 of working out for at least 60 mins a day for 30 days. :D
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    A regular week looks like this

    Monday - Body Pump Class
    Tuesday - Yoga Class, 5k run
    Wednesday - 5 k run, gainfitness work out
    Thursday - Yoga Class, 9k tempo run
    Friday - 5k run
    Saturday - Yoga Class, gain fitness workout
    Sunday - Long run

    I have to adjust because life gets in the way.
  • KxK0509
    KxK0509 Posts: 28 Member
    Monday and Wednesday, 45 minute spin class.

    Tuesday and Thursday, full body weights. Right now I'm doing NROLFW, Before that it was Female Body Breakthrough, before that it was something a trainer put together.

    Friday, TRX.

    Weekends are for recreational fitness like walking the dogs or hiking.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Mine just got simpler.

    3x/week: Squat, Bench, Deadlift
    3 sets of each, RPT style
    Maybe I walk a little
    If I'm feeling really energetic or have a ton of extra time on my hands, I'll do barbell glute bridges. Gotta have dat *kitten*.