

  • I'm the same way.. but usually only at work.. I am a 911 dispatcher and on the slow days I could easily snack on ice cream, candy bars or whatever fell out of the vending machine.. ** i havent touched the vending machine in 3 months***
  • OMG.. expiration dates... LOL.. they make me nuts.. i will throw things out the DAY before.. I drive my fiance crazy....
  • 5'9 current weight 239.8 wearing an 18w - 20w
  • Mine stems completely from my OCD... It doesnt hinder my life because i have lived with it for so long, it isnt a big deal anymore!! I don't even mind being picked on for it.. I think its hilarious!!! :0)
  • I have no intentions of giving up.. Its just flustering to see people lose 5 lbs and go down a dress size, and to have lost almost 20 and i cant even reward myself with a smaller pair of jeans.. :0( its just annoying.. I know i will see something.. and im not even super concerned about being skinny now, or in the immediate…
  • and i completely agree... but there has been NO change in measurements at all.. They are all exactly .. i mean EXACTLY .. the same as they were on day one. And to a point I agree my friends are being rude, i dont think they understand it.. They are all very in shape marathon runners who would have to search to find a lb of…
  • Thank you! i am not giving up.. I just wanted a slightly loose pair of jeans by now i guess... haha!
  • It really does upset me.. I have NO reason to lie on here.. I have to log on each week at the drs to show them.. If i am not completely honest then amounts and types of medications could be REALLY messed up.. And i feel like maybe im just not trying hard enough... i dunno.... I just hate those " are you sure... 19 lbs you…
  • I am 5'9 3/4, somewhere around but right under 5'10.. my starting weight was 258. I was at 239.8 at last weigh and other than the numbers on the scale it is no different.. At first i thought well maybe its her scale, so we tried 5, yes 5 LOL, different scales, all with the same result , give or take some ounces.... It know…
  • I do measurements once a week when i weigh in at the nutritionist/ dr office. ( i have to be seen once a week due to medical issues underlying a hx of non weight loss.. I started July 20th, so it is still fairly new, but 19 lbs is a significant number., and for nothing to be different is a huge step back.... and when i say…
  • Muscle doesnt weigh any different than fat. I see a nutritionist and that is the first thing we discussed.... And yes i measure myself, each time i weigh in.. ( once a week) and no different anywhere...
  • Seriously.. nevermind.. all i was saying was that she came on here saying OMG IM FAT.. when she is HALF the size , or less, than some of the people on here.. yes i think i am fat.. but i SURELY wont go telling somoene bigger than myself i was fat. its inconsiderate and rude... I fully understand warnings now regarding…
  • i seriously love all you guys!!! Im all at home with my quirkies!!! I LOVE IT!
  • in all super seriousness though.. I absolutely love that no matter how strange the quirk is.. no one is judged for it! That just goes to show what great amazing and supportive people there are on this site!!.. Weirdos and normies unite!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Oh karisa, i am totally ocd.. i have a list a mile long and seriously it gets bigger ALL the time... in addition to everything else ive already mentioned... i can ONLY eat gummy bears, or any squishy gummy candy) if they have been in the freezer, i cant do the squishyness in my fingers... ( the texture thing).... I take…
  • I LOVE love love this thread more than you can imagine.. haha! I did not know it was here to begin with when i asked a similar question of my own.. I have some super whack job food issues... I cant drink milk unless it is a closed container ( traveler coffee mug)..... I cant eat most oranges and bananas because of the…
  • I have had a full work up.. and while i do have some medical issues, the cause of my food weirdness has never been explained other than a possible OCD.i have a list that can go on forever. Some very very silly and some that are very serious for me. I count myself very lucky though that my family is very understanding and…
  • ajon.... i cant do blue cheese because of the texture.. im sorry ,.. anything that is meant to be poured over a food should not be lumpy.... and btw , for the most part my kids are very non judgmental eaters.. if its on the palte they will eat it, mixed in everything or not.. the Fiancee is the same way.. I am the exact…
  • scubacat: i'm not big on anything that has bones in it either, but i can eat meat... But i totally feel you!! pkarim: Everyone i know has tried something to get me over it all, but nothing has worked, i have been like this since i was a small kid. I have even seen doctors and therapists about it.. :0( I wont waste food…
  • I take Phentermine. I am not attacking anyone or telling anyone they are wrong, I am only wishing to point out that NOT all diet pills are horrible evil capsules of crap. Phentermine seems to help in lowering my appetite, and it is closely monitored by my family doctor. I have no opinions or advice of over the counter…
  • i take a diet pill, prescribed and controlled by my doctor. NOT ALL pills are bad, or worthless or will cause you to poop yourself. Over the counter ones, i have no experience with. However i have been on the one I am on for a while and it has helped alot. Please don;t clump them all together under one catergory.
  • I have often wondered how to accurately weigh yourself. I hear people saying in the morning before breakfast after relieving yourself, which makes sense. But, what i dont quite get is.. do you weigh your self naked, in clothing, holding a tomato? I mean i have actually never had the exact way to do this explained to me....…
  • I am in San Antonio Also.. Southside!!! Glad to see there is quite a few of us on here !!!
  • Is there a local park nearby? I take my kids down to the park a block from my home and we have a deal, they walk the track with me twice, they can play on the playground and i do lunges and stretches and such while they play and can still watch them. We go on bike rides around the block, we bought a spiral notebook and…