1FearlessFighter Member


  • i'll let my lactose intolerant digestive system answer that one... raw garlic
  • as some has just mentioned you could make your own so that way you control exactly what ingredients are in there as well as being much cheaper. i now make my own all the time and the most simplest is by mixing whey protein with and just enough water to combine but not too wet and there you go. thats your base, you can…
  • actually some studies have revealed that organic DOES in fact have more nutritional micronutrients than conventional produce due to the fertility of the soil,heres an article http://www.eatingwell.com/food_news_origins/green_sustainable/organic_or_not_is_organic_produce_healthier_than_conventional though, this is not main…
  • Sorry, forgot to reference, I was actually just reading this in a book from jillian michaels called master your metabolism, there are so many tips for optimum hormonal balance so that they work with you and help to lose or maintain your weight and I would definitely recommend it. The whole calories in calories out is a…
  • Real science here; if you eat before bed ( worst of all carbs) it is NOT good , this is because all your glycogen stores are already filled up from food at the end of the day so any remaining calories will turn into fat . Also carbs increase levels of insulin which inhibits growth hormone from being released during the…
  • bump..... core an apple cut into 4 pieces but not wedges - the other way , like plates spread some organic peanut butter to both layers add some raisins /dates or you favourite dried fruit on top of the peanut butter stack together and you have the perfect tasty snack for protein and carbs
  • personally, i like something mroe filling, i prefer to have porridge with peanut butter, yoghurt and a fruit and i usually exercise before lunch and dinner so ill have a protein shake and a meal which consists of protein (chicken/ eggs/ turkey/ fish) a whole grain (brown rice/ quinoa/ freekeh/ kamut/ farro) and at least…
  • thats also why i dont eat shop bought bread; the grains of wheat are milled very very fine so they are quickly broken down, i find that bread does not fill me up as an hour later i would just get hungry , and i only eat wholemeal also fruit whole has more fibre than drinks and the pasteurisation of smoothies in shops leads…
  • i LOVE peanut butter , i have at least 2-3 tablespoons a day, i have had a lot of problems as i have had so many days where would binge on peanut butter and eat the whole jar , and so many times of re-introducing it back into my diet to see if i can control it again, and now i finally feel able to have the willpower to not…
  • i have quite a few, i like stronger (what doesn't kill you)
  • bump, need to read this when i feel like going overboard
  • papaya , even water tastes better than it wheat bran on its own , yuck! pea protein powder mixed with water
  • just looked at a previous message, fitness blender is really good and is all free
  • hi, hope this response isnt a little too late :smile: i have all of Jillian's workout dvds (and i love them all) the ones that dont use weights are banish fat boost metabolism, yoga meltdown and inferno, and level 1 of six week six pack for the beginner. her yoga dvds are a good way of getting the same yoga stretching and…
  • same here, im at healthy weight with a bmi of 20.5 but i want to get lean so im eating a bit less and increasing the intensity of my workouts but my family are always criticising me and saying just eat normal foods, why are you buying organic for, you dont need to go that intense with your exercise, you should only…
  • [/quote] It may seem so, but then peanut butter comes out of left field and fills me with thousands of unnecessary calories (haha) [/quote] was that an insult to peanut butter?, i think im going to go outside for 5 minutes and count to ten and do some deep breathing and come back and i expect an apology for peanut butter
  • the smell of lard makes me want to throw up the taste of lard makes me want to throw up salt and vinegar crisps make me want to throw up the smell of all the monster munch flavours makes me want to throw up the ingredient list of black pudding makes me want to throw up mayonaise / ketchup / basically any one of those kind…
  • any help please???
  • eggs, lean sources of meat, nuts and seeds, greek yoghurt, cottage cheese, fish, even grains like quinoa, oats and wheat have protein, protein bars, protein powders, pea protein and hemp work really well in savoury foods and whey comes in all different flavours for a quick shake, tofu,
  • i cant really choose a favourite but heres my top five: bicycle crunches skipping press ups - loads of variations eg reptile press ups plank - actually this is probably my favourite as i have always been extremely competitive with this move, at boxing training when i was a kid and i was the only one there as everyone else…
  • i love watching the biggest loser, ive just finished (literately like 2 minutes ago) watching season 14 episode 5 , it is so motivational and keeps me going to know that I CAN DO THIS!!!
  • i do try to say no thanks or something polite but they keep persisting and then i have to keep persisting and then there (my family or relatives) are basically putting the piece of cake right in front of me or on my lap and i am just like "what?, i just said no" , i was brought up being force fed and made to think that you…
  • i dont eat anything after dinner because im really trying to control my cravings, i eat healthy but crave a lot of stuff outside of what i planned to eat for the day, for the past three days i feel amazing but im really battling now with that pic......no, im better than that..but it looks so good.....ok compromise you can…
  • make your own in bulk then individually wrap in foil or baking paper and put in the fridge/freezer depending on the texture you want, any simple ingredients will do and if you buy the ingredients in bulk you'll be saving loads of money, just mix oats, nut butter , protein powder and some brown rice malt , you could then…
  • i am SOOOO glad i read this post!!!!! there are certain foods that i eat everyday - usually more than once - and oats is definitely high on that list trailing just behind yoghurt, i have porridge every morning for breakfast and as an afternoon snack and then i stir in peanut butter and yoghurt and add fruit, but now that…
  • i cannot live without fat free greek yogurt it makes the basis of my breakfast and snack and a lot of my protein, i have a 500g pot everyday .....EVERYDAY!!! , i remember i went to tesco and they had run out so i was arguing with the guy that stacks the shelves for nearly 10 minutes
  • you should just eat whenever your hungry as this isn't the best indication for your macronutrient breakdown at the end of the day, i eat 4 meals a day roughly every 4 hours and each meals is around 500-600 calories and i burn 550-750 each day from exercise
  • 1200 minimum for net, your net calorie intake is too low and in the long term this is very unhealthy as your body would latch onto any food it can so losing weight would be harder. stick to something that you can manage for the rest of your life and something that is easier to maintain and enjoy to live a long happy life
  • definitely quality, i ALWAYS buy organic non processed, whole grain foods and always make my own stuff eg, pasta with organic wholegrain spelt flour, but generally i would go over my calorie goal but at least im providing my body with the right natural foods that would definitely be more beneficial in the long term for my…