Jillian Michaels Yoga Inferno/Meltdown?

I've been really curious about body weight training since I don't own and currently cannot afford weights or a gym membership but I really want to strengthen and tone my body along my weightless journey. (I only have 20lbs to lose and although I feel like its a lot because it's all in my midsection and makes me feel huge(my stomach mostly and then my hips and thighs and not really much anywhere else) I know that it really isn't much to lose technically speaking so I don't feel like I need to focus on losing all of the weight before I consider toning as well. I figure I could make it a 2-in-1 journey with losing weight and getting fit). Anyways, I have heard that yoga is great body weight exercise. I've been looking into Jillian Michaels Yoga videos (Yoga Meltdown and Yoga Inferno) and I was wondering if anyone has done either of these workouts and how effective you found them to be? Did you burn significant calories? Did it feel like an effective work out? Did it give you any noticeable results? Please share your experiences! And photos are always great encouragement and it's inspiring to actually see the results. Thanks in advance!


  • Bump? :)
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I haven't done them and am not a fan of JM. There are tons of yoga DVDs out there done by people with yoga instruction credentials. But if you really want reviews of those specific ones, you might look at Amazon or videofitness.com or collage video.

    If you're a JM fan, I'd try one of her circuit or non-yoga strength training videos. Don't get her kettlebell one, though.

    Or if you want free stuff instead, there's a lot online. I think people use fitnessblender a lot. It's good to not do the same thing every day, which is a pitfall of only owning a video or two.
  • amwoidyla
    amwoidyla Posts: 257 Member
    I have only done JM's yoga videos a few times and hated them! To me, it's not real yoga. It's not relaxing and it goes waaay to fast to really be able to get a handle on the poses. Granted I was getting a good sweat going, but when I want to do yoga I was to be able to focus on breathing, stretching, and chilling out.

    I do Les Mills BodyFlow/Balance at my gym, but I don't think they have an at home DVD or anything on youtube. Try doing some videos on youtube. I found a vinyasa channel that I love and I try to do about 20 minutes before I get ready for work in the morning.
  • Thanks guys!
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I have only done JM's yoga videos a few times and hated them! To me, it's not real yoga. It's not relaxing and it goes waaay to fast to really be able to get a handle on the poses. Granted I was getting a good sweat going, but when I want to do yoga I was to be able to focus on breathing, stretching, and chilling out.

    I do Les Mills BodyFlow/Balance at my gym, but I don't think they have an at home DVD or anything on youtube. Try doing some videos on youtube. I found a vinyasa channel that I love and I try to do about 20 minutes before I get ready for work in the morning.

    I was just gonna say this...it's a really stressful routine for "yoga", perhaps better called "circuit training".
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Yoga doesn't burn a huge amount of calories, but it is a body-weight exercise. You stretch, you get in touch w/ your body, you get some quiet time...

    I strongly suggest you go to a class. Good teachers will come around & correct your form verbally or (w/ your permission) by moving you. You can't get any of that from a DVD. Once you learn how the poses feel when done correctly, you can build a home practice.
  • I just tried it for the first time today. I actually like it, but I rather keep my body moving at a faster pace. I find regular yoga boring (unless I'm trying to relax). JM's videos are faster which keeps me interested. I'm able to relax & calm down at the end of her videos with just the stretching and that's enough for me, but everyone is different.
  • 3proud
    3proud Posts: 21 Member
    I have done all kinds of yoga for many years. But... I have never been into yoga for the "meditation" and have been mostly interested in flows and hot yoga. I actually enjoy the JM yoga meltdowns.I have found they have really helped with strength too. I alternate them with the shred videos for variety and a quick workout at home. These exercises don't give you major calorie burn but I find when losing weight, the lighter on the exercise I am, the faster I lose the weight while still creating muscle definition. I would say that you should have a basic background and taken some classes with an instructor before trying yoga at home.

    PS. I found them all on youtube except yoga meltdown level 2 which you can get on itunes (I have it on my phone so I can do it while traveling).
  • viauleomoon
    viauleomoon Posts: 8 Member
    Hi i am new on here but I chose JM yoga dvds and actually love it for the reasons other posters do not like it. It is not for relaxation at all. It does however cover a wide range of yoga moves with modifications. It is all using body weight except for Inferno level two when light weights are added. Im not there yet! I am working to lose 20-30 lbs and want to really tone and blast fat. If i stick to this i have no doubt I will get there combined w a healthy diet. Wish I could see before and after pics of inferno results..i need motivation.goodLuck!
  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    Jillian is not that good with her form, I would choose something else.
    But you can do great things with bodyweight, pushups and planks are damn hard.
  • bradXdale
    bradXdale Posts: 399
    If you can't afford a gym or much equipment look into these options:

    http://www.fitnessblender.com/v/full-length-workouts/ • Free - Online workout routines ranging from specific body parts to full body trainers to stretching, etc...anything you could want.

    http://www.amazon.com/Jillian-Michaels-30-Day-Shred/dp/B00127RAJY • Jillian Michael 30DS - Will give you better results than just her Yoga stuff, if you don't have weights you can get two gallon jugs & fill them up with water which will be around 4-5lbs or you can use bigger 16oz canned goods which are about 1-1.5lbs.

    http://mashable.com/2013/01/21/youtube-fitness-videos/ • A link to 10 YouTube Fitness Channels

    http://www.dailyhiit.com/ • Workout vids

    http://www.beachbody.com/ • LOTS of great programs, they average around $130 a program but they work. I would suggest P90X3 or Focus T25, its great for beginners or fitness gurus looking to get in shape

    http://dailyburn.com • Subscription based (around $10 a month) daily workout videos & routines that you can follow along with.

    ALSO if you have a SmartPhone there are PLENTIFUL amounts of free fitness training apps.

    Putting on your shoes & jogging around your neighborhood is always free. Jumping jacks, push-ups, situps, squats, lunges, burpees, etc...those are free too and require nothing but your body & mother earth.
  • viauleomoon
    viauleomoon Posts: 8 Member
    I agree about her form. Jm is not flexible at all either. But again, i like the fast pace and i am flexible and watch the other girls more ZAlso forgot to add in my op that i have treadmill I use too..to boost calorie burn.
  • timboman365
    timboman365 Posts: 19 Member
    I did part 1 of Jillian's yoga inferno twice and burned over 400 calories. If you want good incentive look up DDP yoga and check out the video with Arthur. I paid $10.00 for the Jillian Michaels version at Walmart rather than shelling out $70.00 for the DDP yoga program. Neither of these DVDs are intended to be relaxing or stress proper form but bthe key is you will feel a difference. Jillian doesn't come off as strict as her other DVDs and is very encouraging knowing most of us have never taken a formal yoga class.
  • Shenanagins85
    Shenanagins85 Posts: 116 Member
    Good to know she stinks at yoga, I wont buy it.
  • mixtapes23
    mixtapes23 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi i am new on here but I chose JM yoga dvds and actually love it for the reasons other posters do not like it. It is not for relaxation at all. It does however cover a wide range of yoga moves with modifications.

    Same here! I know a lot of people like to relax with yoga which is all well and good, but I work up a decent sweat with JM Yoga Meltdown and I use a lot of muscles I guess I don't normally use. It involves a warm-up and cool-down, but I like the burn =) it makes me feel accomplished after a workout.
  • She's not flexible, yeah. But I do like the No More Trouble Zones. That's free online but I totally threw up during that workout today. :/
  • 1FearlessFighter
    1FearlessFighter Posts: 114 Member
    hi, hope this response isnt a little too late :smile:
    i have all of Jillian's workout dvds (and i love them all) the ones that dont use weights are banish fat boost metabolism, yoga meltdown and inferno, and level 1 of six week six pack for the beginner. her yoga dvds are a good way of getting the same yoga stretching and strengthening benefits whilst moving a bit more so its more like a workout -so you get the best of both worlds.

    if you want to do yoga really properly you can but one of shiva rea's yoga dvds as she ha overs 25 years of yoga experience and teaching , another good one is bob harpers yoga for the warrior
  • 1FearlessFighter
    1FearlessFighter Posts: 114 Member
    just looked at a previous message, fitness blender is really good and is all free