jukemaster Member


  • I remember meeting a Brazilian dude at a bar a number of years ago. He asked my buddy, "What you think Brazil's favorite heavy metal band?" My buddy said with a snarkey tone, "I don't know... Metallica." The guy, holding a fist up and flexing his arm, "SEPULTURA!!" How my buddy missed the right answer is beyond me, but…
  • It took me a very long time to get push-ups. Do the modified push-ups that Jo describes. I used to do push-ups with my knees on the ground for ages and I never got anywhere. I think the knee push-up is why I never made any progress. Started working off the wall, then a counter, then a chair, and now I'm finally able to do…
  • Coke, the kosher kind or the stuff from Mexico always wins for me (both use sugar versus HFCS). But I drink soda at all maybe once or twice a year.
  • Sometimes we slide off the path. It feels terrible, but we can't let it consume us. So you did bad the past weak. Does that mean you can't do good next week, the week after, or ever again? Nope. You've done awesome thus far. Keep pushing forward and be healthy with your body and your mind. If you slip up, don't beat…
  • My wife and I are hitting the 6 month mark (not counting on-ramp) and things are now noticeable. Others started to see a change around the 4 month's point, but we didn't really notice it ourselves because we see each other daily. But even now we can look at each other and start to see a difference. Plus, I've lost a few…
  • You can actually store ghee at room temperature for about 6 months provided it's stored in an airtight container. Although, this might not be the case if you don't have AC running during the hot months. I play by this rule: if the house is cool enough to keep coconut oil somewhat solid, the ghee is safe out of the fridge.…
    in Ghee Comment by jukemaster August 2012
  • Woah, you just blew my mind. I never made the connection about my dietary shift to my hair. My stylist is generally amazed at how my hair has been over the past six months. To be honest, it's actually become much easier to manager my curly hair after switching to primal to the point where I don't get super short short cuts…
  • IF is just going to happen at some point. From my experience, IF happens at the start of a Paleo/Primal transition because I'm probably eating an appropriate amount of nutritious food and the body just isn't craving some sort of missing vitamin, mineral, or even a sugar. But as I understand it, the body is still looking…
  • If you're trying to get have individual spears wrapped in bacon, you can secure things with toothpicks, but I find that to be inefficient. To really make things easy, get two or three thin skewers (the bamboo kind work great), then make a raft out of the wrapped asparagus, leaving a tiny bit of space between each one so…
  • I usually try to keep pushing things over the summer, but the heat and humidity in Cleveland can get killer in August. I usually start running later in the evenings, after dark when it's cooler. The early mornings usually have the coolest temps in my area, but I'm not a morning person. If I have to go out in the sun, I'll…
  • Awesome!! I used to run half marathons, but then I had a knee injury and I'm excited when I can get two or three miles in at any pace (I'm super slow right now). It made me realize that the goal isn't to compete against others, it's to improve yourself. Maybe the speed and distance of other runners can provide motivation,…
  • If you're losing clothing sizes and inches, then I wouldn't worry about the weight. It might mean you're gaining muscle as you lose fat. Have your body fat checked, or get an Omron handheld bodyfat scanner. Check it monthly with your weight and your measurements. As long as your body fat is going down, you're doing it…
  • You probably need some recovery sustenance immediately after the workout. Alternatively, you might not be eating in a way that supports your body's needs. I hear the beach body recovery stuff strikerjb007 reccomends is pretty good. I actually make my own recovery shakes using berries, sugar free nuts/seed butter, protein…
  • This! I was just the same, but as I committed to getting rid of processed food, and I started to actually eat more veggies and fruits, I started to actually like them. I'm still not completely paleo, but I have a ton of veggies in my diet now and I love it.
    in I'm new! Comment by jukemaster May 2012
  • Don't drink a protein shake alone as a meal replacement unless you're getting plenty of nutrition from your other meals a day. If not eating like Mercenary1914 describes, then you'll be doing more harm than good. You may even be getting into a starvation diet, which isn't going to help at all. But if you're eating like…
  • Oh, well in that case chicken really is your only option. Unless you want to fool around with TVP and other vegetarian fake meats.
    in Seafood Comment by jukemaster April 2012
  • Do you sometimes verbally communicate sentences in a way that some people don't understand? Or maybe you sometimes know what you want to say but the words aren't coming out right, or you don't even notice that the words aren't coming out right? What you describe reminds me of aphasia, which can occur in PTSD where the…
  • Are you allergic to all seafood, or just a certain type, like fish, shellfish, what have you?
    in Seafood Comment by jukemaster April 2012
  • It really depends on whether you're trying to just track calories or if you want data to use in increasing your performance. I use GPS and HRM to understand my burn and to also understand my weak spots under various conditions. GPS: Awesome if you run/cycle a lot and want to track your performance at various distances and…
  • Bump. Anyone? The data I've read on PubMed seems to say Glucosamine is great stuff, but there also seems to be a lot of responses to these studies that suggest it's no better than a placebo.
  • I like the plain old ultra speed ropes. http://www.roguefitness.com/ultra-speed-cable-jump-ropes.php. I suck at double unders, but this rope seems to work for me and I'm able to do much better when using a rope I cut to my own height. With that said, a boxer friend of mine swears by the Buddy Lee Aero Speed Jump Rope. The…
  • Skip a binder. Unless you're drinking your smoothie at an incredibly slow rate and in a cup that you can't shake, you don't need it. If you drink slow, get a blender bottle and you'll always be able to keep it well mixed. Just change your water levels to get your desired thickness. You can also freeze some of your fruits…
  • P90X or Insanity. I like Insanity more, but some folks who do it seem to think you have to push yourself to the brink. Push yourself to what you're body can do without getting injured--this goes for any exercise routine. If you feel sore or tired, then it's working, if you feel in pain, like you're knee or your ankle just…
  • Not rude at all. If someone comments that you're too skinny, then say you're eating this food to be healthy, not skinny. There's a difference. As someone who did a lot of work in wellness, company means are some of the worst offenders in contributing to unhealthy employees. Try to get a lunch and learn setup with a…
  • Any exercise is better than none, but what you cram into that half hour is what will matter most. If you just walk the treadmill for 30 mins, you're not going to get the same return as you might get out of a 30 min HIIT workout. It also depends on your goals and your current physical state. If you can't physically do more…
  • I have to agree with the previous posters. Tabata, HIIT, and resistance bands are all good things to do when you're away. It'll be more than enough for the two weeks time.
  • Something that mixes cardio and strength in each session and isn't the same every day. If I were going it alone, I would model my training after boxers' workouts.
  • Don't put too much stock in your dreams--they might not be telling you anything. We don't know exactly why dreams exist, but some theorize that dreams are a means to keep you on your toes and react quickly based on what we learned from past events. apparently, sometimes that includes sexy dreams. It happens and it's…
  • I swear you just described my wife. My emotional eating is very different, but I do get the drug addict element. When I have a really off day, I feel like I need a heroin fix or something. My wife and I had to make very major changes in our lives to get over some of our issues with food. She still struggles with some…
  • I've done gyms, gyms with trainers, and at-home exercise. Nothing compares to CrossFit. The classes provide for great motivation and personal assistance far above anything else available. It seems like a lot, but pull that money from somewhere else in your budget (assuming you try it and decide you want to pursue it).