

  • I ...hate ... plain .... water lol I have been making gallon jugs of different flavored packets of unsweetened kool aid using 3/4 cup spelnda (you can use the 1 cup I just don't like it super sweet) this is 0 calories...then to switch it up make a sprizter out of them Use a clear diet soda such as 7 up, sprite etc....and…
  • I use a kitchen scale to get my exact amounts and takes all the guess work out of it...much easier for me...but yes, 4 oz is the size of a deck of cards...also a "serving" is about the size of the palm of your hand. Hope this helps.
  • If your knees are popping like that regardless of if they hurt or not you may want to have that checked out first before going ahead with the squats.
  • Good Morning, Actually doing squats properly happens to be one of the most effective types of exercise for the body and most people aren't even aware of that. They actually work the entire body as well as tone hard areas for us women to get results in, butt, hips, thighs etc...they tend to work even better if you use some…
  • I live in a small place and I use Leslie Sansone's DVD's Walk Away The Pounds
  • Thanks I used the Smart Taste, appreciate your posting :-) have a great day.
  • I am very glad to hear you rode out that plateau....i know those can be discouraging and yet you hung in there. CONGRATS
  • I had lost 140 pounds and like you never really said anything. When people started noticing and ask if I was on a diet I just told them no because in my eyes I am not. I eat pretty much the same stuff but in moderation with a few tweaks here and there. I don't say "I can't eat that" I either can but smaller amounts OR…
  • You look great! I bet you feel great too :-) keep up the awesome work!
  • Not only do you look great I bet you feel great too.....congrats and keep up the awesome work!
  • Congrats on the new clothes!! 7 years ago (when I was 26/28) I used to shop at Lane Bryant...went in one day (after losing weight) and the lady at the counter (who knew me over the years) said "Jamie, I don't have anything to fit you anymore. Head downstairs to NY and CO OUR sister store and shop" I looked at her like WHOA…
  • That is so wonderful!! I used to weight 275 and dropped 140 pounds and the first time I sat in a theater seat and whoosed right in....I shouted OMG I FIT IN THE SEAT...everyone looked at me like I was insane lmao....I understand how you're feeling...say it loud and say it proud and as the numbers go down you'll be giddy as…
  • Well, there are a few things you can do.....I have lost 140 pounds here are some things I've done. Plan before you go....lets say you are going to the Olive Garden, go online look at the menu and then look them up in the database (not every place is listed however) .... in some cases if you go out you can order grilled…
  • I agree with this all the way.
  • I use the 5 Mile Fat Burning DVD by Leslie and love it!
  • Great article and informative..thanks
  • Sooooooooo exciting!! Have your feet hit the ground yet? :-) WTG
  • A couple of things to consider.....were your muscles stretched out properly before your exercise (running) and the other I can think of is possible dehydration ... if the pain persists you may want to run it by your doctor to make sure there is no tearing or anything else going on.
  • Hi there! We don't see what other people see. I lost 140 pounds went down to a size 4/6 from a size 26/28 and I STILL thought I looked fat. The longer you are overweight the more head games your mind plays on you. The best way I can help you is for you to take photos of yourself and compare them to an old photo at your…
  • Everything helps, everything however you do not go into fat burning mode until 20 min of consecutive movement.....I worked with an exercise physiologist for 2 years as I was taking off 140 pounds and learned a lot about it. I hope this helps. Also in order to not burn your proteins and muscle eating carbs prior to a good…
  • Muscle weighs more than fat that's why....your muscles become heavier as they tone and you NEVER weigh yourself after exercise. It all levels out once the muscles are toned.
  • After waking up. It is a known fact if you weigh yourself after your workout your weight will not be accurate...you will be heavier because the muscles are in "recovery" and are heavy at that point.
  • You're not alone. Many just don't admit it. I was actually diagnosed with a binge eating disorder...I've been this way since 6 years old....I often wake up thinking of food and falling asleep thinking about food....it can be tough sometimes.
  • That sounds wonderful, do you have the recipe to share?
  • I know right? I keep looking for LIKE buttons too lol
  • YAY girl we're gonna do this together! HUGS
  • I have initially lost 140 pounds (working on losing 40 gained back) and held it off for 7 years and I learned by working with an exercise physciologist (sp) that eating before working out is very important. It is also important to eat something with carbs in it prior to working out such as oatmeal for instance. When you…
  • Good for you!! I used to weigh 285 and lost weight and kept it off for 7 years (went down to 145) so you can do it! I am here now because I have Fibromyalgia and have gained 40 pds back so needed some help in getting back on track before it gets out of hand. You go go GO! (((Hugs)))