mrzmami88 Member


  • thanks a lot I will definitely look into those places! and i'll look up negative pull ups too!
  • what would u suggest for the "back fat/ side boob fat" areas? lol as a woman with 2 kids these areas (aside from my stomach) are terrible! and I have no clue what to do. I have no equipment and right now cant afford a gym membership. there is an outdoor "gym" space at a park here that has low bar and pull up bar but i dont…
  • i guess when the numbers on the sugar go red on mthe bottom of my food diary i freak out lol.
    in help! Comment by mrzmami88 July 2014
  • Thanks!
    in help! Comment by mrzmami88 July 2014
  • Im on a 1200 calorie diet and been finding it hard to get up to that much. Maybe I just need to slighlty increase my portions? But I feel good. I do notice when I feel hungry its when my cals r super low. Im only 4'11 so even though I can binge and throw down some food (I usually feel sick if I over eat), if im just eating…
  • awesome! I look on youtube ALOT! I just feel there are SO many videos, I get overwhelmed!
  • but id say get as close to 1200 as you can every day, dont go crazy counting calories.... i hope i dont! and congrats on ur weightloss so far!
  • im afraid of that now too! I logged my food today, and although im not hungry, I didnt eat 1200 calories. I'm going to go for good calories by adding another "snack" during the day, lol, and eat some more veggies with ranch (my fav) or instead of plain yogurt, ill add some special K granola to it. maybe drink some more…
  • Thanks! I'm going to stick with MFP. I joined a while back, but all the logging is just so time consuming, but I have to do something to track my progress and make sure I stay on track! Congrats on almost meeting your goal! U will be there soon!
  • also u need to start eating. and eat healthy. if u dont eat meat u need to eat foods high in protein and probably take a vitamin supplement.
  • ask your PCP about a dietrician or google some in your area. I, myself, want (but most likely wont) go on a low calorie diet like I had originally planned. its just not good for u at all.
  • why dont you cut back on your cardio but keep at it just because it is a good workout for your whole body inside and out.
  • I think my food choices are healthy. lean meats and fish. leafy greens and fruit. whole grain/wheat rice and bread. I'l be sure to balance by meals out so I dont go over what MFP has mapped out for me on my daily intake for each area (sugar, carb, protein)
  • I don't want to deprive myself of any nutrients or anything. It's just been a very long hard road for me as far as my weight goes. I've dieted (healthily) and gone to gyms and work out and the ONLY time ive lost a significant amount of weight was when I did this stupid no carb diet but my body wasn't toning bc of the…
  • i love swimming! about how many pound for free weights? for should I start low and work up?
  • I hear u! I am pretty active without including exercise weekends! Also my weakness is weekends and wine! Lol im really only counting m-f f my actual "diet days" bc most weekends i eat what I want (I dont binge by any means) but pizza,r burgers and dogs, bbq ribs. But i do my best to include salads in my meals and use…
  • And I honestly dont plan to do it strictly 1000 a day, most days will definitely be in the 1200 range. MFP put me at a 1200 calorie intake to meet my goal, so I thought to speed it up a little, some days id lessen my intake.
  • Eeeeerk I guess I never really thought of it that way! I did this before but in a very unhealthy way, lost 10lbs in like 3 weeks, but I was hardly eating and was exercising 1-2 hours a day 5 days a week. I figured if I kept my calorie intake between 1000-1200 a day (probably closer to 1200 than not) but did it smarter by…