chandraminick Member


  • If I remember correctly, I never did more than 45 minutes of cardio without eating because of catabolism and anabolism (right now I can't remember which is breaking down and which is building), but I didn't want to use up muscle in doing cardio after my energy stores were depleated. I also ate gala apples before the shred,…
  • I forgot to say one of the most important things. You need to get a digital scale that measures in both grams and ounces, and you need to record all of this food in My Fitness Pal food diary. Then you know exactly how much stuff to put in your smoothies. The next day you don't need to enter all that stuff again becayse you…
  • I avoided cooking because it only fueled my appetite. I didn't keep other food in the house, and even cleaned out all the crap before I started eating this way. I started going to the food banks after everyone had wiped out all the processed foods and junk food. They leave yhe veggies, and they just gey thrown out. I would…
  • Well, as I said before, this may not sound appetizing or fun, bit it did work. My maintenance calories are about 1700 a day, so I cut them to 1200 a day so that in seven days I would cut 3500 calories a week which equals one pound. Some days I ate between 1200 and 1600 because I worked out doing the 30 Day Shred which…
  • I'll post it tonight after I get it off work
  • Chocolater Protein powder smoothie with raw/frozen veggies=no cooking, no prep, no dishes
  • I like a digital scale because they are easy to read. If you get a digital one for food, get the one that measures in both grams and ounces. I found the biggest loser digital scale in the thrift store and absolutely love it. It is on eBay too.
  • There were days before that I didn't feel like doing it at all. I just started the DVD, and did it at a modified pace. I was into it by the time it was over, and totally relieved that I did not skip a day even though I didn't go at it like a maniac. Its ridiculous to think that anyone could do that on every workout, so I…
  • IHOP is one of my weaknesses just because of cream cheese stuffed French toast, but its not the only food I crave; so, I guess I can get over it too with practice.
  • I passed on the whole bakery section while grocery shopping this morning. It wasn't that there wasn't anything there that I haven't always liked, but the fact that there wasn't a single soft cookie that I wanted. Sure wasn't going to eat four bucks worth of cookies, so I passed altogether and went for a small package of…
  • L1D2 shredded! Pecs were a little sore going into day two with only 3 lb weights, and those lunges. Cardio is a killer, but so is being weak.
  • L1D2 Shredded!
  • I don't have a brand, but I use a digital scale for both food and body weight.
  • I, too, would like to stick to it indefinitely. I think it would be a good maintenance program.
  • Well done! Now you have a reference point to measure progress.
  • Your ability to keep the weight off for so many years inspires me.
  • Much modifying going on in my house today.
  • What's funny is that it is so hard to lose a lot of weight that by the time you actually do lose a lot, you sometimes think that you got things licked, so you get cocky and lazy not realizing that is what got you into trouble in the first place. Then, before you know it, you have gained a bunch back because you haven't had…
  • Jumping jacks are boring! I used to get bored of running in place and doing them, so I would do them through the house during that part of the DVD. It is just cardio, so you could do something similar, or just do all the cardio in a different order. Jumping rope used to kill my legs, so I would do it first to get it over…
  • It is okay if you skip a day because when you look at it in the long run, you have to miss a day now and then we you have decided to work out for the rest of your life.
  • I also passed on a homemade cookie I saw at Java Express when I got my coffee on the trip home.
  • We went for a day trip to my hometown just to get a change of perspective this weekend. We have been avoiding going out to eat. We went to a local diner that used to be good. I ordered a chicken fried steak with cream gravy, hash browns, scrambled eggs and wheat toast. The chicken fried steak was greasy as Hell, the gravy…
  • You do each level for ten days, or whatever YOU want to do. For the first thirty days, I like to do each level for ten days. When I ho beyond that, I will do each level for a week, and then do each level for three days to equal thirty.
  • "Aim, Seek, Pursue"
  • This week I was successful at sticking to my meal plan. I only ate out once this week, and avoided fast food all together. It was a single trip through a Chinese buffet without desert. Ha ha, and I almost forgot one of the most important ones. This week I deleted games from my phone and left the dating site so that I would…
  • Ya, the shred doesn't really burn that many calories per session, but the benefits that I found that I got out of it other than the weight loss were well worth the pain and effort that I have put into the program. The fitness level that it will raise you to if you stick it out is so beneficial.
  • Any veggie that can be ground up raw and considered healthy and disquised by chocolate protein powder and banana is fair game.
  • When I am at home, I am eating smoothies. I try to limit my fruit in those. A typical smoothie consists of water, small banana, frozen blueberries and chocolate protein powder. The optional items that I load onto these is probably unappetizing to most but.....kale or spinach, frozen squash puree, raw yellow squash or…
  • I am a parts runner for an automotive store, and I do see my coworkers eating chips, pop, candy and processed foods all day, but I have a plan in effect. I have bottled water and cans of chicken in my locker. I pour the water off the chicken and eat those for lunch. I have been taking cherry tomatoes, baby carrots, sliced…
  • I will probably have to post this conversation in segments because my SIMM card is messing up, and disconnecting me from MFP periodically. I am single, and don't have any kids a home, so I don't have the same challenges as a lot of other members pertaining to having to cook for family members and avoiding the temptations…