BmrSnrAlly Member


  • It may be caused by diastasis recti. Have you assessed yourself, or been assessed for this? While it can't always be healed completely, there are exercises that can help to tighten the connective tissue between the abs as you work to rebuild your core and pelvic floor. Even at 14 years pp, if you've never focused on these…
  • My LO is 4months now. I'd like to lose 15 lbs or so more. Mostly I want to focus on regaining muscle mass and core strength so that I tighten back up again. I think about half of that weight loss will come as I just get back into shape in general, but I suspect that the last 5 or so will be harder to lose. I used to lift…
  • I think the same still applies. It might be good to re-evaluate now though if that would still be your triceps. When I got to Phase 2 I felt like my weakest area (shoulders) had really caught up quite a bit!
  • 2FatToRun is right. Below is a link to a forum post that give some good guidance on how to personalize your settings.. As far as the fat goal goes, your body's requirement should really be derived from your lean muscle mass, which MFP would not…
  • Hey guys. I'm new to this posting thing, but a few minutes ago I posted on a topic called "Sugar Addict" with a few things that are helping me, slowly but surely, kick the sugar habit! Maybe they will be helpful to some of you in your no sugar challenge!
  • I too have had a very hard time with sugar! It felt impossible to pass up on the cupcakes in the office, or the cheesecake after dinner, or the ice cream ANY time of day! ha I have started making baked goods with stevia and xylitol as well as oat flour as opposed to regular flour, and adding in protein. They're actually…