lizzyheath09 Member


  • I have the Lexa SLX and LOVE LOVE LOVE it!
  • I make hot pumpkin oatmeal for breakfast all the time. I use lots of cinnamon, a tiny bit of brown sugar, and pumpkin pie spice. I will definitely have to try using vanilla protein powder. YUM!
  • Thanks for the catch.. Not sure how I could have managed such an odd fraction, haha. 1 1/4 cup white sugar and 3/4 cup brown sugar. Sorry!
  • This looks absolutely AMAZING!
  • You will have a BLAST. We are "Nut up or Shut up" again this year and that name seems to fit with Ragnar legs. I am planning on taking the Runner 12 slot this year. I recommend running at night and in a more rural setting before the race. You should run at least once with all of your reflective gear, headlamp, etc. before…
  • I'm doing Ragnar TN in Novemember. Did it last year and had a BLAST! What's your teams name??
  • Sounds like IT Band Syndrome to me. Battled with that last year and it resolved with stretching and switching to interval training for a few weeks. Good luck! But DON'T try to run through the pain.
  • Great job getting out there when you didn't really want to! My husband made me go for a bike ride this morning since I can't run. We did 9 miles. It was so hot and miserable at times but I know it is better cardio-wise than just sitting on my butt. Hopefully this hip will heal soon. 1/2 Marathon in October is creeping up!
  • Where is this cornbread recipe?? AND will you share the chip recipe please?!
  • I am also maintaining! In my opinion, this part is the hardest! I lost 60-70lbs after high school and have been working hard to keep it off for the past 7 years! I have fluctuated a lot but am really glad that I found this site. Weight Watchers is an excellent plan and it helped me shred some weight I had gained during one…
  • What is a compression sleeve?? *Found out that my left leg (injured hip) is 3cm longer than my right. :noway: I now wear a lift in my running shoe and in the shoes I wear to work. PT hasn't given me a time line but is making me run a couple times a week. I usually don't go over 3 miles and the lift in my shoe seems to be…
  • I guess I didn't say what the Physical Therapist said.. :) He believes it may just be an overuse injury. Possibly some tendonitis since I haven't had any relief yet. Also, we realized today that my left leg is 2cm longer so he made an insert for my right shoe to help put me back in balance. Any advice is greatly…
  • Found this thread and have a few questions... I ran my first half marathon on May 1st (Flying Pig in Cincy) and have injured my left hip flexor. I haven't been for a decent run since. I just started PT without seeing a physician first. I guess my questions are: Have any of you had hip flexor injuries?? If so, how long did…
  • I have not yet figured out a way to set them manually. I did it once before when I started using the site but can't remember where it is!
  • My BMR states that I should eat 1226 each day... I guess my issue is walking that fine line between eating too much and eating too little. I originally starting using this program to track my calories while training for a half marathon because I noticed I was losing a LOT of weight quickly and didn't want to lose too much.…
  • I have a Garmin GPS watch that I use when I run/ride. It has a HR monitor with it and I have only used it once, while lying in bed just to see how low my HR really gets (49bpm). Haha. I say if you can find an inexpensive one.. go for it if you want one.