flipchickmc Member


  • Here's my most recent update - going off of doc's scale at my OB appts. Few points to remember, only about 3 month post-partum when I found out I was PG again (did not lose baby weight from before). Following GD diet since 25wks. 6wks 3 days: 0 10wks 6 days: -1 15wks 6 days: +6 20wks: +7 25wks 1 day: +15 (huge jump also…
  • I'm 31wks3days. So far I've gained 11lbs total BUT I was only 3 months post-partum when I found out I was PG again so I did not lose all the baby weight from before. Found out I had gestational diabetes around 25wks and changed my diet completely. My diet used to consist of fast food, sodas, fruit juice, anything and…
  • Hey ladies! Not much going on here - 31wks2days and counting! Things are going well with the GD. I'm up 11lbs total from my 1st OB appt. I haven't done real exercising in FOREVER since I've basically been PG for 2 years straight. I hope to get back into the swing of things once baby is born and I get the clear from my doc.…
  • I wasn't keeping track of my pre-pg weight because I was only 3months post-partum when I found out I was PG again and hadn't lost all that I gained last time around. So, I'm going by my weigh-in at my 1st doc appt. 6wks 3 days: 0 10wks 6 days: -1 15wks 6 days: +6 20wks: +7 25wks 1 day: +15 (huge jump also found out I had…
  • Congratulations! My daughter was only 3 months old when I found out I was PG again so I never got to my pre-pg weight before this one came along.
  • Hi, I'm Michele and I'm due Oct. 23rd and we're expecting our 3rd GIRL :)
  • I found out I had GD after I failed both my 1hr & 3hr glucose test. This is my 3rd PG and I didn't have GD with my other two. I also test 4/day every day. But after my 2 week follow-up with the Diabetes Nurse, my numbers were so good that she said I only had to check twice a week. But I've decided to continue to test 4/day…
  • I'm 30wks today and my MFP is set to gain 1/2 week at 2130/cal day. I'm sometimes over/under by 100+ calories. I have Gestational Diabetes but it's controlled thru diet. So I have to make sure I'm eating healthy calories and the right amount of carbs for each meal/snack.
  • Not to freak you out or anything but I was extremely thirsty with this PG and like you found myself drinking tons of water, leaving a water bottle on the night stand, waking up to a dry throat, going to the bathroom constantly, especially during the night. Which left me extremely tired during the day. Well, I later found…
  • My youngest daughter was only 3 months old when I found out I was PG and I had not lost all the baby weight from before. PLUS, I was overweight to begin with. From my 1st OB Appt at 6wks3day up to my 20wk appt I had gained a total 7lbs. Between my 20wk and 25wk appt I gained another 8lbs. Doc was concerned with my weight…
  • This is my 3rd PG and I've been having them since around 20wks - maybe even a couple weeks before. I remember at my 20wk u/s they couldn't get a good view of my cervix because I kept having contractions throughout the exam. I have them several times throughout the day (I'm currently 29wks).
  • Hey everyone! I'm 29wks today and had a great OB appt. My gestational diabetes is totally under control thru diet alone and my numbers have been great! Doc labeled me her "rock star" patient. I actually lost 5lbs from my last appointment because prior to finding out I had GD, I was eating anything and everything! I'm…
  • If you're covered under FMLA, then you are allowed to take those 12weeks off and your job is protected while you are on leave. I'm going to take at least 10 weeks off and thinking about maybe even taking the full 12weeks. My employer offers 5 weeks maternity leave for a normal delivery and 8 weeks off for c-section. I will…
  • Hello mother2faith! Welcome to MFP. It's a great resource. CONGRATS on #5 and kudos to you for keeping him/her a surprise. I would not be able to do that. :)
  • Lainn - Good luck with you GD test today. Hope it turns out well. Sorry about being robbed. Last year when I was about 35wks PG, our house got broken into. When I reached our home, the police were there and had their guns drawn out. I swear I could've gone into labor at the sight of everything. The thieves (juveniles in…
  • I have a couple from Target.
  • That's great! I can't wait to meet with my nutritionist and get on a plan that's right for me. Right now I'm just going off what I've researched on-line and what other friends with GD have done. Are you also on insulin? Or are you controlling with diet alone?
  • At my 20wk appt I had only gained a total of 7lbs BUT at my 25wk appt I managed to gain another 8lbs in only 5 wks. My doctor was really concerned and told me to cut out fruit juice, sodas, junk food, potato chips, sodium, etc. I also took my 1-hr Glucose that day and 3-hr Glucose test 2 days later and failed both. I…
  • Hello October Mommies! I'm currently 26wks PG with our 3rd girl :) and she's due Oct. 23rd. My oldest daughter is 6yo and my youngest daughter is only 9 months old! So, the two little ones will be only 1 year and a couple weeks apart. Both were delivered via C-section and this one will be as well. Decided to get back on…
  • Welcome tigerv68! I just got back on the boards a couple days ago. Choco - have a good time and enjoy your extra long weekend. Yesterday, I did the treadmill during my lunch break and then did JM's 30DS when I got home again. I am SO SORE! My muscles are aching. I had good intentions of waking up early and working out but…
  • L1D2 completed last nite and 220cals burned. My muscles were aching during (killing me at the moment) so I didn't push myself as hard. I was supposed to wake up early and to day 3 but I'm so sore all over I just couldn't get out of bed. Tonight I have meetings after work so I won't be able to work out today - guess I'll…
  • Yesterday was a good first day: got back on myfitnesspal, joined a couple threads here, worked out during my lunch break, did JM's 30DS when I got home and was under in my calorie intake. Now I've just got to keep plugging along!!
  • Ok, L1D1 completed last night as planned. I forgot just how much JM kicks my butt. I was dying at times but stuck with it. According to my HRM, I burned 261cals - so I'll take it!
  • Thanks jam0525! Yes, need to post more often cuz I really need the motivation and support!
  • Thanks for the welcome! Looking forward to Shredding with all of you cuz desperately need the support & motivation!
  • I'm going to start this again tonight when I get home. I've done 30DS before and was able to lose 10+lbs (also did hot yoga, weights, etc at the same time). I fell off the exercising and watching what I ate bandwagon Sept of 2010. But it's a New Year and new goals cuz the weight has been packing back on and that's no…
  • Hi Everyone! I fell off the band-wagon completely around Sept. 2010. Gained 5.5lbs in the process so I'm back to starting all over again with exercising and logging my calorie intake, etc. I remember some of your names here from when I posted (although sporatically) in the past. Nice to see those tickers winding down!…
  • I got my Polar F6 last year and I love it!
    in HRM! Comment by flipchickmc July 2010
  • Hey Ladies! I joined in April but fell off the exercise wagon for 2 months! UGH! And the scale does not lie so I got my butt in gear at the end of June and am hoping to stay on track all summer. According to my HRM, I worked out 6 times, time spent working out: 5 hrs 13min and 2263cals burned. I'm doing hot yoga 3-4/wk, 30…
  • I had to skip yesterday because I went to my 90min hot yoga class in the AM and was intending to Shred after wards but I was running out of time. Had to get ready for a wedding. Today I burned 216cals, 213cals on the 1st day. I may do this again later so I can catch up on days. I forgot how quick this workout was - one of…