Fit & Fun Sized Group ~ January 11



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,982 Member
    :sad: :bigsmile: Choco, reading about your arthritis pain raises my admiration for you even higher that you can exercise in spite of the pain....I've been hearing about the ice in Georgia....that storm would be awful anywhere not just in the south

    :flowerforyou: JAM, I knew that you would be sad about the Saints losing.....on the ferry there was a woman in a Saints shirt on the ferry looking very sad and I felt so bad for her in the midst of all the Seattle joy

    :flowerforyou: our road was icy today so I had hubby drive the dogs and me to the dog park and leave us there while he ran some was a perfect solution for all of us....I got my walk, the dogs got to play, and hubby got to do his errands and didn't have to walk in the cold.

    :flowerforyou: because of the ice I stayed indoors and did a lot of walking, jogging, and dancing in the house. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    Exercise goals this week:

    JAN 8 -Sat-JILLIAN MICHAELS CARDIO KICKBOX AND WALK @ LEAST 5000 STEPS - the video not done - 4089

    JAN 9 -Sun-JILLIAN MICHAELS VIDEO FORGOT THE NAME, WALK @ LEAST 5000 STEP, GEORGE WALK N BOX - the videos not done yet - 4196

    JAN 10 -Mon-JILLIAN MICHAELS CARDIO KICKBOX, WALK @ LEAST 5000 STEPS, @ JMS VIDEO (FORGOT THE NAME) the videos not done yet - 4134

    JAN 11 -Tues-JILLIAN MICHAELS VIDEO FORGOT THE NAME, WALK @ LEAST 5000 STEPS, @ GEORGE WALK N BOX - the vids not done yet - 14383




    Nutritional goals this week:



    -Log all food every day.

    -Drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday.

    -Stay between 1200 - 1500 calories everyday

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon all! Georgia is still in a state of Emergency and as a result I did not have to work today......Yippee....Yippee....Yippee. However, the Dept. of Transportation has yet to come to my neigbhor to put salt/sand down and as a result my entire subdivision is a sheet of ice. I have a long driveway that is completely ice.

    Today, I completed the Fire 45 EZ (500 calories) dvd from the Turbo Fire program and Ab Ripper X (100 calories) from the P90X program. Once the workout was completed I decided to tackle the driveway. Since I have not had to salt/sand or shovel my driveway in the 10 years that I've resided in GA I decided to wear my HRM to see how many calories I burned taking on this task. I only made it 45 minutes shovelling before I called it a day and I'M NO WAY near being done but I burned (300 calories) in the process. I usually don't count household tasks as my part of my workout but I did today because as i stated I NEVER shovel and i can feel it in every part of my body...
  • babygurl1
    babygurl1 Posts: 196 Member
    Awesome job Choco!! We have snow here too..not a whole bunch like you 3-4 inches I think so I am still driving to work and walking my 3 blocks in the cold. However holding off on training for a couple of days. Hope everyone else is doing well:flowerforyou:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Awesome job Choco!! We have snow here too..not a whole bunch like you 3-4 inches I think so I am still driving to work and walking my 3 blocks in the cold. However holding off on training for a couple of days. Hope everyone else is doing well:flowerforyou:

    This city has shut down. If I wasn't from Boston originally I would have sworn the end was near b/c ppl just can't function and there's not enough snow/plow trucks to make a significant dent in everything that needs to be done. I'm literally trapped in my house because the streets in my subdivision have not been salted/sanded and it would be extremely dangerous to attempt to drive anywhere w/the streets untreated.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Choco –My MIL says that taking aloe has relieved all her arthritis pain. I don’t know much else other than most of her advice works. I’m thinking of looking into it myself.

    Barbie – What lucky dogs you have! I’m glad that you could stay inside and get your exercise.

    Kizzy – have you ever tried blueberry tea? It is harder to find so I buy 2 boxes when I see it and need it. It might give you an option to green tea and water and it tastes wonderful.

    Yesterday I went to the Y and did a full circuit of the machines at a beginning weight and for just 10 reps each. Hopefully I will be able to get there every Monday and add in another day when I can.

    I was pondering the last time I weighed in on how slow I loose weight. It is painfully slow, but I haven't regained any since I started this journey 2 years ago. It really is harder for us shorter people to loose. We don't have as much wiggle room and when we get close to the proper weight we really can't go over 1200 calories and still loose. Thank goodness I keep finding old clothes that now fit in the closet to keep my spirits up.

    Have a great evening everyone!

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Jam: Thank for sharing the aloe information. i may have to look into it. I have a dr. appt early next month and i definitely plan to discuss the issue w/my doctor. Great job w/completing your circuit at the weight.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,982 Member
    :flowerforyou: the snow here has turned into a lot of ice and the temperature went only a bit above freezing so the roads in my neighborhood and icy and slippery......the garbage and recycling trucks couldn't drive up the steep road I live on so we have all that stuff to keep for another week.:explode: however, I was able to drive and visit a friend and take the dogs to the dog park so a good time was had by all.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I had to do a lot of jogging in the house to get to 10,000 steps and I rode the exercise bike a lot to accumulate some workout calories.

    :flowerforyou: JAM, you are right that it takes us shorties a longer time to loose weight, but we are determined and we never,never, never give up :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Choco, good job clearing the driveway....ours is still a sheet of ice

    :sad: the bad news is that my line dance class tomorrow will probably be canceled because the teacher lives up a private road that is even steeper than mine and she is from southern California and doesn't drive on ice :sad:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me.......Today I turned 38 and I feel GREAT! The State of GA is slowly improving and I believe will be back to normal by the weekend. There was a 2 hour work delay so was able to sleep in just a little bit longer. I got my birthday started in the right direction by completing my workout and then eating a nice hearty bowl of oatmeal w/a banana.

    Today I completed the Push Circuit 2 and Recharge dvds from the Chalean Extreme program and then jumped rope for 5 minutes so I good get in a full hour workout.

    Barbie: If I didn't know otherwise I would swear you resided in the state of Ga. I said I wouldn't complain too much though b/c my hometown of Boston is being hammered w/a Nor'Easter today and are expected to receive anywhere between 12-18 inches of snow. I have to put things in perspective sometimes.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,982 Member
    :frown: the yard is mushy and the temperature is above freezing but our driveway and the steep road in front of our house are glare ice so I didn't go to line dance today :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: I called the teacher who lives in a similar neighborhood and got no answer at her house so I'm guessing that she got out and is teaching the class and I'm trapped at home :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: she was going to teach a new dance today so I am watching the video on YouTube and trying to teach the dance to myself so at least I won't be too far behind in class next week.....later hubby and I are going to do yoga

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Choco....happy birthday to you
  • flipchickmc
    flipchickmc Posts: 59 Member
    Hi Everyone! I fell off the band-wagon completely around Sept. 2010. Gained 5.5lbs in the process so I'm back to starting all over again with exercising and logging my calorie intake, etc.

    I remember some of your names here from when I posted (although sporatically) in the past. Nice to see those tickers winding down! Sadly - I'm back to ZERO lost. Oh, well - that's why I'm here! For motivation and support.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Choco – Happy Birthday! I'm glad that you feel great as you approach the 40 mark. I hope Atlanta gets all cleared out by the weekend, so you can get out with friends and celebrate.

    Barbie – I hope you and hubby have an all wheel drive. While it does mean all wheels can skid, it does make it a little safer to get around. I guess growing up in New England I just think I always have to be able to go if I want to. Being skier has always helped foster that go in the snow thinking.

    Flipchick – Welcome back! I hope you stay with us this go-around. Posting does really help.

    After work I have to go pick up our skis and snowboard at the shop. It is so dry here they have to be professionally waxed and cleaned every year. We are going to the local area this weekend. I can't wait! As much as I hate to I am going to lead by example and wear my helmet and make the kids where theirs too. Maybe some day some one will invent a comfortable and sleek looking helmet that is no thicker than a hat.

    Today is a bad sodium day. I wish I had some way to change things around. Posting in the AM is the best solution. Then I can change things. But, now I am at work and stuck with what I planned for lunch and dinner. boo hoo.

  • flipchickmc
    flipchickmc Posts: 59 Member
    Thanks jam0525! Yes, need to post more often cuz I really need the motivation and support!
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    I've been out of state for 3 days attending a funeral. Eating out mostly and only one day of "real" exercise. Tomorrow I have got to get back at it. When we left on Sunday there was no we have 5-6 inches - BOO!!
  • flipchickmc
    flipchickmc Posts: 59 Member
    Yesterday was a good first day: got back on myfitnesspal, joined a couple threads here, worked out during my lunch break, did JM's 30DS when I got home and was under in my calorie intake. Now I've just got to keep plugging along!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon everyone and happy Thursday! I really truly don't know how this day got away from me. I woke up at the same time and turned on my agency computer just like normal and then the next thing I knew it was 11:00 am and I hadn't eaten or done a workout and I was sitting there scratching my head trying to figure out how that happened. I threw on my workout clothes and pushed play on the dvd and did my best to Rock Out the Burn Intervals and Ab Burner dvds from the Chalean Extreme program. My shoulders are extra sore from all the shoveling I did Tuesday and Push Circuit 2 from yesterday.

    Thank you all for the birthday shout outs. Yesterday was pretty uneventful due to the weather. I have not left my driveway since Saturday because the streets are just too crazy. Today looks a little better but by tomorrow it should be looking really good. I will probably venture out the house tomorrow since today is my Friday. Tomorrow my job has another furlough day so no work for me which means an extra long weekend....YIPPEE....YIPPEE!

    My girlfriends and I are goiong to celebrate my birthday by going to this venue called Sips n Strokes. This is a painting gallery where an instructor helps the class paint a picture. The schedule of which pictures will be painted when goes out about a month in advance that way people have an opportunity to choose which painting they want. While being instructed on how to paint your picture you're able to sip on your beverage of choice. My friends and I will be bringing a couple bottles of wine, cheese and crackers and spinach dip/chips in order to get our creative juices flowing. At the conclusion of class each student gets to sign their painting and take it home with them. This should be an interesting experience because I have absolutely no artistic ability.

    Barbie: The birthday post was sooooo sweet, thank you so much. You've truly been inspirational and supportive over this last year. Sorry to learn that you too are trapped in the house and missing fun activities. It was smart of you to locate the dance on youtube so you wont be too far behind.

    Flip: Welcome back. I agree w/Jam that posting daily or at least consistently helps w/motivation and gives you the support you need on days when u just don't feel like doing it.

    Jam: I truly hate winter and all that it entails but I am yearning to go skiing one day. I just want to have the experience of saying I tried it. Even if I don't like it and vow to never tackle it again I can at least say I tried. How often do you and your family ski/snowboard?
  • tigerv68
    tigerv68 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi all!

    I would love to be part of the group! I'm 42 and am 5 foot even. I achieved lifetime membership in WW a few years back and was doing great tracking points and then joined Curves to get a workout regimin started. I kept up with the Curves, but went through a divorce and then started letting the eating get out of control and the pounds slowly crept back on. They seem to be even slower creeping off, but I'm determined to keep track of my eating and have added the Wii Active Trainer to my fitness routine. I've had some success and am fitting into my clothes better, but I think finding this group will be a GREAT help!! :)
  • flipchickmc
    flipchickmc Posts: 59 Member
    Welcome tigerv68! I just got back on the boards a couple days ago.

    Choco - have a good time and enjoy your extra long weekend.

    Yesterday, I did the treadmill during my lunch break and then did JM's 30DS when I got home again. I am SO SORE! My muscles are aching. I had good intentions of waking up early and working out but it hurts to do anything. I've got meetings after work so I guess today will be my rest day.
  • babygurl1
    babygurl1 Posts: 196 Member
    Afternoon ladies...hope all of you guys are doing well. I am hanging in there but still feeling like I have been hit, drug and then run over by a mack truck. I did finally work up the stregth to get a workout in last night, 40 minutes of Turbo Jam. Let me give you fair warning that you should never attempt Turbo Jam while being heavily medicated on Nyquil. I started off pretty pumped (especially for feeling so bad) by the end I was a hott mess!!! I was able to keep up although I am not exactly sure how! She keep saying come on babydoll and I was like 'oh yeah where we going" :noway: lol...the long sleeve under armour probably wasn't helping the matter any either. 40 minutes was a bit ambitious but I did it!! I was suppose to bust out my 600 but ladies lets be honest after the 40 minutes and the Nyquil my butt was whooped!!! I could barely hold me eyes open:yawn: :yawn: so I just called it a night. I figure 40 minutes was good enough until I get to feeling better!

    :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: this would be me a great day everyone!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon and happy Friday! Once again the day has gotten away from me but was able to knock out today's workout before it got too crazy. Today I completed the Push Circuit 3 dvd from the Chalean Extreme program, jumped rope for 25 minutes and then stretched for 15 minutes.

    I really am going to have to purchase heavier weights b/c I was able to rock out this entire circuit without really reaching failure. Don't get me wrong I felt each exercise but I could have completed more than 8 reps. I'm glad I'm getting stronger but did not want to have to spend money on additional weights just yet. I probably go lift at least 20 lbs on the upper body exercises and 25 or 30 lbs for the sumo squats and bowling lunches. I don't know if I can purchase both sets just yet but we'll see.

    Babygurl: Sorry you don't feel well but your post made me LOL. I could only imagine how you looked all drugged up on Nygil while completing such an up tempo workout. You were very ambitious and I'm impressed that you even considered working out for such a long period of time. I've worked out when under the weather but usually get it short 15-30 minutes and it was not as intense......Hope you feel better.

    Tiger: Welcome. Sorry to learn of your divorce but glad you got a handle on things before they really got out of control. Take it day by day and you've already started in the right direction by joining MFP. I wish you nothing but success.