Shreddin' Eleven, Week Two



  • bluebeta
    Day 3 Level 2 also. The planks are killing me also. Congrats on you weight loss, way to go, Keep up the good work.
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    Those are excellent results Chandra!

    Welcome to all the new faces on this's great to see so many people here to help motivate and encourage along our journeys!

    Today was day 3 of level 2 for shoulders and my quads are killing a good way I suppose! That last set of strength really pushes me! I love this level!

    It's day 2 for me of a natural dietary cleanse that I'm doing as well. I'm trying to eat mostly raw/whole/unprocessed foods so sticking to lots of fruits and veggies, whole grain wheat toast, baked or grilled chicken, and baked ground turkey as my staples. So far so good...going to do this for a week and then see how I feel.

    Hope everyone is having a great Thursday! I'm excited for football this weekend! Any other fans on the thread?!
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,341 Member
    D'Oh! I thought* I knew how to count... I kept wondering how I could only be on Day 9 when yesterday was the 12th and I could only remember taking two rest days. My fitness log confirmed only 2 days off and 10 days I went back through all the messages here and I guess I must've liked Day 8 so much that I did it twice! :-)

    So, I completed Level 1 and I didn't even know it!! :)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Chandra, get job on the loss. I weigh tomorrow, I can't wait.

    So yesterday I didn't shred. Today I doubled up and did level 1 and level 2.

    Level 1 stats:
    27 minutes, 121 avg, 137 max, 218 calories

    Level 2:
    27 minutes, 129 avg, 154 max, 260 calories

    It was a little tough doing them back to back, but I have to stay on schedule. Chandra, I think the oblique twists are the hardest. After squat thrusts and plank jacks, to have those right at the end are killer. Nice quote, thanks for sharing.

    Great job bk, good luck with your eating program.

    dark, wtg. Do you feel its getting easier?
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,341 Member
    dark, wtg. Do you feel its getting easier?

    I did until I realized I have to start level 2 tonight! :noway: :bigsmile: :noway:

    You are amazing doing both of those back-to-back, by the way!!
  • juliana1977
    juliana1977 Posts: 153 Member
    I am so tired today! I am not doing shred and I fell so guilt about it. My son came to me and asked me if I was working out and I said no b/c all I want to do is sleep (I slept only 5 hours last night and had a very long day, and swam 30 min but only 600 yards). Well then he said, "but mommy if you don't workout you tummy is never going to be like the lady on the DVD!" OMG!!! He is only 5!!!! I had a big laugh but he made me even guiltier. I just cant do it today, I don't even know how I got energy to get in the pool. At least I did something! Today was my weigh in. I did not loose a single ounce : ( . A lot of people is saying that is normal and sometimes it takes a while to your body to adapt to changes. The good thing is that my weight did not flactuate as usual at all this week. I am so used to it flactuating 2 to 3 lbs every day that in my first weigh in I did not consider I lost 5lbs, I only considered 3 lbs. But for the past 2 days the scale is saying 190 (start weight 195) maybe I did loose something but I rather keep these 2 lbs just in case it starts to flactuates again. I ahve a very good friend who lsot almost 60lbs here at MFP thta said that for the first 4 months she was loosing weight every other week. One week she would loose between 3 and 5lbs and then the next not even an ounce. Well she lost 60 lbs so far!
    Thank you guys for all teh support!!
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,341 Member
    Day 1 of Level TWO. Cardio-wise, I felt it was easier or at least not as hard as I expected. The lunges and other moves where I need to balance were still really difficult for me. But, I'm really glad to be doing some new stuff. And I'm not dead yet, Mon! =)
  • luvallmusic
    Day 4 of Level 2 for me today... seemed a bit easier, although I still take it easy on some things. I injured my right knee/leg back in level 1 and its just now starting to feel better. The planks are killer but I'm doing better with them! The abs workouts are killer too...but I push through them....gotta work hard for them!

    Good job to everyone doing the shred! I know its not easy but we have to push ahead to get results!! (did I just sound like Jillian or what?) lol I still can't wait for warmer weather so I can get out and walk...thats where I lost most of my weight! I'm about halfway to my ultimate goal but have hit a wall with not doing as much as I should/could! I'm not going back to what I weighed before thats for sure!!
  • sgreene87
    sgreene87 Posts: 323 Member
    Level 1~Day 12. My last day for level 1. I am so stoked, I was able to get through every stage without stopping and hacking up my right lung:smile: . Finally think this nasty cold is running for the hills. Moving on to level 2 tomorrow morning. Bring it on Jillian!

    BK2011...Love me some football. Can't wait until the Ravens/Pitts game on Saturday, there's going to be some hard hittin' and blood spittin! And I will probably be screaming at my TV off and on too....wonder if that counts as calories burned...
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Day 3 Level 2 also. The planks are killing me also. Congrats on you weight loss, way to go, Keep up the good work.

    Thank you!! I keep hoping the planks will get easier with time! :)
  • flipchickmc
    flipchickmc Posts: 59 Member
    L1D2 completed last nite and 220cals burned. My muscles were aching during (killing me at the moment) so I didn't push myself as hard. I was supposed to wake up early and to day 3 but I'm so sore all over I just couldn't get out of bed. Tonight I have meetings after work so I won't be able to work out today - guess I'll take this as my rest day.
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Those are excellent results Chandra!

    Welcome to all the new faces on this's great to see so many people here to help motivate and encourage along our journeys!

    Today was day 3 of level 2 for shoulders and my quads are killing a good way I suppose! That last set of strength really pushes me! I love this level!

    It's day 2 for me of a natural dietary cleanse that I'm doing as well. I'm trying to eat mostly raw/whole/unprocessed foods so sticking to lots of fruits and veggies, whole grain wheat toast, baked or grilled chicken, and baked ground turkey as my staples. So far so good...going to do this for a week and then see how I feel.

    Hope everyone is having a great Thursday! I'm excited for football this weekend! Any other fans on the thread?!

    Thank you!! Best wishes on your dietary cleanse; I hope it works well for you! Let us know how you feel at the end of the week. :)
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Leela, thank you! I'm rooting for great weigh in results for you today! :) Great job on doing 2 levels back to back!! This is what I plan to do once I move through 10 days on each level.. I don't particularly mind the oblique twists.. it's those darn plank-based moves that still get me every time. I'm thinking of moving up to 5lb weights for everything but the last set of strength moves. :)

    Juliana, I hope you're feeling more rested today! Your son sounds like a sweetie, looking out for his mama like that, so cute! :) And, at least you did not gain, at your weigh in... keep at it, the weight loss will be gradual and there will be some weeks where you don't lose anything at all. Try not to let that get you down; instead, keep going, moving forward. Your hard work WILL pay off! :)

    darkrider -- Level 2, yeah!!! Great job! I find it somehow comforting to see Natalie struggle a little to keep her balance during Level 2, lol!

    luvallmusic (mom!) -- you are doing an amazing job with keeping up with the Shred. I commend you!! Keep up the great work, and the warm weather will be here before we know it. I'm anxious to get back outside to run again!

    sgreene87 -- Happy to hear your cold is on its way out!! Best wishes for Level 2; let us know how it goes!!

    flipchickmc -- Well done on completing Day 2, enjoy your rest day today and keep up the great work!! :)

    Day 4 Level 2 for me this morning -- like I mentioned, I think I'm ready to take the 5lb weights over the 3lb ones, for the first 2 sets of strength moves. The last one, I may need to stick with the 3lb weights for a little while longer though. My size 14 pants are becoming looser these days. I feel stronger overall. I'm on fire and determined not to let anything get in the way of completing the Shred in 30 days. Yesterday was my first day of having an hour for lunch at work in a little over a month, so, with my mom, I tackled the 19 flights of stairs here at work once again. Felt GREAT! Getting ready to go do it again, too, after a quick trip to the bank. Also, I put in a 15 minute run on the treadmill last night. As for water intake, I'm holding steady at 40oz of water a day, plus a cup of coffee and 2-3 cups of green or herbal tea a day. Seems to work well for me. :) Have a GREAT weekend, everyone. New thread, Week Three, starts tomorrow! :)
  • juliana1977
    juliana1977 Posts: 153 Member
    Hello!!! So today was D5L1!! I also did 20min of turbo Jam! I am so glad I took the day "off" yesterday b/c I am back with energy and enthusiam!! I feel great! And I decided to weight today again and the scale is showing 190 and another scale is showing also 190, so I will count that as weight lost forever!! 2 less lbs! My weight usually flactuates but it did not in 3 days so I gues I am really 190 instead of 192! Yeah!
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,341 Member
    darkrider -- Level 2, yeah!!! Great job! I find it somehow comforting to see Natalie struggle a little to keep her balance during Level 2, lol!

    Day 4 Level 2 for me this morning -- like I mentioned, I think I'm ready to take the 5lb weights over the 3lb ones, for the first 2 sets of strength moves. The last one, I may need to stick with the 3lb weights for a little while longer though. My size 14 pants are becoming looser these days. I feel stronger overall. I'm on fire and determined not to let anything get in the way of completing the Shred in 30 days. Yesterday was my first day of having an hour for lunch at work in a little over a month, so, with my mom, I tackled the 19 flights of stairs here at work once again. Felt GREAT! Getting ready to go do it again, too, after a quick trip to the bank. Also, I put in a 15 minute run on the treadmill last night. As for water intake, I'm holding steady at 40oz of water a day, plus a cup of coffee and 2-3 cups of green or herbal tea a day. Seems to work well for me. :) Have a GREAT weekend, everyone. New thread, Week Three, starts tomorrow! :)

    I totally caught that! =) (Natalie dropping her foot LOL) I'm noticing overall improvements in my fitness and endurance in activities other than when I'm shredding. Take tonight at the gym. After I got done running my 3 miles in 35 minutes, I walked very briskly for another 1/2 hour, then I hopped on a StairMaster for another 20 minutes and then topped the workout off with the cherry of a 11 minute bike ride. Funny thing is, I didn't find that it was as hard as it might sound to some.

    You're doing so well and setting a great example here. We all really appreciate how you take the time to acknowledge everyone and their posts and make people feel welcome here. THANK YOU!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    no shred yesterday, but I am going to shred today. I usually don't shred on Saturday's but I have to stay on track so I can finish in 30 days. Can't wait to take new pics on Feb. 1 !! I looked back at my posts and it looks like today will be my day 14. So that is correct, I just have another day to double up and that's fine. We're already half way there, can you believe it?
  • sgreene87
    sgreene87 Posts: 323 Member
    Day 14 for me and the first day of level 2. I had to watch the beginning of each exercise today so I did not match the girls move for move but now that I understand the positioning of each movement, I think I can kick it up a little more tomorrow. I was still a puddle of sweat by the time the workout was through so I know once I get to thier level of endurance I am going to see a big difference in my toning.
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    I've also noticed this week in Level 1, when doing the lunges and bicep curls, the camera moves over to Anita but you can still see Natalie and she is not doing the lunges at all! Haha!

    Anywhoo, well guys, I'm done shredding already. Last night I rolled my ankle pretty bad, so now I have to try to keep the weight off of it for a bit. I'm going to try and keep up with some of the upper body and core exercises and see how that goes. Good luck all, I hope you all have great success with the Shred!
  • WriteNovels
    WriteNovels Posts: 56 Member
    Started level 2 a little late. But, I am keeping up. Gonna do level 2 again tonight when I get off of my 12 hour shift. :wink:
  • juliana1977
    juliana1977 Posts: 153 Member
    Oh no! I hope you get better very soon!! I hurt my ankle another day but it was not too bad. I put a lot of ice on it. Hope you feel better very fast!!!
    I've also noticed this week in Level 1, when doing the lunges and bicep curls, the camera moves over to Anita but you can still see Natalie and she is not doing the lunges at all! Haha!

    Anywhoo, well guys, I'm done shredding already. Last night I rolled my ankle pretty bad, so now I have to try to keep the weight off of it for a bit. I'm going to try and keep up with some of the upper body and core exercises and see how that goes. Good luck all, I hope you all have great success with the Shred!