

  • Thanks for the support guys! Yeah I usually eat a bit more then you're meant to depending on the intensity of excercise I do that day :)
  • Heya thanks! If I'm putting on muscle weight though shouldn't I also be loosing body fat, but my waist is still the same which means I'm not losing that last bit of tummy fat which is what I really want to go. Anyone got tips for losing that last bit of belly fat?
  • Oh basically I'm wondering am I suddnely going to lose like a kilo one day soon or am I doing something wrong or is there something wrong with me and this is why I just can't lose weight! :/ Sooooooo annoying I'm sick of it and I'm trying so hard!
  • Thanks guys! Michelle Birdges is one of the trainers on Biggest Loser Australia :)
  • any suggestions?.
  • candi! you look amazing. this is a bit like the transformation im aiming for! (i want to lose 10lbs and tone up) Any tips/advice on how you did it. I'm under my calorie allowance and excercise lots but I'm not seeing results. Any helps appreciated. Keep up the good work!
  • Haha So true. I'm slightly confused though with what you mean by deficit. So are you saying I need to eat more or less? I'm scared I eat too much or are you saying this is where I'm going wrong?
  • Heya I have never weighed much more then I do atm. Its just that a few lbs have crept on over the past few years haha So does this still apply... I think I put the weight on eating too much/not excercising enough which is why I get worried eating lots even though I'm excercising more haha
  • Hey thats awesome youre at 17% body fat. I'm really impressed I want to get to this level. Did you come up with the 2000 plan yourself or did it recommend it to you? Does that include with our without excercise? Also yeah I lift heavy weights (usually have the heaviest in a weights class for the females). Do you think I…
  • thanks for the advice so far :) umm i usually eat some of my excercise allowance because I end up too hungry if I don't cause its pretty intense excercise.. or maybe the hungers in my head haha i don't eat low fat foods and i dont really eat bread of those hard to process foods. Its predicted I'm meant to have lost a the…
  • Also I usually do about an hour of cardio and toning a day 3 times a week (running or aerobics with interval traning) and 2 days a week doing an hour just weights... so I thought I'd be seeing results. I've been doing this for ages.. maybe I need to step it up. But then I eat more and get hungrier so I don't end up making…
  • hey sorry forgot to include that :) so my calories allowance is 1210. im 144 lbs and about 5 ft 8. I'm looking to lose about 11 lbs. Thanks! I've been at it for a few months really.
  • I forgot to mention usually I go over my carbs limit because I eat alot of fruit and vegies and soy/rice milk and I don't eat much meat for protein and as a result aren't getting enough fat or protein so could this be a clue as to where I'm going wrong. I don't like meat that much but don't know where alternative protein…
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