

  • lol Just be sarcastic, "oh shoot! You're kidding...I've been standing here for five minutes and never noticed those! But thank you for alerting me to their presence. Your contribution is greatly appreciated!" Just kidding. Although healthy eating is swiftly on the rise, it's still odd in our country that people deny…
  • Continued positive weight loss and I actually wore a set of clothes I haven't worn in over a year! That was a huge motivator because I miss my old lifestyle!
  • I agree, MFP is already counting your active day job (if set to active).
  • Yeah, the recipe tool is really useful!
  • This is what I've found most successful in my own program. I always treat myself to something sweet at least once a day. It may be a bag of kettle corn pop corn after dinner, a skinny cow brand ice cream sandwich, some grapes or cherries, or a 100 calorie pack of mini cookies. You'll go insane if you deny what your body…