Dealing with Cravings. IDEAS???

I know I just started this about 5 days ago but I'm really struggling on how often I can or cannot "splurge" and what is the most efficient and effective way to do that. For example, I'm nervous about depriving myself too much and then once I have something I like I completely fall off track. On the other hand, if I indulge too often then I'll be over my calorie goal.

I guess I'm wondering if any of you all have advice for me on dealing with cravings and how often to give in to those urges.



  • LoveleeB
    LoveleeB Posts: 560 Member
    I usually let myself always have some type of treat after dinner. Usually something chocolate and also, one day a week I let myself go over my calories by a couple hundred in order to not feel deprived and also to keep my metabolism guessing. So far it has been working. You can do it girl!
  • JigglyPig
    JigglyPig Posts: 231 Member
    Laquia, it's definitely hard. It really, really is. But like you said, in order to make it a sustainable habit, you don't want to deprive yourself too much! The idea is to let yourself have the brownie...just not the entire pan of brownies. You know what I mean?

    Yes, like you said, you don't want to indulge ALL the time and eat more calories than you can afford, but luckily there are so many alternatives! When you're craving chocolate, you don't need to eat an entire Snickers. You can eat a fun size Snickers instead. Or have a Swiss Miss Diet Hot Chocolate for 25 calories. Something like that.

    Another thing is learning to control your cravings. Yes, don't deprive yourself in such a way that makes this lifestyle not sustainable...but don't be TOO soft on yourself! I mean, after all, you ARE trying to lose weight. So, sometimes when a craving comes, wait it out 15 or 20 minutes. Drink a bunch of water. A BUNCH. See if the craving goes away. If it does, then you're good to go.

    It's about retraining yourself and your bad habits. Not every craving is valid. Not every craving should be indulged.

    You're gonna rock this! You're going to do awesome with this new lifestyle! Keep at it, and good luck!!
  • Frankenbarbie01
    Frankenbarbie01 Posts: 432 Member
    Depends what you crave....
    Have a sweet tooth?? Peel an apple, core & cut it up (I use my apple core/slicer tool) put it into oven proof dish, sprinkle with lots of cinnamon bit of nutmeg bake until warm and bubbley.......YUMMY just like apple pie!! But for the same calories as a piece of fruit.
    Chocolate craving?? I LOVE Lindt extra dark chocolate with Chili ( chili peppers) I have 1 piece DO NOT CHEW!! Let it disolve in your mouth SO GOOD!! for about 40 cal?/(I think?? double check)
    I try to never deny the cravings when they are small because I tend to overdo things if I wait. That way I feel in control of how much I eat and when.....
    ...I got nothing for salty....
  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    You just need to find a healthy - ER snack that you can have around & substitute it when you need it. A treat that will fit into your daily calories allowance.For me, i found there to be quite a few 100 calories ice cream bars. I used to have one every songle night. I do also occasionally enjoy a double chocolate vitatop muffin top... they are actually yummy & only 100 calories. I notice lots of people on here eat fat free chocolate pudding.

    There are so many 100 calorie options lately that you could grab a few treats & use them until you get over the major cravings. I still have them in the house but i don't depend on them anymore. they are a once in a while treat now because i don't even crave them.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,431 Member
    Laquia, it's definitely hard. It really, really is. But like you said, in order to make it a sustainable habit, you don't want to deprive yourself too much! The idea is to let yourself have the brownie...just not the entire pan of brownies. You know what I mean?

    Yes, like you said, you don't want to indulge ALL the time and eat more calories than you can afford, but luckily there are so many alternatives! When you're craving chocolate, you don't need to eat an entire Snickers. You can eat a fun size Snickers instead. Or have a Swiss Miss Diet Hot Chocolate for 25 calories. Something like that.

    Another thing is learning to control your cravings. Yes, don't deprive yourself in such a way that makes this lifestyle not sustainable...but don't be TOO soft on yourself! I mean, after all, you ARE trying to lose weight. So, sometimes when a craving comes, wait it out 15 or 20 minutes. Drink a bunch of water. A BUNCH. See if the craving goes away. If it does, then you're good to go.

    It's about retraining yourself and your bad habits. Not every craving is valid. Not every craving should be indulged.

    You're gonna rock this! You're going to do awesome with this new lifestyle! Keep at it, and good luck!!

    Totally what she said! My favorite chocolate treats are Ghiradelli 60% dark chocolate chips. 8 chips are 40 calories and you can just let them melt on your tongue and it's very satisfying. Also, weight watchers and skinny cow have some amazing ice cream bars. It's all in moderation!
  • 06mach1
    06mach1 Posts: 6
    I usually let myself always have some type of treat after dinner. Usually something chocolate and also, one day a week I let myself go over my calories by a couple hundred in order to not feel deprived and also to keep my metabolism guessing. So far it has been working. You can do it girl!

    This is what I've found most successful in my own program. I always treat myself to something sweet at least once a day. It may be a bag of kettle corn pop corn after dinner, a skinny cow brand ice cream sandwich, some grapes or cherries, or a 100 calorie pack of mini cookies. You'll go insane if you deny what your body craves! But you can do it responsibly for sure.

    Also, have a "blow-it" day once a week. Pick a favorite meal (mine is fried chicken!) and plan it for the weekend or order whatever you want off a menu when eating out with friends (heck get dessert to share with everyone). "Crashing" your diet by a few hundred calories isn't going to destroy your diet and it gives great incentive to work out during the week.

    Good luck, hope this helps!
  • BrandNewMia
    BrandNewMia Posts: 461
    In the beginning I struggled with binges. If I took ONE bite of a food I *shouldn't* eat, I would end up eating 10 servings of it. Sweets were the biggest culprit. So my solution was to remove my temptations from my house. ALL OF IT. Yes, I have a husband and children who are healthy and don't have to watch their calorie intake and they missed the goodies, but it was what I HAD to do to stay on track and my family supported me. They aren't with me 24/7 - they had their treats when we weren't together. After a couple weeks I had it under control, and they have some of their snacks and treats back, but, in a happy turn of events, they don't want the junk as much as they used to. :bigsmile:

    I don't feel deprived. If I crave something that isn't healthy, I will put it in my food diary and plan AROUND it so I can do my best not to go over my calories / fat / carbs / sodium. Not every day is perfect, but I don't beat myself up over it, I just try harder the next day.

    If you crave sweets - I suggest eating lots of healthy, lean proteins. Eating a high protein diet in the beginning really helped curb my sweet tooth. I also tell myself that I want to reach my goal more than I want to binge on unhealthy junk. You can do it, you just have to believe that you can!
  • superjae5
    superjae5 Posts: 64 Member
    First of all, know that there are better choices if you have a sweet tooth. For example, I love chocolate, but I also love rice krispy treats. I think, I can have 2 rice krispy treats for the price of one Snickers Dark. Also, those break and bake cookies, some of them are 80 calories/cookie. Ones from Subway are usually closer to 300. The point is there are still some treats you can have to satisfy your cravings and not add tons more to the count. I often make homemade tootsie rolls, of which the only ingredients are cocoa, powdered milk, and honey. Honey is a simpler sugar, aka the bees have broken it down into its simplest form, so the body processes it better than sugar (and way better than corn syrup). Things made with honey might be a good sub for you.

    For me, since I started doing this, I chew gum like crazy. It's sweet, and it still gives me something to chew on so it kind of seems like eating. Extra has the Dessert Delights, which are decent. Having been chewing gum for several months now, I've found the top flavors for me are 5's Elixir and React as well as Trident Layers, the green apple & pineapple or strawberry grapefruit. React lasts the longest.

    Also, sometimes I'll do popcorn on days I really feel hungry. You can get the 100 cal bags in regular butter or kettlecorn flavors, and popcorn is very filling, which may help you push through until the next meal.

    Hope that helps. Either way, don't give up! You can do this!
  • Laquia
    Laquia Posts: 11
    My sweet tooth is ridiculous and when I'm not craving something sweet I want something salty...particularly with cheese. I'm terrible! BUt I appreciate all of the great advice everyone! I'm really going to start allowing myself SMALL pleasures. And drinking a bunch of water when I have a craving is a GREAT idea! Def going to try that as well!
  • wendycheng
    wendycheng Posts: 26 Member
    I try to eat with friends then you are less likely to binge. Also, if you just allow yourself to have a small bite then you won't feel deprived. If I ever want to indulge in a dessert, I eat my meal first then have a nibble of the sweet snack. Then, I throw it away. On the downside, I am wasteful.