tara_1109 Member


  • SW: 173 W1: 175 W2: 174.6 W3: 172.8 GW: 150 I missed the Monday weigh-in because of all the Easter rush, but I weighed today and lost almost 2 lbs!! I was stuck losing the same lbs for almost a month so I upped my calories from 1360 to 1600. I think it's working! I finally broke my plateau!
  • SW: 173 W1: 175 W2: 174.6 I'm really sick of losing the same couple of pounds over and over. I guess I need to have a little less fun on the weekends :(
  • SW: 173 CW: 175 Well, piss! Gained two pounds! I went out of town this weekend to see some friends so I knew this was coming :( (Had the trip planned long before this challenge) FWIW, all those cold brews were worth it and I'm back in the saddle now!
  • I will be walking/running probably on the treadmill. I work out after my son goes to bed so it is usually getting dark outside by that time. But I did just start a NROLFW lifting workout and I do that every other day i my garage.
  • New friends for me too! My hubs is my only friend and he is kind of a slacker when it comes to MFP!
    in Friends Comment by tara_1109 March 2012
  • Count me in! CW: 173 12 week GW: 150 I'm going to Playa del Carmen June 4th. C'mon, hot body!!
  • I burn around 150cals for all levels of the shred
  • This is what I make for me and my 17 month old: 1 c. lowfat vanilla greek yogurt good splash of cranberry juice handful of fresh spinach (pulse to blend after these 3 ingredients) then add any frozen fruit you have I use all kinds; bluebrries, bananas, strawberries, peaches, mixed berries... Then we sit in the floor, crash…
  • Thanks for the replies, everyone. I'm going to watch it closely until after the MLK holiday. If it is not better by Tuesday, I suppose I'll go to the doc. I knew you guys would have some great input!
  • Thanks for the reply, Pam. Keep exercising is what I wanted to hear!
  • Count me in!! I've never done a challenge, so I may need a little instruction! SW: 190 GW: 160
  • Ok ladies! I totally fell off the Shred wagon this weekend! We went out of town and had a blast but I have not shredded since Friday. I am a school teacher and I started back today so it has been a little hectic. No excuses!! But I want yall to know I'm still here and I plan on dragging my rear out of bed tomorrow morning…
  • Ok, I got up out of this office chair and did my day 2 just now. All I have to say...side lunges with a shoulder raise, why do you hate me so??? Is it ok that I am a couple of days ahead? If not, Lord knows 2 extra days of level one will not hurt me :) Now to shower and mop before the little one wakes...
  • I wanna join!! I did my 1st day yesterday and I was just about to get up off my rear and go do day #2!