oddtrees Member


  • I'm 24, 6' tall, and want to lose another 50 pounds. Add me!
  • The key to sustained weight loss is a change in habits. That's why 30-day diets and the like may work for that time span, but they usually don't actually teach you about how you're supposed to eat, and, more importantly, why. People do these short-term diets, see results, and then go right back to their old habits. People…
  • It adds flavor without adding calories. It's in all processed foods, because it's cheap and it can also act as a preservative (at least to some extent). I make most of my own food from scratch, but I do use some processed foods (like canned beans or tomatoes if I'm in a hurry, some frozen meats, etc). And I find I can…
  • I love that feeling of zoning out, but I only ever get it when I jog outside. On the treadmill, I'm doing Couch to 5k, so I focus too much on the clock haha. Every now and then, I'll get distracted by the TV or my music and end up running through the walking portion of c25k by accident.
  • I know! I consider myself lucky that I didn't fall back too hard into old habits. I'm a college student, so this past year has just been crazy. I stopped going to the gym and mainly kept to eating okay at least for most of the time. I figure this past year has been an experiment to see if I can actually KEEP the weight off…
  • Hey there! Seems like we're in similar boats. I lost 50 pounds, got lazy for about a year and gained about five pounds back. And now I'm in the process of getting back on the wagon! I've already lost the five pounds I gained back and then some. I did the first 50 alone, but seem to be having trouble sticking to logging my…
  • Others have mentioned water retention and sodium, so I won't go into that. Are you weighing in at the same time of day? If last week you weighed yourself first thing in the morning, and then maybe today you weighed in later in the day after you had already eaten or drank something. It's best (and more accurate, I've been…
  • Why don't you think you should go lower? Or I guess more importantly, why do you think increasing your calories (thereby decreasing your calorie deficit) will help you lose weight?
  • Number one would be track everything you eat and I mean everything! I find that if I eat normally and track for a week, it gives me a good starting point. I can really see what I'm putting into my body and what needs to change. From there, start small. Figure out your BMR and TDEE to figure out how many calories you should…
  • Yeah that's something you should be asking your doctor about. I'm assuming they can give you more specifics about what kind of shakes you should be drinking.
  • Why not just pour it down the drain? Or better yet, just mix half with soy milk and use that for whatever you use soy milk for.
  • I'm kinda either or. For a couple days, I go a lot. Then after that, maybe once every two or three days, then back to everyday.