Almost half way there... Trying to get back on track.

Hi everyone!

Weight loss has been an ongoing issue since I can remember. I have basically tried it all. This time, I started back in October 2013 and I have lost 30lbs so far, had lost a little more but gained some of the weight back. I still have 20lbs to lose and after a bad month of careless eating, today I´m getting back on track. Already registered my food and work out.

I don´t usually look for support online, but I´ve been reading your posts and thought I could use some fitness pals :). It does help knowing I´m not alone on this journey. Sometimes it´s hard to find motivation, specially after a set back, but I know I´m worth it and I know I can do it, so that´s why I´m here, giving it another try.

Hope you all find the strength you need to achieve your goals! You got this!


  • oddtrees
    oddtrees Posts: 13 Member
    Hey there! Seems like we're in similar boats. I lost 50 pounds, got lazy for about a year and gained about five pounds back. And now I'm in the process of getting back on the wagon! I've already lost the five pounds I gained back and then some.

    I did the first 50 alone, but seem to be having trouble sticking to logging my food (and having a few too many cheat meals a week. What can I say, my friends bring out the worse in me when it comes to food). I'd love to get motivated together with you.
  • reberodriguezaraya
    welcome to my boat then! :D

    Oh my, you only gained 5 pounds in a year? You are SO lucky, I could gain 5 pounds in a couple of weeks! LOL
    Too many cheat meals a week is also my problem, sometimes I just can´t help it. I try to remember how good I feel when the scale goes down, try to plan my meals ahead and I also try to log my meals first thing in the morning, since I´ve planned them and they are predictable it´s a lot easier for me to stick to my plan and don´t over eat. Maybe you can try that.

    The good thing is we are not giving up, here we are, giving it another try and no matter how long it takes, we will succeed :)
  • oddtrees
    oddtrees Posts: 13 Member
    I know! I consider myself lucky that I didn't fall back too hard into old habits. I'm a college student, so this past year has just been crazy. I stopped going to the gym and mainly kept to eating okay at least for most of the time. I figure this past year has been an experiment to see if I can actually KEEP the weight off once I reach my ultimate goal weight.

    When I plan out my meals, I do fine. But my problem is just spontaneous hang outs with friends which usually includes alcohol and then lots of snacks.

    My mantra lately has been the scale may not be going down, but at least it's not going up!