Diet foods = High in Sodium

HarryMJ Posts: 9 Member


  • fatfudgery
    fatfudgery Posts: 449 Member
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    I have to watch my's in everything processed, not just diet foods. I prepare much of my own food so I can control it. I also use lemon a lot instead of salt on veggies and chicken.
    Btw...last year my BP was153/110, now with swimming and watching my salt I am at 110/80 no medication anymore.
    It took me about a month to where I didn't miss salt in my food, and I could taste it if it was added.
    My take on all of this is diet foods that are prepared are too expensive and have way more chemicals in them, including salt.
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member

    Yup. Remove tasty fat to save calories, increase salt for taste.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,264 Member
    Don't eat diet food... eat real food in moderation.
  • oddtrees
    oddtrees Posts: 13 Member
    It adds flavor without adding calories. It's in all processed foods, because it's cheap and it can also act as a preservative (at least to some extent).

    I make most of my own food from scratch, but I do use some processed foods (like canned beans or tomatoes if I'm in a hurry, some frozen meats, etc). And I find I can still stick under my sodium goals by just being aware that the easy foods do have extra sodium and making sure I don't add anymore anywhere else. I don't even use salt when I cook. I find other spices and herbs give much better flavor.
  • TutuMom41
    TutuMom41 Posts: 278
    salt is not bad for you unless you have a health problem that is aggravated by salt. I eat a lot of it and I do prepare my own food from scratch but I like the taste of salt. My weight is healthy and my blood pressure is perfect.
  • Sparky1030
    Sparky1030 Posts: 163
    Interesting how I saw this post on the Community site as today I was researching the huge amounts of sodium in so many products. I don't use salt and don't even have it in my kitchen. I was just looking up Lean Cuisine's spaghetti & meat sauce's sodium content; 540mg. in one serving. I do like Nutri Grain Eggo waffles and was surprised to see that in two round waffles there are 220mg. of sodium. Why would you need to have that much sodium in your waffles or anything else, for that matter? I also read that in 2014 the Nutrition Counsel is trying to reduce the allowances of sodium in many, if not, all food products. We are totally drowning in salt in our foods. Just my thoughts, but shocking, none the less.
  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    Maybe because more sodium = thirsty = more water = fuller = more "satisfied" with the product = thinking the product is filling.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Not everyone is sensitive to salt. Some people are o.k. with it.

    If you are buying canned meats or beans or vegetables, you can very gently rinse them out a little in a strainer to end up with less salt.