janet41283 Member


  • Happy September! New month, new goals? I'm glad the weather is getting just a bit cooler. That heat and humidity isn't fun. Hurricane Ida wasn't fun either. So much damage. Thankfully, we are ok here but loads of trees down and flooding everywhere. Hope all of you are well and happy! My September goals will be to be much…
  • I walked outside in the humidity. Gross. I pushed through it and will do the remaining exercise indoors. The other small thing so far today is that I stayed out of the kitchen. I will nibble too much!
  • I just found this post and I'm glad! I relieve stress by walking. Slow and nice walks around the neighborhood. With this heat, that isn't so easy. I also cook. Yes, I know that leads to eating, but I try to find healthy recipes to try. I put some silly old tv show on or whatever and have some "mindless" time. If a friend…
  • Happy to hear you are cancer free. Yes, vacation sounds wonderful.
  • I am fully vaccinated, and only wear my mask when I don't feel comfortable. I am not a shopper, so I don't need to worry about stores, etc. I have been to restaurants and the tables are still pretty far apart, or we dine outdoors. I kind of lost touch with some people, so that is difficult for me. A few groups I belonged…
  • Tough one. I never ever felt good in a swim suit. Now, I kind of agree with the above post. I just want to be comfortable and look appropriate. I try not to care what others think. But, when I see someone who looks good I still get that knot in my stomach and feel "less than"...
  • It has been very hot and my walks are torture. I don't like walking in the heat! I am pushing myself to do as much as possible, even doing lots of walk indoors. I also need to be mindful of eating out and socializing. Since we didn't do much of that for over 14 months, we are getting out more now. That means food…
  • June challenge is to walk away from temptation. If it is out of sight, it is out of mind for me. I will spend as little time as I can in the kitchen. When I'm tempted I will divert my attention to something else.
  • I can definitely take her in the stroller when she's with me. However, it rained for 3 days here and we couldn't even do that! I also do a lot of walking inside. I managed to do a bit. I know what you mean about the routine, since this is the first time in my life I've ever felt guilty if I didn't get my walks and exercise…
  • Welcome June! Hope all of you are doing well. I am glad to have started the week (even though it is Tuesday) with a solid walk this morning, a healthy breakfast, and a positive attitude. Spending time with my family is always a motivator for me. All in all I didn't fall off the wagon too badly (a slip, maybe) but I didn't…
  • Guess I'm the only one here?? Hoping more people join in.
  • That sounds like a good routine. That would definitely work for me. Going on the way home from work, then done! I love hearing how everyone works out. So many ideas, especially during the colder months when we aren't outside as much. Believe it or not, I really like walking when it is cold. I just bundle up and go.…
    in May Days? Comment by janet41283 May 2021
  • Yes, being positive helps with motivation. I am working on this with the help of my physician. No pills or anything, just working with what is best for me. Not everything works for everyone. I wish everyone success in this journey!
  • Some of the gyms are pricey, but can be really motivating. I do all workouts from home. I walk the neighborhood, use weights, and a few programs I found online, etc. I did get my lab work back and it was good! I definitely have improved and I'm thrilled. 72,000 steps is great! Sounds like you are doing very well. :)
    in May Days? Comment by janet41283 May 2021
  • Yes, I joined a while back when I was on Medifast. Lost a lot of weight on that program, but when I introduced more "real" food I crashed. Not the program's fault! It helped with health and losing the weight. I needed something more normal. I am watching carbs and calories and portions now. It is slow, but I'm doing pretty…
    in May Days? Comment by janet41283 May 2021
  • Would love to join in on this group. I log on each day and am anxious to keep in touch with others going through this journey! I am definitely over 50, work part time but not during the summer. Live in northern NJ and have dealt with weight issues forever. Up and down, up and down. More to come... Hope you are all having a…
    in May Days? Comment by janet41283 May 2021
  • How are we all doing today? It’s a beautiful day here in northern NJ! Already got in a walk but feeling very hungry today. Getting water logged.
  • Hi everyone! I can truly relate to many of these posts. Would love to be part of an active group. I actually did better during all the lockdown/quarantine stuff. I do need to lose a lot of weight. I've done WW (just not for me), and a while ago Medifast. I lost a lot of weight on Medifast, however I'm sure I don't have to…
  • It was freezing here yesterday and much warmer today. The leaves on the trees are getting confused. It is really pretty in some areas, and other areas not so much. Today isn't too busy for me, so I hope to get to walk a bit and take care of some stuff at home. How is it that 2 people can generate so much laundry? I feel…
  • Happy Monday! I took a great walk this morning (it was cold)! I stayed on my diet all weekend, which wasn't easy. Went to a party yesterday with all sorts of food and drink. DJ, you are doing well!! 6 pounds isn't that bad, and you seem to be so motivated. Terrific! Having a sense of purpose sounds very focused!!! Off to…
  • I laughed reading your Halloween story! Too funny. Sounds like you are doing pretty well. Great that you can bake and only eat 3 cookies. Good for you! I am meeting a friend for lunch today. She had a stroke 5 months ago and after a long rehab seems to be doing well. I am excited to see her. Tomorrow we are going pumpkin…
  • So I guess it is just us? Thats fine with me. I enjoy your posts!
  • Wow, DJ, I can understand! I hate public restrooms. I use them because I have to, but not thrilled. The worst.....on a plane!!! Anyway, enough potty talk. I hope this gets resolved for you really soon. NOT FUN! I have to admit, I did get a chuckle from your explanation! I am enjoying my "single" weekend. Went out to dinner…
  • Hey Eleanor! Hey DJ! Hello to anyone else reading this! Have a good time, Eleanor. Vacations are always great. DJ, how are things going for you? I am doing pretty well. Made some plans for the weekend with friends. Truth is, I am perfectly happy staying home and just hanging out. It isn't healthy, though. So, I will meet a…
  • Hi Everyone! How's the week going so far? I am working on drinking more water (ugh) and walking in the morning. I just can't drink so much water, it makes me feel so bleh. Anyone else have this problem? I will be on my own this weekend. Hubby going white water rafting with our 2 kids. He is very excited. I need to stay out…
  • Eleanor, I went golfing once. I was actually pretty good, but I just couldn't get into it. Maybe I will try again one day. DJ, how were the birthday celebrations? Marie, enjoy your bumper crop of tomatoes! Wish I could grow them. I do not have a green thumb! I have been working like crazy. Guess thats a good thing. More…
  • We all sound like we are in a funk! I am trying to get back to business here. My routine is in place (for the most part) and I just need to concentrate on the foods I am choosing to eat. I always remind myself that it is my choice! Tough love!! Work is going well. Pretty busy all the time. I try to fill my weekends with…
  • Hi lkw! I hear about the "cleanse" but don't know anything about it. I've wondered what it is all about. Does anyone have a specific challenge for the week?
  • Hi everyone! Dyannaah, wow do I envy you. I am not artistically inclined at all!! DJ, how's it going??? Hope you are well. Marsellient, the cooler weather makes a fireplace so wonderful! It is cooler here now, and driving around I smell the fireplaces from people's homes. Just love that. Busy around here. Went into NYC…
  • Morning Check In! Rainy and gloomy morning here in NJ. I have been pretty busy with work, etc. which is a good thing for me. Everyone else seems to be busy, as well! All those garden veggies! YUM. I have been buying loads of fresh veggies from local growers. They have a section in the supermarket with local stuff. I enjoy…