
  • Welcome back! And congrats! Sounds like you've got a lot going on. I'd love to help keep you motivated and on track. Feel free to friend me. I have two boys (10 and almost 6! Yikes!), am a Labor and Delivery nurse working night shifts, and have a pretty crazy life between kids' activities, work, and everything else. But…
  • I will totally agree with you that working nights really stinks when you're trying to lose weight. I'm also a nurse and I work 12 hour night shifts twice a week. As a mom with two young kids, I really don't get to sleep much on the days I work. This was truly the hardest thing for me to figure out how to work around,…
  • Saturday I'll be mostly sleeping since I'm working the night shift on Friday; my husband is planning on using the smoker, though, so we'll have something really good for dinner. Sunday we'll be heading over to a friends house for a cookout and some swimming. Monday we'll do our usual for the Fourth; picnic dinner over at…
  • I lost the ball, too. I've just been using a slightly deflated soccer ball my kids don't use anymore....seems to work just fine.
  • Awesome! I love it! (And I really needed the laugh today.)
  • @Tara, Thanks for your input. I will send a friend request along. I just don't know if, on the average day I can actually eat the 1600 calories PLUS the extras....I'm truly quite full already....but I guess I can try to incorporate some more snacks in between to go find a snack.....and some more water, too!
    in Frustrated! Comment by DJBug April 2011
  • Thanks to everyone who has responded so far, and those who respond in the future....I'm working on the water! Really going to push myself to get to 8 glasses today! (4 down, 4 to go). Of course, I have an awards dinner to go to tonight for my DH....I'm just hoping there's some healthy stuff. I don't use too much processed…
    in Frustrated! Comment by DJBug April 2011
  • I will admit I'm not a big water drinker, but I have been really pushing myself to drink more. I do add an ounce of cranberry juice to every glass of's the only way I can get the stuff down, and I've been logging those calories, too.
    in Frustrated! Comment by DJBug April 2011
  • Just made my food diary public. Sorry, didn't realize it wasn't.
    in Frustrated! Comment by DJBug April 2011
  • One of the biggest factors in keeping your milk supply up is keeping yourself hydrated. EVERY time you nurse the baby you should drink a tall glass of water. Another factor is how often you are nursing; has something changed in your schedule recently (like returning to work)? A lot of moms find their supply falls off when…
  • I started having gall bladder attacks one of the first times I tried seriously dieting and losing weight. Knowing what I thought I knew as a nurse (we make the worst patients!), I opted to go the low-fat diet route to control it. However, I (rather quickly) got to the point that I was having attacks no matter what I ate. I…
  • Good luck to you! I just signed up today as well. If you're interested in helping each other stay motivated on the journey to being healthier, feel free to add me as a friend.
    in Hi Guys Comment by DJBug April 2011
  • You would think, being a nurse, I would know better, but it really is amazing what you can "justify' to yourself as "healthy" or an "OK" choice....putting on paper (or in this case on line?) really keeps you least that's what I'm hoping for! Good luck on your journey!
    in Shocked Comment by DJBug April 2011
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