

  • English muffin with all natural skippy peanut butter and topped with a banana. Yummy and keeps me full for a long time.
  • Eating will not make you feel better in the end and you know will feel worse. With that said and being realistic, grab one small square of dark chocolate and savor it with a nice cup of green tea, black! Catch the sweet tooth but doesn't throw you over the border!
  • Snack, snack, snack...prepare some healthy snacks for the day and bring them along. Make sure you eat every 2-3 hours so you don't let your body get hungry. Fruits, veggies, nuts...portion and weigh everything! You can do it!!
  • I would say incorporate more natural foods, fruits and veggies and less pre-packaged or altered foods.....also, not sure how much water you are drinking but make sure it's at least 1/2 your current weight in ounces.
  • I never cared for any light or fat free dressing. I would rather do 1/2 the serving of a nice, real blue cheese and mix in a tbspoon fat free milk to make it cover. I had wishbones power fruit vinegarette today....and that was yummy!!
  • Yes...nuts, dried fruits and my personal favorite, chickpeas can help reach your calorie goal and all good cals!!
  • I am in the very same boat...I try...I repeat...I try to make myself put one portion in a bowl and eat just that much as opposed to what I really want to do which is grab that bag of kettle cooked bbq chips, flop my butt down on the couch and just feast. Baby steps :)
  • I log up and down...have to hold myself accountable....or else what else am I not logging because it's not necessarily positive. I know that if you loose a pound, you are sure as heck going to log it and not attribute it to water loss..right? Same should be true for opposite!
  • I think that you need to eat more least the min 1200 a day and make sure that they are from as much natural foods as possible, things that you buy on the outside of the grocery store...fruits, veggies, lean protien. If you eat too few, your body will adjust and your metabolism will slow down. Also, I don't…
  • Well I am not diabetic so I can't speak to that but I have incorporated/replaced much of my refined sugar with fruit and have lost 32 pounds in 4 months. Fruit keeps me fuller for longer, point, bottom line, period and to lump all sugars into one catagory is pretty nieve I think. Bottom line, food that comes from the great…
  • Sugar in fruits is a different type of sugar than what is found in soda. Sugar in fruit does not create a spike in your blood sugar with a crash after like processed sugar does. Your body digests it over a longer period of time and keeps you fuller and energized longer so the two are very different indeed. I would agree…
  • They say that you should consume half of your body weight in oz in water per day. I pound water all day and night and swear that is a major contributing factor to my 30 lbs lost since Jan, 1, 2011!