amybus Member


  • I've had shin splints and that's how I'd describe them. The best thing I did was stretch them good before exercising, stand on the edge of a step or curb with your heels hanging off, and go up on your tiptoes, then bring your heels down below your toes. It stretches that part out good and it helped me fairly quickly. Good…
  • ...who doesn't "eat clean"? .........CHECK ...who doesn't like veg? ...............CHECK ...who doesnt like wholegrain? ...................CHECK ...who still eats chocolate, only now in moderation? ............................CHECK ...who eats chicken legs? .........................CHECK..and lots of red meat ...who…
  • My opinion is that ribs / hips / pelvis all widen when pregnant and giving birth and no matter how much weight you lose those things aren't going to go down. I also think that if you just keep doing what you're doing you'll probably end up losing a little more anyway, and if you stop completely you'll probably gain it…
  • Never even heard of the HCG diet, but it seems like fooling your body into believing something that's not true can't be healthy. Just my opinion.
  • I did that yesterday, couldn't get full. I had some nuts for a morning snack, still starving, I went and got a subway sandwich at lunch, and let myself eat whatever I wanted. I had some salt water taffy, a couple cookies, some pringles snack things...I don't know I was just eating. At dinner time I was full and ended up…
  • Apparently pull weeds for a few hours...mine are killing me!
  • I started May 2, but was sick a few days so basically started over on the 9th. So far so good, I can literally only do about 1/2 the reps in a lot of the moves, but I'm definately getting the heart rate up. I work out in the basement and my legs shake all the way up the steps. It's the first workout I've ever done where…
  • I'm not a stay at home mom anymore but I used to be. I have a desk job now, that is sedentary. Stay at home mom is not, even if your body is used to it, you're still moving and you require more calories to get through the day than someone like me who gets a good finger workout on the keyboard but not much else while at…