

  • thanks for all the input. so i'm not going to mess with carb timing at this point as i'm happy with my performance (like sara, i work out fasted in the am and tend to eat about 1/2 of my daily calories at night). but i would love more info on the benefits of concentrated refeeds / carb cycling vs gradual increase of carbs…
  • I just started increasing calories two weeks ago, and i'm going very very slowly because mentally that's what's going to work best for me. i was grossing 1250 per day, last week i grossed 1350 avg per day and this week my goal is 1400 avg gross per day. i want to work up to around 1600 and then maintain there for a while…
  • it's in the oven and smells great! i used egg beaters instead of real eggs, and at 8 servings it came out to 87 calories per serving (including the sweetener which was around 100 cals for the 1/2 cup). 12 g carbs, 0 g fat, 9 g protein and 2 g fiber. can't wait to taste it!
  • I would see another ortho and a physical therapist. I have a ruptured ACL, torn MCL and torn PCL and I run all the time. With the ACL what you can't do is plant and turn exercises - so no more soccer for me : (. I went to physical therapy to build up my supporting muscles - the hamstrings can emulate the support the ACL…
  • Yes! They are so much fun. I did the NY one in 2010 and northwest passage July 2011. Planning to do napa in sept.
  • Hey Jen - I've been super focused on hitting my protein number since I started lifting heavy. So I try to roughly plan out my protein for the day - I'll log the major protein I'm planning to have at each meal / snack and then see where that gets me. If it leaves me way off I might swap out my protein at a meal (e.g., sub…
  • I just started adding sprinting once a week and it's been really fun and made a big difference! I just swapped out one of my shorter (4-5 mile) runs and now I'll do one of the following instead: - 3.5 miles - 3/4 mile warm up, 2 mile sprint intervals, 3/4 mile cool down - 4 miles - 1/2 mile warm up, 1 mile sprint…
  • twin mommies unite! you look great - congrats on your accomplishment! my twins are 6 1/2, and while i only gained 40 lbs with my pregnancy, that twin skin is a killer! after losing 20 lbs over the past year, i now have lean and muscular arms and legs, but my twin skin and naturally apple shaped body have conspired to keep…
  • that looks DELISH! love the idea of the cereal topper - i'm addicted to peanut butter captain crunch myself : ). how did you make the base chocolate fluff? more specifically, what was your frozen ingredient - ice or berries or ?