torn ACL- any exercise ideas?

I have recently been told that I have a torn ACL. I am not allowed to run or do anything like that except walk. I can walk but any other ideas to maximize some calorie burning and getting this body of mine in ripped status?


  • gumigal82
    gumigal82 Posts: 350
    The only type of exercise I can suggest is a walking exercise dvd, you may even be able to add light hand weights. I'd be very careful, and not push it though.
  • sarvissa
    sarvissa Posts: 70 Member
    Are you going to have surgery to get it repaired? I would say don't do anything that would require a stable knee such as circuit training, zumba, stairs, etc. Maybe stick to machines at the gym that work certain parts, like abs, arms, etc.
  • ruthjulia
    ruthjulia Posts: 15
    I would see another ortho and a physical therapist. I have a ruptured ACL, torn MCL and torn PCL and I run all the time. With the ACL what you can't do is plant and turn exercises - so no more soccer for me : (.

    I went to physical therapy to build up my supporting muscles - the hamstrings can emulate the support the ACL provides - and now I run, lift heavy weights, do the elliptical and step mill - anything that's straight on is fine. i need a brace for snowboarding and that's risky, but running is totally fine.
  • AshleyTonks
    AshleyTonks Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks ladies!!! I just wanted to make sure I wasn't pushing too far.
  • XoSaraoX
    XoSaraoX Posts: 97 Member
    after many many years of gymnastics and volleyball, i ended up with complete tears of the medical collateral ligaments on both of my knees. I did 1 year two days a week of physical therapy.. long story short im having surgery this fall, but i still do cardio and lots of it.. Swimming is really good its very easy on your knees. i was told no "running, jogging, repatitive standing" and so on. . i do all my cardio with a very stong knee brace on both knees (they have metal on both sides) maybe try getting a brace of some sort to help keep your knee from moving the wrong way. If you try something and find it very painful just stop doing it... if its just a minor tear, dont push it like i did, as a result i now have torn them all completely.. good luck with everything :)
  • privatetime
    privatetime Posts: 118
    I had a partial tear a few years ago, which self-healed over a few weeks of (attempted) rest. ;-)

    Right now, I have a minor leg injury (probably a large tendon pull) that I've been resting for a couple of days. But I'm still doing abs and arms. I just can't do any ab work that requires me to straighten my legs, or hold them in certain positions. Standing or seated arms are okay for me. (The pain in my leg is triggered by movement, especially any twisting or stretching motion.)

    Standing or seated "punching" can actually get the heart rate up.