antrobin Member


  • Good Job Carl, we all have bumps and set backs on our Journey. Keep on Biking!
  • Heather, I imagine that you still have that smile on your face. Great Job
    in NSVs Comment by antrobin July 2014
  • I started the weekend with the best intentions. In contrast to what I read here I took a 5 hr nap, my arm and shoulder are sore because I slept in an awkward position and the only time my heart raced was after 3 cups of coffee. I need a challenge to get up and move.
  • Victory over the cookies and ice cream at picnic. Veggie burger, coleslaw and fruit filled my plate!!
    in NSVs Comment by antrobin July 2014
  • SW: 232 CW: 212 ChallengeGW: 200 Ultimate GW 150 Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (7/01 Tuesday): 212 7/08 Tue: 7/15 Tue: 7/22 Tue: End of Month (7/31 Thursday) This month I will get cardio work outs in. According to my fitbit, I averaged under 9000 steps a day and only 8 minutes of cardio each day. This will be a huge…
  • Carl, don't apologize for motivating us. I for one should be posting encouragement more often. Reading the encouragement of others helps me see that I am not alone in this journey. I am in a community of kind people going through the same journey. Carl, thank you for sharing with everyone. Everyone else, Let's follow…
    in Weigh Ins Comment by antrobin July 2014
  • Weigh in Dates: 6/01 Sun 219 6/15 Sun: 213 6/22 Sun: 212 End of Month 6/30 212 7 lbs for July. 70% is a pass but not the honor roll like many others I need to get the cardio started for July and then I will be at 100% and 200 lbs July SW 230 CW 212 GW 200
    in Weigh Ins Comment by antrobin June 2014
  • Carl, I for one appreciate your leadership. You are awesome!!:smile:
  • Weigh in Dates: 6/01 Sun 219 6/15 Sun: 213 6/22 Sun: 212 6/29 Sun: End of Month (6/30 Mon) Still moving forward...lots of work to do for this week
    in Weigh Ins Comment by antrobin June 2014
  • I have been using the stairs at work and co-workers must be noticing that too. Today I was met by a coworker coming down the stairs and he held the door open for me. Funny, I was pushing a cart of freight. It is easier for me to climb stairs but I will take the elevator when I am moving freight. Have a good week everyone
  • Dana, keep going, this group is here to support you. Celebrate every victory no matter the size
    in Weigh Ins Comment by antrobin June 2014
  • Great work Morey! you have really been putting in the effort. Stay in it for the long haul.
    in Weigh Ins Comment by antrobin June 2014
  • Weigh in Dates: 6/01 Sun 219 6/15 Sun: 213 6/22 Sun: 6/29 Sun: End of Month (6/30 Mon) :happy: 'nough said
    in Weigh Ins Comment by antrobin June 2014
  • Sloth day for me today. 6 hours on spreadsheet, my fitbit registered more activity during my sleep than during time spent at my desk. I did take a couple of very short walking breaks. I have adjusted my calorie intake to match the inactivity for the day so I should still be on target for tomorrow's weigh in.
  • Doing chores and watching the World Cup and the US Open. Have a great day!!! Aseymour, love that you could be active during what too many of consider couch time!!!
  • I know how easy it is to say yes for any number of reasons. I have used the excuse that I need to talk to my husband about changing "our" plans. I use that to stall for time and talk to DH about the change even if it only involves not watching a favorite show together.
  • today I was chained to desk and raining when I got home so I did some light weight training
  • I did 15 minutes of dancing like nobody was watching, thank goodness :laugh:
  • I agree with you, good starts for the first week
    in Weigh Ins Comment by antrobin June 2014
  • Great job, keep moving down.
    in Weigh Ins Comment by antrobin June 2014
  • Great job, nice start to the summer
    in Weigh Ins Comment by antrobin June 2014
  • SW 220 CW 218 GW 150 Weigh in dates 06/01 Sun 219 06/08 Sun 218 good start for the week but then lost sleep and energy for walking. A little eating for energy while tired but not out of control for days like I used to eat when drained
    in Weigh Ins Comment by antrobin June 2014
  • 4 miles
  • I am still dragging from lack of sleep. I took some time for myself tonight and attended a class about color and quilting. It was interesting and even though I was stuck in chair for 2 hr I did do some leg lifts while seated.
  • Good job carving out some time for your goals. myself, I am taking a break today, not enough sleep last night.
  • June 5 4 miles
  • No formal workout today. 12K steps at work
  • walk 5.25 just from activities of daily living
  • 4.5 miles walked at work. later I will do some light weight strength training for 15 min
  • 4.5 miles walking 6 hours