aya619 Member


  • Nacho Cheese DOritos are not allowed in my house. If someone brings them, I can not resist them and I probably can and probably have eaten a whole bag before!
  • I know I really wish this was busier. I'm in Lemon Grove. Is there another site you all use to find the best places to workout/hike/run in SD? I love discovering new spots but I generally stick to East County and South Bay since that is what I know but I want to find some new places to run especially.
  • thats amazing! good for you!! its really hard to gain only 20lbs during pregnancy. I was at 145lbs and very active during pregnancy, still running until 6.5 months pregnant, eating pretty well but i still managed to gained about 55lbs. I had her this past December and I have only lost about 15lbs of it so I have long ways…
  • My son and daughter are just over 3.5 years apart. So I found out I was pregnant with my daughter right before my son turned 3. I love the age difference. I was scared because at just turning 3 he still was having a lot of potty accidents and throwing tantrums so having a new baby scared me-but in those 9 months he grew up…
  • I'm 9days post partum and I know I need to be patient. But it's hard when I see other people's weight loss or compare it to my first pregnancy. I was at my fittest and healthy weight when I got pregnant this time and gained a total of 49lbs this pregnancy which is way more than I wanted. But I ate right and exercised three…
  • Blink-hope you feel better! Take care of that ankle too. I sprained my ankle when I was six months pregnant last pregnancy and it was hard because being on crutches and a belly is not balanced very well,plus lots of looks! you poor thing...take it easy the next few days mama
  • that epidurals can stop working on HALF of your body right before you have to push! (I laid on that side that was feeling pain to "start it back up") Thank goodness it kicked in a bit after and RIGHT before push time. Good thing too because I had always planned on getting epidural and not going drug free!
  • ;( sorry Mama. Good thing is we are just over half way there. It will be hard NOT to want to exercise, but let that make you work out even harder AFTER baby is here. Are you on bedrest?
  • I'm 20 wks today. I go in tomorrow for an appt. I'm kinda nervous because I have gained 11lbs and not sure if I am where I should be or not. I feel like its a lot considering its halfway and I know with my first baby/son I gained more than 75% of my weight the last trimester. I'm trying this time to be healthier. I'm…
  • kirsty_uk----congrats!
  • I'm due December 10th with my second! I have a 3yr old son, like others here, it was not planned but not prevented either. Still doesn't feel real. I think I'm more nervous about this one because I already know how much hard work one child is, plus another?! ahh! I had a great first pregnancy--so far thisone, I am…
  • Michelle- I swear I'm not stalking you, haha, I must have found the group just after you did ;) Name: Adrianne Hubby/Partner: Alfonso How many kids do you have: one child-- a Three year Old son, Elijah Due Date: December 10th 2012 Do you know the gender: not yet, hoping for a girl, but a boy would be perfect too ;) Have…
  • yup, just had IHOP waffles pop up while I was reading these posts!
  • San Diego (Lemon Grove)
  • I'm 5'5" and goal weight was 145. Right now I am fluctuating between 138-142. My new goal weight is 135, MAYBE 130, just depends how I look. I might just stop at 135 and focus on losing inches instead and continue toning. Anything less than 130 I think I would look just not right and not look like myself anymore. Plus I…
  • I usually only do races that benefit a certain causes too--and I know that It benefits the Anaheim Community Foundation, but not sure exactly what that goes towards. But you are right--that money could go to a few more races,however the costs of a lot of these races,especially half marathons are all about $80 or more in…
  • Just make the trip seem to be about visiting California and all of its atttractions, then tell him since you are out there already, might as well burn the vacation calories off in a half marathon ;) hey you never know!
  • Awesome! Is this your first half? I googled some pictures from the past and it looks like fun, I am never ever one to dress up-but hey its Disneyland--its brings the kid out in me.
  • Oops I used the search button FIRST before posting this Topic and nothing in the last 3 months came up, but Just saw someone posted before me the same thing! I can't seem to delete this one....
  • I don't consider myself a young mom, I'm 29, but I was at my heaviest when I got pregnant, after I had a baby almost 3 years ago I had enough. Since about 2 years slowly, I've lost almost 70lbs total. but more importantly--I've never been this healthy, or strong in my entire life.PLus I have learned a lot about nutrition.…
  • First of all, that is really awesome all that you do in a day. Youre a dedicated mom, and wife thats for sure. ;) I can't exactly relate, I have one child and work away from home. But when I get home, my son wants me the whole time. I feel bad for my husband who wants a break from being with him all day. So I started…
  • I think Its great you said something,as long as it was tactful, she can't get mad. Who knows, shemight be mad and actually do something for once. Would you rather stay quiet and then something bad happen to her and you would always wonder if you should have said something more. You went way above and beyond a friend would…
  • you look AMAZING and HOT! You can tell you feel/look happier just in your picsb ythe way you are posing.'m sure you worked your butt off for it. Great Job! thats it--You just motivated me to try the Insantiy workouts :)
  • Everyone is so inspiring that i had to share too. Its my first time posting anything at all in a forum, but I wanted to share to help keep me motivated. I hope I post the pictures correct, if not maybe someone can help me. Okay so I started on my own weight loss journey I'm 5'5 and a half ;) Jan 2010 at 210 lbs April 2011…