I Lost A Friend Tonight =(

RunningAddict Posts: 548 Member
I will probably regret this in the morning but I couldn't help it. For so long I have heard a friend talk about that she has the signs of a heart attack and she realizes she's over weight. I have tried everything to help her, I have even offered to stay after work when I'm dead tired just to try to motivate her. I have gave her food suggestions, websites to use and she simply won't. So I gave up and just decided to not say anything at all. That was going good until tonight, then she started again! When I suggested the websites she just turned her nose as usual. That did it, that was my tipping point. My words were something along these lines.
Listen, I can talk to you till I'm blue in the face but until you decide you want to change you won't. Yes, its hard and yes it sucks, you just have to do it. You can't eat pizza everyday and expect to not gain weight. Don't complain to me when you won't do anything about it. I feel bad about it but good grief I am so tired of hearing it! Why would someone even complain to me when they are simply going to reject every option I offer them? Needless to say she wouldn't speak to me when she left. =( I also during the conversation told her "Don't get mad but this is some tough love and you know it is true". Ohh well, I consider part of being a friend -is being honest and I am not going to baby someone with lies! I wouldn't be so upset if I didn't get this attitude everytime I tried to help. I don't understand.... =(


  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Oh hun ... I am reaching out my arms in a hug motion.
    The sad but true part is ... she will get it when she gets it. And sometimes people never get it. The desire and the motivation has to come from inside. However, sometimes some tough love is just what they need to get going ...

    You tried being the nice friend... it didnt help her and it didnt help you. Try this ... and just see what happens. But realize it may take her time to come to where you are ...
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    at least you told her the truth. it is up to her now to change her life!
  • aya619
    aya619 Posts: 27 Member
    I think Its great you said something,as long as it was tactful, she can't get mad. Who knows, shemight be mad and actually do something for once. Would you rather stay quiet and then something bad happen to her and you would always wonder if you should have said something more. You went way above and beyond a friend would do. I remember once complaining to a friend years ago about my gaining weight, my clothes don't fit any more,etc. etc and she just turned to me and said " why complain about things you have the capability of changing?" and she was stern. I was upset about it, but it was true, and I still think about it until this day. I think you are being a great friend even though she might not realize it until later.
  • KristinLeAnn252
    KristinLeAnn252 Posts: 136 Member
    I thought you were going to say she had a heart attack :[ I hope she realizes it for herself before she really does & it's too late!
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    Sometimes, you can do nothing more but speak your mind.

    NO ONE can do for someone else WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE! You can't make her eat right. You can't make her exercise or move or care or do ANYTHING.......................all you can do is be supportive WHEN she makes those good choices.

    We all have friends and family who do stupid things. We don't have to LIKE WHAT THEY DO..............but we also don't have to sit idly by and accept it.

    Give yourself a break. SHE has to change..........not you. Love and accept what you can.................the rest? Well, it's NOT your call, girl.
  • PamelaB43
    PamelaB43 Posts: 50 Member
    Sometimes the truth hurts but maybe it is the reality check she needs. Maybe now that you spoke your mind she will look into herself and realize she needs to change. In a situation like this sometimes all you can do is " Tough Love" but maybe she will wake up and do something about it finally since you put the truth out there now.
  • Longbowgilly
    Longbowgilly Posts: 262 Member
    Don't worry, you have done what a good friend SHOULD do, just be there for her when she realises that you were just trying to save her life, she will probably be somewhere quiet licking her wounds and will be feeling hurt but she knows you told her the truth and as we all know, it hurts sometime.
    Sending you many hugs for being a good friend!:flowerforyou:
  • LibbyBelanger
    LibbyBelanger Posts: 307 Member
    Maybe she is just hurt right now. Let her stew for awhile. Trust ME, I KNOW she is thinking about what you said. It has happened to me. I bet she will come around. Your words may not temp her to change now, but it will at some point. Hugs to you.
  • LibbyBelanger
    LibbyBelanger Posts: 307 Member
    Maybe she is just hurt right now. Let her stew for awhile. Trust ME, I KNOW she is thinking about what you said. It has happened to me. I bet she will come around. Your words may not temp her to change now, but it will at some point. Hugs to you.
  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
    You're right. There's only so much you can do.

    A friend is a boxer/trainer. He says that if people aren't into fitness that's ok - he can cope with people not being like him, but don't moan about being overweight, ask him for advice and then eat loads of junk food and not exercise. If you do, he won't bother spending time organising a program for you..... I agree with him.

    People have to come tyo the decision themselves. Hopefully she will and you can then help her. Until then, you just have to relalise you have done what you can.
  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    People have to want to make healthy changes...but I'm sorry you lost a friend...hopefully she will see what she is missing and realize you had her best interests at heart.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I don't blame you! I'm of the opinion that someone else's weight and habits are none of my business (unless you're my child). But then don't COMPLAIN to me if you're unwilling to fix it.

    I have a feeling you didn't lose a friend. Those things were hard for her to hear, but once she calms down and really thinks about it, I think the friendship will survive. And she may take control of her body or she may not, but at least she'll probably stop talking to you about it.
  • premiumchilenita
    premiumchilenita Posts: 600 Member
    It's really lovely that you care about her so much, even feel frustrated and angry about this situation is showing that you really care. I know this is easier said than done BUT. Say what you need to and then let it go. Don't have any feelings towards what you have given because whether you say it or not, It's really up to her whether or not she will take it AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO. THere is no point worrying about it. just have a happy face

    I have a friend, I invited her on a challenge, I said lets lose 10kg's in 10 weeks, She said "ok but I really want to lose 20" and sounded disappointed that it was only going to be 10kg's, so she didn't really give it much because she felt like that challenge didn't reach her goal. 10wks later.....I'm 10kg's lighter and you know what she is? 10kg's heavier.

    There's nothing I can do but eh, I'm happy :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • premiumchilenita
    premiumchilenita Posts: 600 Member
    It's really lovely that you care about her so much, even feel frustrated and angry about this situation is showing that you really care. I know this is easier said than done BUT. Say what you need to and then let it go. Don't have any feelings towards what you have given because whether you say it or not, It's really up to her whether or not she will take it AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO. THere is no point worrying about it. just have a happy face

    I have a friend, I invited her on a challenge, I said lets lose 10kg's in 10 weeks, She said "ok but I really want to lose 20" and sounded disappointed that it was only going to be 10kg's, so she didn't really give it much because she felt like that challenge didn't reach her goal. 10wks later.....I'm 10kg's lighter and you know what she is? 10kg's heavier.

    There's nothing I can do but eh, I'm happy :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • jimmie25
    jimmie25 Posts: 266
    the truth always hurts. But don't worry. She'll understand someday and be thankful. She'll come around! I think it's great you had the courage to tell her those things, not many people bother saying what they think out loud :)
  • SmallerBecky
    It's great that you said it the way you did and you didn't hurt her. If and when she does come around, she will remember that you said it in an HONEST and loving way and she will GET it. She'll know that you're a true friend. Hugs to you!
  • csparon
    csparon Posts: 200 Member
    The truth hurts, but as pissed off as she got, I bet you she is still thinking about the words you used. Who knows, maybe in a few months she will come back to you XX lbs lighter and say thank you for helping her.

    Friends are supposed to be honest with you and I think that you did the right thing. If she comes around again though, and doesn't change her ways, just don't talk about it anymore. People are stubborn but like you said, she wont change until she wants to change.
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    There's a difference between complaining and asking for advice.

    Sometimes when people complain they are just venting their frustration.

    Are you asking for advice, are you looking for support, or are you just venting?

    More importantly, is your friend asking you for advice or is she just venting?

    Unwelcome advice is rarely listened to and often instills anger. Sometimes we need to accept our friends as they are instead of how we wish them to be.
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    well done. it was brave of you to say that to your friend but it was the right thing to do, and in time your friend will realise this. things will probably be frosty for a while but i reckon you two will be friends again. being told things we don't want to hear hurts, even the small things, this was a biggy but needed to be said. you can't make your friend make changes she needs to but you can still be there for her. please make sure you don't blank her when you see her, i doubt you could pretend nothing has occured between you and be as you were together but by saying hello and smiling when you see each other keeps the friendship alive instead of killing it altogether
  • gorunjogger
    An important aspect to a friendship is to be able to speak your mind with each other. Even if your friend doesn't like what you said, you've done your part. But change must comes from within.