katt742 Member


  • Check out my diary! I usually have a lunchmeat or tunafish sandwich on low cal, light wheat bread with swiss cheese and mustard. A small salad with oil and vinager, and mini cheddar cheese rice cakes! Very filling and satisfying and pretty healthy! Cheap too...I shop at Aldis lol.
  • Well all Im going to say is that my BF just bought me a new pair of shoes for my birthday last week. He bought me Nike Reax. I just jogged a 12 minute mile with no knee pain (I have a bum knee) and in my old shoes I could only do a 14 minute mile....i barely felt anything in my shins, feet, or knees while pounding the…
    in Sneakers? Comment by katt742 June 2011
  • I use GNC Pro Performance 100% Whey Protein in Chocolate. I mix 2 scoops with water and half of a frozen banana and blend in my blender. It is SO GOOD. It tastes like a milk shake! I actually look foward to ending my workouts so I can have my shake! P.S. I really love Muscle Milk...it has the best flavor of all the ones I…
  • I do! I love it because I dont have to worry about "what's for dinner/lunch" I usually have some sort of a sandwich and a small salad and some rice cakes. Dinner is usually salmon, a pork chop, or a hamburger and a vegetable and once a week Ill have eggs and toast and bacon =)
  • Awww please dont be so hard on yourself. Everyone has different levels of fitness...the key is not giving up and every week push yourself just a little harder. Try for 2.5 miles next week...it takes time unfortunately but if you're patient you will reap the rewards!!!
  • 3 words: I LOVE YOU. I just want you to know that. lol. The approach you take to health and fitness is much like mine. You know what, I order a nice greasy pizza once a month, or my bf and I go out for wings and beer or burgers etc. I need to have that occasionally! I still drink on the weekends and have an ice cream cone…
  • i have an air popper...then I spray olive oil on it and parmesean cheese!!! MMMMMMMMMM
  • Facebook MFP Coke Zero Protein Shakes Weight Liftin
    in addictions? Comment by katt742 June 2011
  • I either have some tea or low cal hot chocolate if Im really hungry at night. However I try to save 140 calories for the end of the day so that I can have my ice cream sandwich before bed!
    in Hungry! Comment by katt742 June 2011
  • It sucks. I was in pain and bloated for years before they finally tested me and came to IBS. lol, I know what you mean...I actually have to watch how many veggies I eat...too much fiber causes me pain. And yummy yummy bread. *sigh* fried food...pasta...you know, all the good stuff!
  • :glasses: I usually eat regular olive oil and vinager with my salads but sometimes i NEED ranch....I have a little trick. Ill use regular ranch dressing. ONE TABLESPOON only...cut it with a dash of vinager. Put your salad in a tupperware container but leave about an inch or two from the top. Put on the lid and shake it…
  • I have IBS too!!! lol...sorry, but Ive never met anyone with it. Everyone just thinks Im crazy. Nice to know Im not alone! Don't you just love how the doctors say "its IBS-nothing we can do" grrr!
  • I would definitely see a doctor. I have IBS but that doesn't sound like IBS to me. Could be Celiac's disease? Gallstones? I would call your doc!!
  • Thanks ladies! At least Im not the only one lol!! Ive been drinking my water...72 oz a day! It must just be a woman thang lol. I DO need more protein I know that...sigh. Next week ill be all better! :laugh: Hopefully!
    in STARVING Comment by katt742 June 2011
  • And to top it off I have a massive headache and running around to do after work so Im not sure if ill get a workout in! :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:
    in STARVING Comment by katt742 June 2011
  • Well, I drink my protein shakes with just the powder, water and a banana and they are plenty sweet for me....so Im hoping they will be sweet enough cookies...I may have to try it this weekend!
  • I make my own at home....I like them iced and I have a reusable Starbucks cup with a lid and straw. Just mix regular brewed coffee (or instant) with skim milk and a stevia sweetener and some ice and Im on the road!! =) But I also have a reusable coffee cup with a lid and you can do the same thing with hot coffee. It will…
  • Everyone on here is right. I LOVE ALDI! The think you should know about Aldi is that most of thier products are made by the name brand companies (i.e. Kraft, Kellogs etc,) BUT they just dont put the name brand on the product...therefor they dont have to charge as much. So i find it funny when people think its 'cheap food'…
  • You would be surprised...not only that but a large amount of people dont realize that that salad they are ordering from Applebees has more calories than a burger and fries. In this book she breaks down the science of things and gives you reciepes and exercise programs. I spent 11.99 on it for my Kindle and even though I…
  • I shop at Aldi...its a discount grocery store. You can buy canned foods for like 30-40 cents a can (just rinse before you eat to get rid of some of the sodium) Canned veggies and fruit are better than no veggies and fruit. They also have frozen fruit and veggies for dirt cheap!!! They also have great buys on meats and…
  • I am getting a New Balance N4 at Target for 70.00!! The bodybugg does everything BUT count your HR lol.
  • It's definately not a 'diet' book. Its a way of life book. She stresses healthy eating and exercise. Its a good book.
  • Ive read the book. I love Jackie Warner and have 3 of her dvd's as well. And she doesnt say eat right for five days and binge for 2....she allows you to have 2 cheat MEALS a week as long as they are not over 1500 calories.
  • I hate chicken...but I love chicken skin. So I order wings and only eat the skin and give the naked wing to my bf who eats the meat. lol.
  • My go-to's are: a whole wheat english muffin with 1 egg (fried in a non stick skillet with Pam), and a slice of american cheese. YUM Or I like Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal Oatmeal Ezikiels cinnamon raisin toast Peanut butter toast
  • :huh: never heard of it. Explain? Please?
  • Wow...yes, I think I need to up my calories too! Well...I havent lost a single pound or gained a single pound on the 1200 calories...so, lets try it! *fingers crossed*
  • Well...i was gonna get the HRM for that purpose lol. Hmmm....
  • Hmmm well....that kinda sucks lol.
  • Would you mind sharing that turkey burger reciepe?
    in Meal Plans Comment by katt742 June 2011