zavrrr Member


  • Woo! I'm so glad they made groups available on mobile - that is honestly the main reason I hadn't been posting as much, since we were renovating our house all fall & I had to rely on my phone for most of my internetting. I am in fact down just about exactly ten pounds from this summer, but feeling like I would like to lose…
  • No worries =) I just wanted to clarify that I wasn't intending to belittle the trainer's expertise.
  • I get that this could be taken as insulting to the trainer, but in this case I requested training specifically for this purpose and was very clear about it when I put in the paperwork. I had to save up to be able to afford a couple of sessions - if I could afford to work with someone on a regular basis I would certainly…
  • so I had a first session with a trainer earlier this week, and while mine was not this negative about SL, I could tell that she definitely would prefer to be tailoring some sort of custom program. this first session was really just a fitness assessment, but we obviously talked about my goals, and I had also been specific…
  • i haven't seen a lot of progress lately, but with how hectic my summer has been, i'm honestly considering just being relatively consistent and not backsliding to be a major win for now.
  • updating my goals today...I was at 1575, going down to 1350 + some extra on workout days. I had my TDEE calculated to include working out, and not eating exercise calories back. But, i'm just not feeling consistent enough in the amount/quality of exercise i'm getting, so i decided to recalculate TDEE with a sedentary…
  • my teacher referred to it as a peacock variation, but it looks like it's technically just crow/crane with a leg extended. i was doing a modified version with blocks under my shoulders for stability, so i set up from down dog, lowered into chatturanga arms/positioned my shoulders on the blocks, and then put one leg onto my…
  • i did a very cool yoga pose yesterday that i've never done before (with blocks for assistance, but still!): i haven't been able to go to yoga classes regularly lately, and ironically, sometimes it feels like i have an easier…
  • i would describe my eating as loosely iifym... i do always try my best to hit my protein goal, but worry a bit less about the other two. i am really truly awful about not wanting to enforce my diet on other people, and tend to just go along with whatever anyone else wants and do the best i can in that context. i'm much,…
  • I'm planning to start doing stronglifts 5x5 next month (at the moment, my schedule is just too hectic to stick to something programmatic), so I'm sure I'll have lots of things to say at that point! I'm planning to pony up for a PT session before I start to check form and help figure out what weight I should start at. I'm…
  • i used to pony up for lululemon, etc. because they were noticeably better quality than cheaper versions, but in the last year or two i feel like the more affordable options have gotten a lot better. in particular, old navy has good compression stuff and the c9/champion stuff at target is pretty good too. that said, i'm…
  • Now that it's summer I am all about wanting to eat #CHILLEDSOUPS (ha). I've been making this recipe, which I got from my aunt and I think originally came out of the instruction book for her blender or something, but it's a total winner. It's also good hot, but I particularly like it chilled. Super easy and tasty, very low…
  • ooooh yes. i generally stick to red wine or whiskey (neat/soda water), but i will say that last night i got a can of cider at a show & noticed it had nutrition info on it. i assumed it would be HORRENDOUS but it was actually only 100cals for the can! so i think that will be a summer go-to for me as well. not sure how…
  • IMO, the breakfast thing is really a personal preference. i've seen some articles recently saying that the impact is probably less than it's been hyped up (here's one: for me, i'm an absolute wreck in the mornings & don't like to work out early,…
  • you're awesome for setting this up!
  • Love this! I'm challenging myself to actually bring my lunch to work 3 days per week for the month of July
    in Challenges Comment by zavrrr June 2014
  • FYI, I was at Target on Sunday and they had all the Champion workout stuff at buy one / get one half off
  • goal for the week is to ease back into some strength training without re-injuring my biceps. and eat more protein, always.
  • I also dislike eggs and bananas which are like, the staples of every healthy recipe suggestion.
  • Thanks, that made me feel a lot better!
  • Thanks!
  • related question...if it comes down to it at the end of the day and you haven't hit your goal for one or more of your macros, but doing so would put you over your calorie goal, which do you prioritize? for example...I often have a hard time hitting my protein goal (currently about 120g/day), and sometimes end up in a…
  • slightly over 5'2" here...abstractly I'm shooting for 115-120, which is what I weighed for most of my life - at least until grad school / a few cross-country moves! started at about 140, down to 135ish now. I'm really more concerned with body fat and general "fitness" though. I started at around 27%bf and my long term goal…
  • I'm really bad about snacking when I'm bored. Something that has worked for me in the past is keeping some sort of healthy snack on hand (like apples), and telling myself that if I'm still "hungry" after I have that, THEN I can go eat the thing I'm craving. That will often satisfy me enough to stop the snacking. I don't…
  • I'm 5'2" and this is basically my goal as well! In my twenties I was lucky enough in the genetics/metabolism department to mostly stay around 120-125 without much work, but getting older and a cross-country move/new job have led to me needing to get back into a much healthier eating/exercise routine.