

  • Great attitude. No time like the present and the weight doesn't know what day it is :)
  • I used to travel a lot for work and would be in a hotel from Sunday night to Friday morning. I used to drive to the supermarket and get salad stuff. I could have it for my evening meal. Maybe something like instant porridge for breakfast, that could be made with a kettle of hot water. Lunch could be more salad, lots of…
  • Chicken noodle soup is my saviour. 128 calories for a whole big tin of the Heinz stuff, really tasty and surprisingly filling. There is a weight watchers version that is 55 calories a tin and the tins are half the size but they are expensive unless you find them in the pound shop or similar. The soup is warming but a bit…
  • I find not having supper in the evenings the hardest on my fast days. I have a lateish breakfast, a lunch and then tea. On normal days I have supper as well - often just a bit of toast, a piece of fruit or a yoghurt - or I feel really eaty and might head for something less healthy. I always eat breakfast though. It sets me…
  • Wow, only 7lbs since February! If your weightloss is that slow after excising and whatnot, would it be worth a quick visit to your doctor to make sure there are no underlying problems. Keep up the good work, diet and exercise wise but if I had only shifted half a stone in 7 months I would see my GP. I'm not surprised that…
  • Great advice there. I used to run marathons and triathlons back before I tore my right achilles tendon, way back in 2000. Today I just started running again with a nice, very slow 12 min mile jog for 9 minutes. I meant to go for 5 but I forgot to look at my watch. Same again on Wednesday I think (5 mins not 9). It's taken…
  • Weighing the ingredients, is what I do. I log all the ingredients for meals I make separately and then I know exactly. I use the calorie counts on the packets of the food that I use. The MFP calorie counts are generally pretty accurate, I find. Anything that they don't have food wise you can add by pressing the 'add food'…
  • Hi & Welcome I'm quite new too and love this site.
  • I use Aftershokz Bluez which are the bone conduction headphones. I use them for walking, cycling and jogging. They leave your ear open so you can hear the cars, people on bikes, dogs etc. I think that they are brilliant. They are not cheap but I think that they are worth every penny. They are OK to use in the rain too.…
  • Say it to him. Cheeky sod!! If my husband said something like that to me, he'd be single again PDQ. I work hard all day and don't go to the gym but ride my bike instead. If my husband had called me 'a slacker' I would not be responsible for my actions!
  • Hi You have done brilliantly so far. I take my hat off to you as you are an inspiration. It's normal for weighloss to be really impressive for the first couple of weeks and then to level out at 1 or 2lbs a week. I only every weigh once a week, on the same day and first thing in the morning. I never weigh after a workout as…
  • I am not sure that we would dare have a Wii. Our downstairs neighbour would have conniptions if we danced about up here. She tells us off regularly for walking about or even talking. Everything disturbs her, including when we are in the garden. We are not noisy people, she is just a PITA. We are looking to move house soon…