Starting week 4 and getting discouraged...HELP!

I am desperate for your thoughts and opinions...please!!! I am a female, 46 years old, 6'0" tall. 4 weeks ago I started at 355 pounds. First week i lost 9 pounds, Second week i lost 4 pounds and last week i lost only 1 pound. The last time i got on the scale was Sunday (8/24) to find out i had only dropped 1 pound last week. This morning after the gym, i got back on the scale and NOTHING!!!! Now let me tell you my back ground....I used to eat McDonalds for lunch almost everyday, I never hate fruit and veggies, I never exercised, I would snack during the night...................Now I go to the gym at least 5 times a week, i havent eaten fast food, i have fruit and veggies everyday, i stay within my calorie limit...actually even under and my weight loss seems to have slowed down A LOT! Am I doing something wrong? I am not a professional by any means, but i would have to think the changes i have made would make a drastic change in my weight and it doesnt seem to be..............HELP!!!!!!


  • Cc215
    Cc215 Posts: 228 Member
    You are doing great! Don't get discouraged. You've lost 14lbs already - that's a huge achievement.

    It's normal for weightless to slow down after the first couple of weeks. A few days and not seeing a shift on the scale is nothing to worry about.

    Weight loss really is about how many calories you are eating. Assuming you've set a sensible calorie deficit, and are sticking to it the numbers on the scale will start moving soon.

    I'm sure someone will be along with a link to the sexy pants thread very soon (I'd put it here but don't know how!). When they do read that - it's a great place to start!
  • Sweetvirgo63
    Sweetvirgo63 Posts: 119 Member
    Don't fret about it all that much. Your body is getting accustomed to a new regime that includes healthier foods. You're not on The Biggest Loser so you won't see massive weight drop every week. And, getting on the scale after coming home from a workout isn't the best time especially if you've consume a lot of water during your workouts - the average person will see their weight go up 2-3 lbs. over the course of the day but it's gone the next morning. I was 197.6 last night and 194.6 this morning. Weigh yourself just once or twice a week in the morning to see where you're at.

    What's important is that your eating plan is composed of healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, meats / meat alternatives / grains etc. Do you measure your food ahead of time to see how much you're taking and entering it into your food diary? If not, you may want to start doing that so you'll see where things are at.
  • CLM1227
    CLM1227 Posts: 61 Member
    Keep going!!!
  • kmsnyg
    kmsnyg Posts: 100 Member
    This isn't the biggest loser, it's normal and healthy to lose 1-2 lbs a week. Sometimes the hard work we put in doesn't show on the scale, I've had gains when I know followed the program and weighed all my food out and exercised.

    This journey requires a whole lot of persistence. It takes years to put the weight on, it takes years for it to come off.

    Congrats on the 14 lbs, that is a fantastic start.
  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    My dietian told me to never weigh right after a workout. Muscles are swollen and full of blood. You're going to weigh more after a workout. You are doing well. Don't get discouraged!
  • nikjackson18
    You have done brilliantly so far. I take my hat off to you as you are an inspiration.
    It's normal for weighloss to be really impressive for the first couple of weeks and then to level out at 1 or 2lbs a week.

    I only every weigh once a week, on the same day and first thing in the morning. I never weigh after a workout as I swear that I'm heavier then. Not to mention I'd have had food and a good litre of water by then, which is never going to help.

    Just keep on doing what you are doing and you will do really well. After all, the weight didn't go on overnight so it's not going to come off overnight. Enjoy the journey :flowerforyou:
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    You lost 14 pounds in four weeks! How is that something to be discouraged about?! That's an average rate of 3.75 pounds per week. Holy cow!!

    Stop being hypercritical or you'll never get through this to the end. Some weeks you won't lose, some weeks you may even gain a bit due to water weight - fluctuations happen so you need to get your head around that and make peace with it.

    As someone else said, weighing after you worked out may have something to do with it. You need to weigh consistently to get an accurate reading. Pick one scale, one day a week and one time and a certain thing to wear (or nothing if at home) and do the same every time you weigh. Using different scales, weighing at different times of day with different clothes on could make a difference of up to 10 pounds.

    Also, you should know that your initial weight loss was water weight gone due to major changes in your diet. You were likely bloated due to all the sodium and unhealthy foods you used to consume. It's quite common. Now that you've lost that, your rate will more likely be the healthy usual rate of 1-2 pounds per week which is completely acceptable.

    Again, stop being so hard on yourself. Set realistic expectations and goals and learn to be patient. Best of luck!
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    My dietian told me to never weigh right after a workout. Muscles are swollen and full of blood.

    aye? - that makes no sense .. you still have the same amount of blood in your body before and after a work out .. it doesn't matter WHERE it is :-/

    Where does that extra blood come from .. Fresh air? Maybe I should go for a run and giving blood instead of resting and eating biscuit with my cup of tea :-p

    Time to change your dietitian!
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    You are doing very well! Like everybody else said, it's normal to lose more initially, and then level out. Since you have quite a bit to lose, you could probably do 2 pounds a week, but even 1 pound is an accomplishment. And you can't really expect noticeable loss in only a couple of days. (Many people only weigh once a week. Also, make sure you are weighing at the same time of day, under the same circumstances. First thing in the morning, after the bathroom, before eating, and without clothes is best.)

    Since you have lost 14 pounds, though, have you recalculated your calorie goal? I do it every 10 pounds, since you need less when you weigh less. But even if yo do go a little lower, don't expect to go back to losing 9 pounds in one week.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Your first two weeks were an aberration. People don't lose that much normally and it will end for you quickly.

    1-2 a week is normal! Some weeks may register more or less, though. The line doesn't go straight down.

    Weight fluctuates due to water retention, which goes up if you eat/drink a lot of sodium or if it's time for a period. I've gone up as much as seven pounds with a period, usually 4-5.

    It is a long, long process. You will have to do all the work and see very tiny results. Sometimes the scale won't go down or will even go up. You have to stick with it.

    Keep eating healthier until you get to a point where you eat healthy all the time and save treats for an occasional indulgence. It's good for you! Log the calories after weighing the solids and measuring the liquids so you know you got it right. At least for a few weeks, weigh and measure. It's a major pain in the butt, but can enlighten people about how many calories they really eat.

    Keep exercising! Helps lose weight and is so good for the cardiovascular system!

    You're heading into Heart Attack Time and you don't want that. Be good to your body. Help it help you!

    It's such a long road. You need patience and determination to stay committed because you'll be doing this for a couple years.

    Hold on. Don't stop. Keep going.
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    I used to eat McDonalds for lunch almost everyday, I never hate fruit and veggies, I never exercised, I would snack during the night...................Now I go to the gym at least 5 times a week, i havent eaten fast food, i have fruit and veggies everyday, i stay within my calorie limit...actually even under and my weight loss seems to have slowed down A LOT! Am I doing something wrong? I am not a professional by any means, but i would have to think the changes i have made would make a drastic change in my weight and it doesnt seem to be..............HELP!!!!!!

    Thinking about this... Like we said, you are really doing a great job. You lost 14 pounds in 3 weeks! In the past month, I lost 4 pounds. Weight loss is just a slow process -- but that's actually a good thing, because it gives you time to get used to the changes you have to make, break down old habits and build up new ones, so you don't just gain all the weight back.

    All of the changes you have made are really fantastic. Excellent job! However, if you are feeling like the effort you are putting into weight loss is not worth the results you are getting, you won't stick with it. So, I suggest you treat yourself. One day this week, work having an ice cream into your calories. Get your favorite flavor, and have it as a reward for all of your hard work. Don't go overboard or anything, but enjoy yourself.

    While there is nothing wrong with sometimes being under your calories, realize that it's not necessary, and it's even ok to sometimes be a little over. I don't know if you've noticed this yet, but in the app (under "Nutrition") there's a weekly view that shows you how many calories you've had each day, and even gives you an average for the week. I use this to see the big picture, and not feel so badly on days that I don't exactly hit my goal. (Like when I went way over for my husband's birthday, but was just a little bit under enough days that it evened out.)

    And if you enjoy going to the gym 5 days a week, that's great. But it would also be great if you only went 3 days. I'm not trying to discourage you from going every day; just saying that you don't necessarily have to.

    If you already know all of this, you can ignore me. Some people have that "full tilt" personality that lets them jump in feet first and succeed. But also, some people think they have to do everything all the way in order to lose weight, and then they end up quitting because it sucks, so I just thought I'd mention it. Only you know which of those you are.
  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    My dietian told me to never weigh right after a workout. Muscles are swollen and full of blood.

    aye? - that makes no sense .. you still have the same amount of blood in your body before and after a work out .. it doesn't matter WHERE it is :-/

    Where does that extra blood come from .. Fresh air? Maybe I should go for a run and giving blood instead of resting and eating biscuit with my cup of tea :-p

    Time to change your dietitian!

    Actually my dietian is wonderful and maybe I misunderstood her. Either way your muscles swell with FLUID and cause a temporary weight gain.

    I take her word over some Joe Schmo on here any day.
  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    My dietian told me to never weigh right after a workout. Muscles are swollen and full of blood.

    aye? - that makes no sense .. you still have the same amount of blood in your body before and after a work out .. it doesn't matter WHERE it is :-/

    Where does that extra blood come from .. Fresh air? Maybe I should go for a run and giving blood instead of resting and eating biscuit with my cup of tea :-p

    Time to change your dietitian!

    And rude sarcastic buttholes make it really hard to enjoy the community part of this site.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Most people can expect to lose 1-2 per week. Based on your stats, 2-3 is probably not unrealistic. But that does not mean you'll lose 2-3 each and every week. Some weeks you'll show 1, some might show 4. Many things can affect your water weight, which can sometimes mask the results on the scale.

    A very likely explanation is its something to do with your monthly cycle. Many women experience increased water weight, though when will very. I do after I start. Others, when they ovulate. Other potentials: stress, retained water to repair muscles from new workout routine, not enough sleep, too much sodium.

    Trust in the science. Give your body enough nutrition (protein, complex carbs, fruits & veggies, healthy fats) while eating at a deficit. Weigh solids, log everything. 1-2 weeks in a row without a loss should not be a concern. If it goes as much as 4-6, then reassess your goals and calorie range.

    And as others have said, be consistent about your weighins. Personally I wake up in the morning, use the bathroom, strip for my shower and get on the scale. Each day the same. (Though don't weigh in daily if the # is going to drive you crazy.) If I were to get on the scale right NOW it would not be consistent as my right-this-minute-weight is impacted by what I've consumed & when, my bathroom routines, clothes I wear.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    This morning after the gym, i got back on the scale and NOTHING!!!!
    There's no need to panic.

    Start by doing the math.
    14lbs / 4 weeks = 3.5lbs a week. That's well above average. A good steady pace (long term) is about 1 -2lbs a week. It's pretty common to hit big numbers the first week. It's unreasonable and unhealthy to hit big numbers (over 5lbs) every week.

    Step away from the scale
    Weigh yourself once a week. Don't obsess if you don't lose for one week. Don't freak out if you gain a pound. It's not a big deal. Look at the average loss over the course of the last six weeks. Weight loss is not linear.

    Be patient
    Keep doing what your doing and you will be successful, It takes time, being patient is helpful for staying on track. Don't buy into the idea that all the weight will fall off in a few short weeks.
  • kullanderric121
    I think that it's normal to have ebbs and flows to weight loss. Your body will adjust to your routines. So it's good to mix things up. Muscle confusion is a great way to continue losing weight. There are several work out programs geared to this process of weight loss. Don't get discouraged. It's awesome that you have already lost 14 lbs! For me, I have to minimize carbs to have continual weight loss (reduce breads, pastas, rice, etc.) Also try drinking sassy water, it will help your body detox and gear up for weight loss... Emile Couee came up with a great affirmation to tell yourself continually: "Every day in every way I'm getting better and better." God's blessings to you on your journey...
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    My dietian told me to never weigh right after a workout. Muscles are swollen and full of blood.

    aye? - that makes no sense .. you still have the same amount of blood in your body before and after a work out .. it doesn't matter WHERE it is :-/

    Where does that extra blood come from .. Fresh air? Maybe I should go for a run and giving blood instead of resting and eating biscuit with my cup of tea :-p

    Time to change your dietitian!

    And rude sarcastic buttholes make it really hard to enjoy the community part of this site.

    You have me confused for someone who gives a ****. It wasn't sarcasm it was a response to BULL ****
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    You're upset at 14 pounds lost in only a month? I realize that you are on the larger end, but really that's nothing to sneeze at. Most people are happy at 8 pounds a month--1-2 pounds a week is a healthy weight loss. Keep up the good work.
  • whitpitts
    whitpitts Posts: 11 Member
    I'm surprised no one has mentioned measuring. If your working out, your muscles are getting bigger and will naturally start to weigh more than they did before. This would cause your weight to stay the same or even increase even if you do lose fat. Measure yourself once a week or every other week and you will probably notice inches shedding off even if your weight doesn't change. And don't get discouraged either way. Healthy habits like eating right and exercising will naturally pay off health-wise, though it does take a little time to see the results.
    I found and that is what REALLY got me through the first few weeks. It's a site run by 2 personal trainers who are husband and wife. They have 400+ free workout videos that you can do at home with little to no equipment (and more coming all the time) and I'm telling you, it feels like your working out with friends when you watch them. They don't breeze through their workouts. You watch them struggle to get through it just as much as you do sometimes. They are very laid back and I love working out to their videos on days I don't make it to the gym. They also offer recipes, advice (in the forms of video blogs and articles), and weight loss programs. I encourage you to check it out. It could change your life just like it changed mine.

    Here's a little something to make you feel good.