Muscle and fat weigh the same. A pound is a pound. BUT muscle is denser than fat therefore it takes up less space. Plus a toned body (one with more muscle) looks much better IMO. Don't sweat it.
Right there with you! I WAS down almost 60 pounds-four pounds from my goal. 25 pounds and a ton of food later-here I am. Frustrating to say the least. We just need to get back to that mindset that we had when we first started this whole thing. At least you are three weeks into the new you-again! Chin up-you already know…
Yep-that makes perfect sense! On a side note-same chain of grocery store but a different location is having a weekend sale.... 69c/dozen.... And to the person who couldn't believe I don't know the cost of the items I put in my cart-I guess I should have said-I don't spend a lot of money on my food-I DO try to stick to a…
I live in Iowa-Aldi's is just down the street from me actually. This was at Hy-Vee though and I didn't fell like making the trip anywhere else at 5:30 at night. I really should get back into the day off shopping trip with a LIST and coupons in hand!
Thanks for your input. I must be very fortunate because the sidewalks in my area and very nice and the roads are concrete not asphalt, just like the sidewalks. It still baffles me though-why wear all black unless you are running from the cops? LOL! To all you runners out there- if you chose to run in the streets-be safe,…
THIS! Those darn firemen sure can MOVE!
After six months I am pretty sure you know in your head what is healthy (as close to natural as possible). To me, the real question is-this is probably a once in a life time experience. Do you REALLY want to spend five days obsessing over how many calories are in every single bite or do you want to enjoy the experience and…
Being from the US, I just want to experience all the sights there are to see HERE! Two years ago I had quite an adventure Jeeping with my B/F in the Rockies in Colorado-some BEAUTIFUL sights that most will never see as you have to have 4 wheel drive and nerves of steel to get to some of the mountain tops! Then it was on to…
Thanks for all the support! I guess I have this complex-I went to the "Cheap" theatre one time and they actually stood in front of the screen before the movie and scolded people for bringing their own food in saying that by selling the high priced snacks is how they can afford to have the ticket prices so cheap and then he…
Just adding my two cents worth. I freaked out on week five too and like a previous poster said, I cried tears of joy when I was done. A month later I was laughing about myself being so scared of it! Everyone focuses on the physical aspect of running and until you actually DO it, most don't realize what a mental game it…
This is ME to a T! I am not hungry-very rarely am I ever TRULY hungry but yet I can shove food in mouth! With the weather getting better now, hopefully I will be hitting the streets for my run instead of the kitchen! I found that it really makes me sick to run after I eat so I have to refrain from eating at least 2-3 hours…
I work out at a PD....OMG...I am starting to feel REALLY old but it is motivational!
Whew! i thought I was a REALLY BIG slacker! :laugh: I never realized that my constant changing of the speeds on the treadmill was actually a GOOD thing! I just run until I am about tripping and then back it off and walk for a while. I never did like to follow rules!
17mph REALLY? No way this old lady is doing that!
I bought the New Rules for Lifting book-after suffering through the first 50 pages or so I got bored and the book has sat unopened for months. (I think I have ADD or something) I can READ about all the exercises until my mind is numb but I am one of those people who have to SEE the exercise. Google and You Tube are your…
I WAS a year I am down to my last TWENTY pounds to go. :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: DO NOT follow my lead!
Iowa Native-born, raised and still here!
There is no right or wrong. Do whatever makes you happy. If "only" running three miles once a week is good for you, then that is enough. (I say "only" because as you pointed out, in high school you couldn't even run ONE and now you are running THREE! There are thousands of people who would love to be able to run that far!)…
I am sure there are a few calories in the seasoning mix (there is SUGAR in there!) but I don't sweat those few probably burn them by chewing your food anyway...
peanut butter....necessary nutrients and a boost of protein.
Just putting my 2 cents worth in... Maybe they don't know what to do or how to do it and are hoping that someone will step up and tell them or show them? That would be me...and you can call me Susan.
Wish I could-they block the good websites!
OMG I only have until 4 to go but I have no desire to be here! My "boss" wouldn't approve my request to leave early today yet she showed up a half hour late and has already left for the day. You can bet there won't be much WORK getting done by me the rest of the day!
[[/quote] See the image in my ticker? That is the Colorado Trail - so yay to Denver. [/quote] Your ticker photo is EXACTLY why we are thinking Colorado. (Well that and the b/f has a Jeep that is DYING to hit the high trails!)
Squats and lunges KILL my knees (usually to tears by then end of the first set) Any other suggestions?
Thanks for all the responses-definitely some things to think about. As far as not having a ring on my finger-that is a mutual decision. We are both adults and have been around a couple of times. Honestly-I can not think of a good reason to say "I do" at this point. "We do" and that is all that matters to us. Neither of us…
ME! Came in at 6, work until 4. Just like yesterday. Just like I will on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. Haven't had a day off in 12 days right now...whew! Starting to feel the affects of staying up til one and getting up at 4:40.
Your story is inspiring and your tips are helpful! I have been in "training" for over a year mostly because I am too afraid to pull the trigger and sign up for a race. I need to just do it. What is the worst that can happen, right? So what if I have to walk or even (gasp) don't finish. It would just be something else to…
I have another request-PLEASE don't wear BLACK! I can't tell you how many times I have almost HIT that runner, running down the middle of road (where there ARE sidewalks) at 5 am on my way to work. If all you have is black-at least make sure there is reflector tape on you somewhere or get an orange vest (I REALLY…
I think we are living mirror lives... Single for 9 years after 19 years of marriage. In a relationship for 5 years with no hope of ever being any more than what we are right first that is what i wanted, now I am not so sure. Singlish?