akscharaswak Member


  • I have not lost much since I have been doing this either. And I don't pay much attention to the calories burned when I log exercise, it's more of a way for my doctor and I to see what and how much activity I'm getting so that I can adjust it to more fit my needs. I have been doing this for almost 3 weeks I think (I have a…
  • I don't own a scale either. I have fairly regular checkups due to fluctuations in the meds I have to take, and I also am able to weigh myself at work once a week if I want to. I prefer to use my waist measurement as a tracker (or my pants). If I have to adjust my belt, I'm losing. There was a point last year where I could…
  • Every time I try to kick soda, I fall off the wagon after a few days. I don't drink regular soda because I don't like how it tastes (all I can taste is the syrup). I have done it cold turkey but usually have an excuse (such as needing the caffeine (I'm also a Mt. Dew fan)). I have found that making myself drink water…
  • "No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everyone on the couch"
  • HI, welcome. Good luck on your race, it's nice to have a goal to look forward to. I'd like to start jogging eventually but I have to take baby steps right now as fitness and exercise have never been a huge part of my life outside of the required classes in school. But I have two very high energy dogs that are my motivators…
  • Thank you for your warm welcome! :happy: I will check out that link now. I have been tracking for about a week and that in itself really helps, because I hate having to say "I didn't have enough self-control not to do _______" and then I have to write it down too. Writing it down seems to be a good way to get me not to do…