introducing Me

Hi, I have been out of the fitness thing for a while and am now starting up again. In order to motivate myself I have signed up for a Spartan Race in September, so I have a goal.
I live in Essex and would welcome any friends along the way.
I used to be a personal trainer, so if you have any questions please feel free to ask me and I will answer as best I can


  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    Welcome to MFP, and good luck on your race. :) I run as well, but have been taking the last week off due to a really nasty case of poison ivy (oozing, itching rash and sweat do not mix well). Hopefully I'll be back in my running shoes soon. The itch is killing me!

    Are you here just to get fit again, or do you have some sort of weight goal? This place is full of runners, lifters, and regular folks who just want to lose or gain weight.... and everything in between. :)
  • akscharaswak
    akscharaswak Posts: 8 Member
    HI, welcome. Good luck on your race, it's nice to have a goal to look forward to. I'd like to start jogging eventually but I have to take baby steps right now as fitness and exercise have never been a huge part of my life outside of the required classes in school. But I have two very high energy dogs that are my motivators right now, they both need to at least walk daily and I have to take responsibility for that because I was the one who signed the adoption papers. I know the Rottweiler would love it if I would take him for a long run every couple of days.

    Do you have a running partner or a puppy to take with you while you train?