seesusanwrite Member


  • Great feedback everyone, thanks!
  • 1. Something bad happening to my kiddo 2. Spiders (big hairy ones....small ones I can deal with) 3. Sharks (Jaws was #1 hit when i was a kid and it really impacted me) 4. Dying while my kiddo is young (I'm a single mom and who would take care of him? Ugh. That keeps me up sometimes) When I was reviewing this board I saw…
  • I kept thinking about your post as I went about my day and I remembered the absolute best advice I got when I was in a similar situation. Make a list of your " must haves" and "like to haves". The must haves are what you MUST have in order to be happy in your relationship. The LIKE haves are things you'd like to have but…
  • Wow. Reading your post was like reading a diary entry from my married life. I lived this for 3 years although I worked out of the home. I at least had the 'break' of leaving the house and having my own lunch hours to do what I wanted to do. I can't imagine how you are doing this. My heart goes out to you. I'll tell you…
  • I'm definitely in! I'll report my starting weight on January 1st.
  • Well it definitely sounds like your enduring quite a bit- and stress eating is so common for many of us MFPer's- myself included. Stress eating, I believe, is a coping mechanism that we've adopted to help us get through extreme stress. And just like any coping mechanism, we can transition away from it and choose something…
  • It is often through our children's eyes that we see who we really are. Since you have watched Biggest Losers you know that the weight can be lost. It won't be fast, it won't be easy. You will have ups and downs. You will fall off the wagon but as long as you get back on that's what counts. You can do this. The only person…
  • Not me, but then again I normally don't weigh in until Monday mornings anyway. I'm sure I'm up as I feel bloated. I didn't go crazy yesterday but I'm sure I went way over my calorie limit. Today I'm back on track and will add more exercise into the day.
  • Welcome back from another 'repeat' customer! I did really well on MFP, stopped doing it for some unknown reason, but now I'm back on. I have managed to lose 4 more lbs just by joining in the last few weeks. I had lost 13 lbs on a diet before and wanted to keep the momentum up. MFP definitely helps. One thing that has…
  • You have every right to be angry and venting is definitely a good thing to do to get it out of your system. It sounds like your ex and mine could be brothers. Seriously. I was reading this post and was thinking "Yep, that's what B would do." Good thinking on the backup costume! It's cruel, too, that he thinks it's okay…
  • My son is 4 and goes to daycare with kids with pregnant mommies. So, when he sees a 'belly' he says "you have a baby in your belly'. I explain to him that sometimes there's no baby in there but he's learning. The other day at the grocery store, he was in the cart and said this to a woman who had a large stomach that…
  • Oh I really want to do this- but I don't think the plantar fasciitis injury would appreciate this. Instead, I'm going to do ab work as my mini challenge!
  • Hey there, The 30 Day Shred has a lot of jumping jacks and other moves involved in it as well. However, I had to modify these due to a knee injury which you could do as well if noise is a problem. The jumping and jogging in place is basically to keep your heart rate up. I found that if I stood and just did high kicks,…