To Gym or Not to Gym

Looking for some feedback here.

In the last month or so I've skidded back in my weight loss journey. I've gone from breaking (finally) the 200 lb mark to weighing in at 199.6 to now weighing 207.8. I stopped doing what worked and then foolishly thought it wouldn't catch up with me. Well it did.

I'm really focused on getting back on track and want to see fast results to keep my motivation up.I've been considering getting a gym membership at a great club just up the street from me - literally I could walk there. I've had a membership there before and it was truly like a haven for me. I would go, work out, catch a Body Flow class (or yoga) and then hit the hot tub for a great post workout soak. I'd feel so great after. Should be an easy decision right?


I got laid off last week so I have to think about 'essential items' now when calculating my budget. I'm going to use the next few months of severance and unemployment benefits to pay the bills and just focus on my health and wellness goals. A gym membership could really get me far down that path- plus it will get me out of the house, keep me social and since I have loads of time, i can hit a lot of different classes and take advantage of so much there I never had time before.

What are thoughts? One side of me says "hey you're unemployed and you shouldn't be spending money on this kind of thing" but the other part of me says "hey, you're worth this. you can afford it and this IS an essential item in the budget".



  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    If you don't want to spend the money on a gym, which I have never done, I just don't see spending my money on something I can't keep home with me. I spent my money on the WiiFit, and I take my dogs on walks everyday, and I either run or speed walk on the roads, or the track at one of the schools near me. You don't have to spend the money to be fit. I also paid $10 for two 5 lb weights and I use those to tone up.
  • eso2012
    eso2012 Posts: 337 Member
    It depends on what works for you. I was a gym rat before and could not imagine doing without. Nowadays I am into Pilates classes, TRX classes and home workout (DVD and various equipments in our home gym). It's a formula that works for me in terms of effectiveness and efficiency (little time and minimize driving).

    Do you have any DVDs at home? Or check out your bookstore for things that "click" or youtube for inspiring videos. If I were you I would try home work out for a couple of weeks to see if it is your style. If so, you may be able to spend your budget on, say, walking shoes, weights, DVDs, etc...and get rid of your gym membership.

    But if you realize that gym really gets you on track and motivated, I agree that it is a sound investment and you may want to stay with it. Also, shop around....gyms are notorious for membership drive around summer time and you may be able to find a better bargain than the one you have now.

    Good luck and sorry to hear about your job loss.
  • e46dude
    e46dude Posts: 15 Member
    Really you're the only that can answer this question since you know your financial situation best, but if you can manage it (maybe look at other areas you can offset the cost) I would do it.
     I can get so much more work in quicker and more efficiently at the gym than I can at home.
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    It really is up to you. I do much better at the gym-I get there , get done and back home I go. When I try to workout at home, there is always stuff or kids that need attention and a 30 min. wokrout turns in to forever workout or it's never done. So, for me it's a great investment in my health!
  • seesusanwrite
    seesusanwrite Posts: 14 Member
    Great feedback everyone, thanks!
  • Christi6604
    Christi6604 Posts: 246 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about the job loss. I'm on a displaced list myself, so I've sold my home and have moved in with my folks until I find another job. After much reflection, I joined the local YMCA during the winter because I just couldn't do the exercising at home. Now that my home is sold I feel like I can keep the membership because I can afford it even on unemployment ..and I still have a job until Jan.

    I agree that you need to do what's best for you financially. I encourage you to remember that a gym is a tool. It might be nice, but you might not NEED it right now (maybe in winter). Walks are great. Free. A great stress reliever. Couch to 5K is a great program you can do outside too...that you really don't need to spend any money on.

    Good luck whatever you decide. You can do it either way. :flowerforyou:
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Unfortunately visual perception will affect interviews I'm actually fairly happy my first interview here was over the phone, helps my boss is in France . Consider your gym cost a job hunting expense. I don't think you can deduct it though.

    There's a planet fitness right by my house and it's only 10bucks a month, plus the first monday of every month they have free pizza so it's a free dinner that night and they have bagels on some tuesday morning but the only bagel shop in town SUCKS so I wouldn't eat them anyway.

    Hopefully you'll land a job quickly enough that it won't be an issue. There's a gym here at work BUT since I'm a "contingent employee" (read:contractor) I don't get to use it. I'd be upset but while the company is reducing headcount, I'm an operating expense and fairly insulated from headcount reduction. But honestly the PF is walking distance from my house and 24x7 so I'd probably not give up my membership even if I could use the gym here.
  • ipsamet
    ipsamet Posts: 436 Member
    Honestly, I would do it IF you can afford it and it's not going to really stress you or your budget out. I think mental health is just as important as physical health, and it sounds like this is a relatively cheap way to aid both of those goals at a time when you'd really need it. Good luck with everything :)
  • stfuriada
    stfuriada Posts: 445 Member
    Go to your local library and see if they have any exercise DVDs that you can borrow. Sure it's not weight lifting but it's still exercise.

    If you can get a resistance band and do resistance exercises, that would help too. Jumping rope, jogging, etc.
  • HelenDootson
    HelenDootson Posts: 443 Member
    I dont think of my gym membership as a cost, it is an investment in you and your health - A healthier, fitter you is more likely to get a new job quicker!
    I will also stave off the stay at home blues
  • carriempls
    carriempls Posts: 326 Member
    If you’ve already figured out a meaningful budget and you can work it in successfully, go for it. It sounds like you see all of the advantages (social, getting out of the house, health, etc.).

    Of course, there are all kinds of exercise you can do for free, but if belonging to the gym will get you where you need to be, there’s no reason not to make it a priority.

    It’s not irresponsible. You’re determining your priorities and choosing how to spend your resources. Nothing wrong with that.
  • carriempls
    carriempls Posts: 326 Member
    I just don't see spending my money on something I can't keep home with me.

    I'm the exact opposite! I tend to prioritize my money towards experiences rather than material things. Travel, concerts, classes, museum visits, etc.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    If you can afford it, go for it. It will keep you cheerful whilst out of work :)
  • jsidel126
    jsidel126 Posts: 694 Member
    Typically the gym has a social aspect (there is usually people to see and exercise with on your schedule.) Exercising on your own typically is less expensive and typically is performed alone. Sometimes the social aspects keep you going when you hit a
    plateau or are bored with your training...
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    I just don't see spending my money on something I can't keep home with me.

    I'm the exact opposite! I tend to prioritize my money towards experiences rather than material things. Travel, concerts, classes, museum visits, etc.

    Well concerts, traveling, museums, etc. are different to me :smile: I would and do spend my money on those things. Those are more of visual entertainment, which I like. But a treadmill, I'd rather buy one and have it at my house forever than to have to rely on paying a gym every month to not be able to have it right by me. I hope I'm making sense, lol.
  • Keegansmum6
    Keegansmum6 Posts: 193 Member
    Looking for some feedback here.

    In the last month or so I've skidded back in my weight loss journey. I've gone from breaking (finally) the 200 lb mark to weighing in at 199.6 to now weighing 207.8. I stopped doing what worked and then foolishly thought it wouldn't catch up with me. Well it did.

    I'm really focused on getting back on track and want to see fast results to keep my motivation up.I've been considering getting a gym membership at a great club just up the street from me - literally I could walk there. I've had a membership there before and it was truly like a haven for me. I would go, work out, catch a Body Flow class (or yoga) and then hit the hot tub for a great post workout soak. I'd feel so great after. Should be an easy decision right?

    I know that when my boyfriend was unemployed we joined the Y and they based it on a Sliding scale, we payed 38.00 for him,our son and myself so I am sure you could get a membership for her self for pretty cheap =)


    I got laid off last week so I have to think about 'essential items' now when calculating my budget. I'm going to use the next few months of severance and unemployment benefits to pay the bills and just focus on my health and wellness goals. A gym membership could really get me far down that path- plus it will get me out of the house, keep me social and since I have loads of time, i can hit a lot of different classes and take advantage of so much there I never had time before.

    What are thoughts? One side of me says "hey you're unemployed and you shouldn't be spending money on this kind of thing" but the other part of me says "hey, you're worth this. you can afford it and this IS an essential item in the budget".

  • Maridar
    Maridar Posts: 164 Member
    I used to be a gymrat at some point but then it felt like going to work... and it was costly so now I have Gillian Michaels dvd's and a treadmill and free weights, works for me. Also running, walking outside is good. I like GM dvd's because it's just 30 min workout but if you give 100% are are sweating at the end...
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    If the gym makes you feel better mentally then keep it to keep your spirits up. But if finances force you to drop it, don't let that get you down. Think of it as an opportunity. I can easily spend 3 hours doing something outdoors, but can't do more than 45 mins inside the gym before I'm begging the warden to let me out.

    You have more time on your hands and it's summer, so you can start doing some outdoor activities. Long walks, bike rides, trail hikes, hill climbs. jogging, swimming, etc.

    You don't need a gym to lose weight
  • DaSavedSinner
    DaSavedSinner Posts: 211 Member
    My gym cost about $20 a month and we have to budget wisely. I personally have only been working out regurally for about 2 and a half months but most of my weightloss what before that time. I did not exercise til about month 5 of dieting. As long as you watch your diet you can lose w'o exercise. But the muscle building and cardio is a Huge perk to losing w'o losing muscle.
  • rachelmorgan77
    rachelmorgan77 Posts: 131 Member
    One thing to try is see if your local Y has Membership Assistance. This is a great program that will subsidize your gym membership if you're low income. You'll usually still have to pay a small fee, but it's greatly reduced (most will scale it according to your income). Many Ys do this, and ours actually runs a yearly campaign to raise money for their membership assistance program.

    That being said - it all depends on you. Do you need to go to the gym to get your workout in? I do - but that's just me. If I'm home it's too easy to find other things that always need to be done: laundry, dishes, cleaning, yardwork...etc. My gym time is MY time, I get to focus on me and what I need to get done, and they have childwatch - a win/win!