Starting over again after 5 months and want friends and supp

Hello Everyone!!! I am excited about being back on here but scared of failure too at the same time. I had a baby two years ago and after a year of the "it's baby weight" excuse, I discovered MFP and did well but never came on the message boards for support from other members, which I obviously needed because after months of doing well I stopped using MFP. I never got on a scale since I stopped, which was around May, because I knew I would not like what I saw. Well this past Sunday, I do not know why, maybe because I was still drunk from the night before lol, I got on the scale and I gained 10 pounds in those 5 months!! I wanted to cry but of course that will not shed the pounds so I decided to start over but with the support of other members so I do not slip up again. Please add me and thank you in advance. :smile:


  • arosmith79
    arosmith79 Posts: 250 Member
    Welcome :)
  • rinwaln
    You've made the first step in the long road to turning it all around. keep up the good work and don't lose heart for the setback of the last 5 months I did almost the exact same thing. Now after a month and a half I'm almost back down to my starting weight and I'm making huge gains in the fitness department. You can do it too.
  • Debbie_B
    Hello. Well I am starting over for the.......oh whos counting. :) I also never went to the message boards because I figured I could do it on my own and was too embarrassed. I have gone to the message boards and started many times to reach out and came up with ever excuse not too. So let me say thank you for your post, it is very encouraging. With determination and hard work we can do this.
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    Welcome back!!!
  • tabik30
    tabik30 Posts: 443
    Would love to be your friend in this journey!
  • demetria423
    demetria423 Posts: 25 Member
    Thank you all for the words of encouragement !!! I truly appreciate it!
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    Here everybody can get a do over. Good luck to you.
  • sleight119
    hello and welcome back I have just came back as well
  • seesusanwrite
    seesusanwrite Posts: 14 Member
    Welcome back from another 'repeat' customer! I did really well on MFP, stopped doing it for some unknown reason, but now I'm back on. I have managed to lose 4 more lbs just by joining in the last few weeks. I had lost 13 lbs on a diet before and wanted to keep the momentum up. MFP definitely helps.

    One thing that has helped me is to always be honest and track all your food. Even if you go over. Stay on the boards and know that we are all working together for the same goal.
  • Nikki881
    Nikki881 Posts: 203
    Hey, welcome! =)
  • Rohnic
    Rohnic Posts: 82
    Welcome again! Trying again means you really want it!
    You listed reasons why it didn't work out last time, you know them now and you can try to avoid them! I'd be happy to support you reaching your goals! Good luck!
  • tasnim81
    tasnim81 Posts: 91 Member
    Welcome back!:smile: