About to start the Jillian Micheals 30 Day Shred..

Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
I'm downloading this series and it should be ready to use by the time I get off of work, so I'll try it tonight.

But I'm basically just wondering what to expect. I've used one of the Biggest Loser's workout videos and, sadly enough got a noise complaint from another tenant in my apartment building (I live on the 2nd floor) from all my stampeding during the workout, which had alot of jogging in place, jumping jacks and such. :(((

Can I expect the same thing from this video, as well? Please enlighten me. I'm hella nervous. :/


  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    More jumping on level 1 than on level 2, haven't done level 3 yet. Your neighbors might hear you for sure! :)
  • LemonCitron
    LemonCitron Posts: 116 Member
    Yeah, it's a lot of jumping around... Is there any way you could work out a deal with your neighbor? Like a time slot or something?
  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member
    Today will be my 3rd day on this video. There is a lot of jumping like jumping jacks and pretend jump rope, but the level work out is only 20 min long so they can deal with it!!!!

    Good Luck! :tongue:
  • makena78
    makena78 Posts: 162 Member
    This is a really good workout. Just the warmup alone is a workout. lots of jumping in this one. I don't like jumping around so I lost interest. However, it is a really good workout and if you can stick with it I'm sure you'll be skinny in no time.
  • LacyS78
    LacyS78 Posts: 10 Member
    It's a killer, but in a good way. There is some jumping, but I did it with no shoes so I think that helped with the noise. It goes by really fast which is awesome, but she is relentless just like on the show so be ready for it!
  • seesusanwrite
    seesusanwrite Posts: 14 Member
    Hey there,

    The 30 Day Shred has a lot of jumping jacks and other moves involved in it as well. However, I had to modify these due to a knee injury which you could do as well if noise is a problem.

    The jumping and jogging in place is basically to keep your heart rate up. I found that if I stood and just did high kicks, keeping my arms moving up and down at my sides (sort of a standing kicking jack if you will) I kept my heart rate up and didn't hurt my knees.

    I found this series extremely helpful in getting in a quick workout at home. I also do a lot of yoga an pilates which burns just as many calories, is easier on the joints and doesn't make much noise (I can do it while my 3 year old is napping).

    Good luck and hoped this helped!
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I wish he could just deal with it. He's a grump, so we don't bother him. But I WILL give it a try tonight whether he likes it or not because I've heard raving reviews of this workout. :)
  • angievill
    angievill Posts: 18 Member
    When I just to live on the 2nd floor instead of jumping jacks I would just repeat the same excersise where she bends her knees and punching side to side for cardio. I used to burn the same amount of calories I burn now that I'm able to actually do the whole video.
  • ShelbyLB
    ShelbyLB Posts: 431
    A few months ago I did 30 days straight of this DVD..it was AWESOME...and the before/after pictures DEFINITELY showed results...especially in my abs and arms! Good luck, you will love it!! :)
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    I watched it last night in anticipation for todays workou.

    She breaks it down into 2 minutes cardio, 2 minutes strength, 1 minute abs
    for the 2 minutes that is broken down even more with 30 secs of jumping jacks and 30 sec of butt kicks (repeated twice for round one), then the strength is arms and legs like lifts with squats and is also borken down into the 30 seconds each with two exercises, finally the abs are two moves for 30 seconds each.

    You do three rounds with different sets of exercises for the 30 second time limits. You will do "jump rope", jacks, butt kicks, punching, and maybe a couple other things for cardio. The workout for level one is 30 minutes with warm up and cool down included.

    Hope it helps!:flowerforyou:
  • armywife121110
    I just started this workout today, I have to say WOW!! I have done dvd's in the past but this is definetly a workout and when I wanted to give up Jillian yells at you at just the right moment!! I can't wait for day 2!!
  • Cmuchoa
    Cmuchoa Posts: 161 Member
    I too just finished my first day a few mins ago - trying to catch my breathe as I am typing this - I couldn't do all of the jumping jacks and kicking my own butt and even pretend jumping rope - I did a few but then I just kept moving until she was finished with each set - I tried and hopefully each of my tomorrows will be easier than the day b4.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    Thank you EVERYONE for your awesome feedback! I think I now have a good idea of what to expect this evening when I try the video out and am actually excited. :O!! I have yet to lose any weight since I officially set up my profile on this site, so I'm ready to lose some major poundage! Wish me luuuuuck. :)