

  • Well I guess I'm going to have to restart my exericing I slacked off to many days and I'm going to start over still sticking with the low calorie diet still losing weight down 16 pounds guys that is epic for me the most I have ever lost. I'm not stopping and nethier should you. Be honest with yourself is something a friend…
  • Hey Murfto glad I'm glad I can help you guys are help me also thanks for the support. Just push play !!!
  • Hey sorry for slacking just a quick update for ya I'm down 15 pounds so far about a month and a few days into the diet only on my 2nd week of P90 its been hard but the results are great I have lost the weight for one and I decide today just for alittle more motivation I would check my measurments. I've lost 2 inches on my…
  • Mufto I've been putting it down as circuit training which is in the database at 30 mins it says it about 494 calories burnt not sure if that is correct, but thats the only thing I could figure out to put it under.
  • Day 8 yesterday was suppose to be 7 I forgot about rest day complete scuplt 1-2 day 8 its getting alittle easier I've lost a total of 10 pounds which I'm really happy about now I'm off to work so I hope everyone has a great day . Just push play !!!
  • Congrats n0isehazard keep it up you'll rock that day 30 picture no doubt good luck I'm only on day 6 of my workout but have been on my diet plan for about 2 weeks now a friend told me today that it doesn't matter how fast or how much you lose just that you be honest with yourself and keep at it. Just push play !!!
  • Hey everyone just did Day 5 scuplt 1-2 power 90 it was to bad still not able to do the dips I was able to do a few push-ups not very many but it will get better yesterday was my day of rest not going to to say its easy but it is getting better and can do more and more each time I work-out. Well hope everyone else is doing…
  • Day 4 cardio 1-2 another butt kicker but its done now on with the day have a great day everyone. Just push play!!!
  • Day 3 circuit 1-2 went good was able to do everything ( push-ups and dips) but was able to do everything else feel good now off to the showers and work have a great day everyone. Just push play and bring it.
  • Hey everyone day 2 p90 cardio/abs 100 it was a butt kicker for me but I did it and I feel it all over. Still going strong on the diet I wish they had power 90 in the exercise database so you could put it down in your diary but generic info is ok to anyway talk to ya'll later. Just push play !!!
  • Hey Lobster thanks for the support Just finished day 1 power 90 sculpt it was rough but its only going to get better sorry I didn't get back to you sooner I worked this weekend and have been using the moble app. I am down to 272 now sticking to my diet. Just push play !!!
  • Hey guys I just joined the site I started my diet plan 7 days ago. Cut all sodas out drinking nothing but water have cut my calorie intake to 1700 a day my starting weight was 280 have already lost 3 lbs. I ordered the original power 90 will be here monday can't wait to get going. I will keep you guys updated.