The Original Power 90 Check In?



  • stgipson
    stgipson Posts: 12
    Hey sorry for slacking just a quick update for ya I'm down 15 pounds so far about a month and a few days into the diet only on my 2nd week of P90 its been hard but the results are great I have lost the weight for one and I decide today just for alittle more motivation I would check my measurments. I've lost 2 inches on my chest, an inch and half on my waist, 3 and a half inches on my hips and 2 inches on my thighs. I'm dumb struck this amazing to me I know I'm losing the weight but the measurments are really a kick in the butt so if you need alittle motivation check yours you might be surprized I was. Thanks for all your support I'll keep you posted.

    Just push play !!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    I did sculpt 1/2 this morning and really pushed it. It amazing to think about the first time I did it and now. I am so much stronger. I can use alot more weight on some of the exercise and still complete 15 reps.

    I need to really pay attention to my diet and eating habits these next two weeks. I haven't been eating enough- I know that sounds funny but I really believe there is soemthing to this starvation mode... I haven't been that hungry and skipped a coupe of meals and no weight loss but a little gain - water - sodium - staravation mode. I knwo it crazy because most of the time I have a great appetite and eat very healthy and then there are times when I actually forget to eat??? Maybe this cold thing has something to do with it!!! But I need to pay attention.

    Hope everyone is having a happy healthy day!!!!
  • kcrojas630
    kcrojas630 Posts: 145 Member
    I am planning on starting back up with this on Sunday!! Glad there is a board, I will definitely need some motivation!
  • murfto
    murfto Posts: 29 Member
    Great job!! Keep it up and your posts help me keep pusing play!

    Still doing Levle 1-2 of both. I am on day 33 and going to switch to 3-4 on day 45. I am already thinking about how tough it will be
  • stgipson
    stgipson Posts: 12
    Hey Murfto glad I'm glad I can help you guys are help me also thanks for the support.

    Just push play !!!
  • stgipson
    stgipson Posts: 12
    Well I guess I'm going to have to restart my exericing I slacked off to many days and I'm going to start over still sticking with the low calorie diet still losing weight down 16 pounds guys that is epic for me the most I have ever lost. I'm not stopping and nethier should you. Be honest with yourself is something a friend told me so this is me being honest my day of rest turned into 4 days so my lazy streak started to kick back in so I'm going to start over. For those of you wondering I'm doing 1700 calories a day for my diet at least until my weight goes down more then I'll have to lower the intake. Anyway hope everyone is doing well and Happy Mothers day by the way.
  • murfto
    murfto Posts: 29 Member
    I think that being honest with yourself and "starting over" is good.. But really your are not starting over you are just coming back from a break. You didnt gain all 16 pounds back and your drive is not where it was when you first started.

    Remember it is not a sprint but a marathon.. Good for you and forget the past.. it is a new day.

    I wrote that for you but it is for me also. Keep pushing play!
  • adam0403
    adam0403 Posts: 2
    Wow this is a pretty great community. I'm glad you all are doing p90. It's such a fantastic program, and a great way to introduce your body to interval circuit training. I started Power 90 May 5th. It's now May 10th..and I can tell you all that I have started feeling the changes. When you can literally feel it, it's the greatest thing ever! Keep it up, and keep pushing play as they say! Focus on your goals because we can do it. :-)

    Before Power 90 and before dieting I weighed 250 lbs at 5'11". Dieted for one month, and detox my body from all the junk and just by dieting alone with moderate everyday walking I lost 10lbs. I am now at 240 lbs. I have not weighed myself since I started p90. I said Adam..after each 30day cycle of the program weigh yourself. I'm hoping to lose another 10lbs, or more a month through diet and exercise with this program.

    We're in control we can do it! :-)
  • Shannibal
    Shannibal Posts: 103 Member
    I just posted this in another post, but I started Power 90 on 4/26/2011. Didn't weigh for the first time until 18 days ago, but I have already lost 15 lbs. This also includes a strict diet.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • murfto
    murfto Posts: 29 Member
    Great job!! I just finsined Level 1-2 today. I am moving on to Level 3-4 on Monday. I am on day 42 and lost 21 pounds. I also have lost 3.8 inches off my waist. Some days are tough but tracking my intake helps me more than I ever thougth it would. I am also really sticking with the shakelology whcih I think helps me. I only do it 6 days a week for lunch. In my past this is the time I quit. I hope I wont this time. One day at a time for sure!!

    Keep posting your progress. It is so helpful to have others working together!!
  • murfto
    murfto Posts: 29 Member
    Just started the power 90 level 3-4 yesterday. Hard to make it through all the way. It seems at this level the sculpt for me is harder than the sweat. It was the other way around for me on 1-2. Is anyone else on 3-4? How's it going?

    I am very determined not to give up but everyday is a challenge.

    Down 21 pounds since March 28th and that is what keeps me going. My blood pressure is now back to normal.
  • adam0403
    adam0403 Posts: 2
    Keep at it Murfto. I'm almost 2 weeks into P90 I noticed my body adjusting, changing..being able to keep up almost in time with Tony and the models. The 3-4 phase is to up the ante. It'll be a lil rough the first week or two, but your body will again adjust to it. I remember Tony said I believe in the cardio 1-2..something like your body has to be introduce to new routines. Point is new routines is tough at first, but gets better with time. Kind of like playing an instrument. Not use to patterns, so with routines you get use to it over time and able to play beautiful music. Keep it up!
  • one2beat
    one2beat Posts: 2
    Hey Guys, this is a fantastic community and it's so good to see these many people working towards their goal.

    I started Power 90 on April 25th & before starting I weighed in as 180 lbs at 5'8". My goal is to go down by at-least 15 - 20 lbs. I have been working on level 1-2 for about 30 days now. I just weighed in today again and the weight loss is only 2 lbs. :( . I have to admit though that I am not sticking to the diet as religiously as I have been to the exercise regime (sweat as well as sculpt). I am not a morning person, so it's very difficult to stick the meal plan; though I try my level best to. Not to mention, being a vegetarian has its own disadvantages.

    I need your help guys. I need some motivation.
  • murfto
    murfto Posts: 29 Member
    Here are just a couple thoughts cause I can relate.

    1. The scale can be your worst enemy, I am learning. I would recommend doing your measurements and only weigh once every two weeks.

    2. I am doing a intermtted fast 6 days a week .After 7 pm, I dont eat unitl about 12noon the next day . It was tough at first but atfer 60 days I feel very good.

    3. I am doing the shakeology product for lunch 6 days a week. It is a bit pricy but I feel that I have more energy. It has a ton of vit. and it and helps curb my cravings. It is on beachbody .com

    My neighboor is a beachboy coach and is very supportive, He has a free web site that has some great artices and facts about the programs. He has helped me get away from the scale only thinking and go by fat %, my measurements and how your clothes fit.

    When I started I was 39% body fat now I am 32% I lost 24 ounds and 3 incers off my waste and hip. It took me about 30 days and being very good (and a few tears) to start seeing the weight change

    He web site is

    Good luck with Power 90
  • one2beat
    one2beat Posts: 2
    Thank you so much murfto.

    I did check out Clint's website. It is very informative. I have already made him my coach for my workout.

    Well, to begin with I wanted to surprise my fiancee with my new lean body (after P90), so I never told her. Big mistake. She has a degree in nutrition and when she came to know about my workout she was ecstatic to help me reach my goal. Now that she knows about it, I am sure I will be to achieve my goal with her guidance on nutrition and Clint's coaching through his website.

    Thanks once again.
  • murfto
    murfto Posts: 29 Member
    How great to suprise her! She must be so proud of you!! It is so important to have the one you love support you. I have that also and without my husband's encouragement and pride, I would be in trouble and would of quit a long time ago!! .

    I am very luckly to have a guy like Clint as a neighboor. He is so nice, well read and not pushy at all.

    Keep me infomred and keep pushing play!!

    We can do it
  • trickyfoxster710
    trickyfoxster710 Posts: 151 Member
    I just started Power 90 again i figure if I actually track on the board I will be more accountable!
    Yesterday was Day 1 Cardio 1/2 w ab ripper went well left hip still sore from bircitis had to keep side kicks a little low on the left side. Did not take measurements or pics planning on doing that tonight Circuit tonight oh boy!
  • mikesj
    mikesj Posts: 6 Member
    Well I've decided to get back into shape and will be starting the Power 90 routine on Monday... I did begin working out slightly going back to my martial arts classes as well as eating much better. 4 pounds down since Monday and about 46lbs to get to my goal weight. Want to complete the Power 90 series and then graduate to the P90x.
  • rickpearce
    rickpearce Posts: 100 Member
    I was posting in the thread "Looking for other P90 Support pt 2" but it is locked now.

    I started the power 90 last Tuesday with my wife. We are both liking it so far. The one question I have is, what are people doing if they miss a workout? Do you double up the next day? Use your rest day? Add it on the end? etc.
  • eracman
    eracman Posts: 22
    I just found this and thought I would add my 2 cents. I am two weeks in and started my third week this morning. I'm feeling great, getting stronger and feeling less tired. I am already noticing changes in how I look. It feels good to be working towards a healthier me.

    By the way, has anyone figured out how to track the P90 routines as exercise in MFP? I am only logging my food but would love to include the routines as well?
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