The Original Power 90 Check In?



  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Way to go Stgipson - you made the first step - day 1 done!!! Sticking with your diet will help you reach your goal fatser ! I will try to chck in everyday - I take Sundays off... and Saturday are hard to check in but I will try to check in during the week every day. It's fun to dicuss and support each other on the days workout!!! Also Tony's corney sense of humor ... is fun to point out!!

    Sweat for you tomorrow!!!!!

    Keep pushing play!!
  • Lobster888 I started the Power 90 system Monday as well. I have been dieting and working out since the end of January and have lost about 20 pounds since then. I have been mostly running on the treadmill 4 to 5 nights a week for about 3.5 miles, and upper body lifting two nights a week, but not getting the results I want so I thought I'd give this a try. I am presently at 264 pounds (lost a pound already since Sunday) and am hoping I can burn more this way than running alone. I hate those legs through the arm stretch too, I get the leg up as far as I can then step back with the back leg to get the 90 degree front leg (my little cheat). I'm doing it on carpet and my shoes are too grippy to slide around so I have to do a lot of adjusting my feet which is annoying and throws me out of rhythm with the people on the show, but I will be moving to the basement cement shortly so hopefully that will help there. Keep up the good work everyone and I will try to check in regularly on this topic often.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hey everyone - Day 3 sculpt - done

    bensford66 - Sounds liek you are on the right track. Running is great for cardio and to lose weight but strength training can build muscel and really help get you where you want to be. At least that has been my experience. Your program sounds great.

    I think everyone hates those leg though the arms things haha - If my son had video my first time trying - he would have won funniest home video's!!!!!

    Have a happy healthy day!!!
  • stgipson
    stgipson Posts: 12
    Hey everyone day 2 p90 cardio/abs 100 it was a butt kicker for me but I did it and I feel it all over. Still going strong on the diet I wish they had power 90 in the exercise database so you could put it down in your diary but generic info is ok to anyway talk to ya'll later.

    Just push play !!!
  • stgipson
    stgipson Posts: 12
    Day 3 circuit 1-2 went good was able to do everything ( push-ups and dips) but was able to do everything else feel good now off to the showers and work have a great day everyone.

    Just push play and bring it.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Way to go Stgipson!! I have trouble with those dips too!!! I usually have to bend one leg for the few reps.!!!
    Day 4 - I did the fat burn express for the sweat dvd today!! Had a good workout.

    Just finished my larabar and a cup a coffee and ready for my day at work - then off for three day ...Yeah!!!

    May not touch base until Monday--- lots to do!

    Have a happy healthy weekend!!!

    Keep pushing play!!!!
  • stgipson
    stgipson Posts: 12
    Day 4 cardio 1-2 another butt kicker but its done now on with the day have a great day everyone.

    Just push play!!!
  • stgipson
    stgipson Posts: 12
    Hey everyone just did Day 5 scuplt 1-2 power 90 it was to bad still not able to do the dips I was able to do a few push-ups not very many but it will get better yesterday was my day of rest not going to to say its easy but it is getting better and can do more and more each time I work-out. Well hope everyone else is doing well talk to you soon.

    Just push play !!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Happy Monday!! Well I was able to push play on Friday - Walked on Saturday (4 miles) and took Sunday off! (unless you count chasing Godchildren around working out!!!)

    Completed day 6 Power 90 MS 5/6 this morning!!!

    I agree stgipson, it gets a little easier each time you do it. I can push myself a little each time. It's not easy - but I guess it not suppose to be!!!! I use different weights for different exercises - some I use a higher weight some i use a lower weight. But I do try to do all the reps.

    Keep pushing play!!!
  • n0isehazard
    n0isehazard Posts: 14 Member
    I'm one day 21 rest day today. I'm looking at my Power 90 calendar and thinking of that day 30 photo day. I'm hoping to see some improvements, so I'm really sticking to my guns as far as calorie tracking and following the workouts goes for the next 10 days.

    I can't believe I'm only on day 21 because although I haven't lost significant weight, I feel stronger when I wake up every day.

    Wish me luck, and good work everyone!
  • stgipson
    stgipson Posts: 12
    Congrats n0isehazard keep it up you'll rock that day 30 picture no doubt good luck I'm only on day 6 of my workout but have been on my diet plan for about 2 weeks now a friend told me today that it doesn't matter how fast or how much you lose just that you be honest with yourself and keep at it.

    Just push play !!!
  • stgipson
    stgipson Posts: 12
    Day 8 yesterday was suppose to be 7 I forgot about rest day complete scuplt 1-2 day 8 its getting alittle easier I've lost a total of 10 pounds which I'm really happy about now I'm off to work so I hope everyone has a great day .

    Just push play !!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Way to go stgipson!!! Keep up the great work - but don't forget rest day - very important!!! I actually had to take a small break today and do power stretch from power 1/2 hour. I took a free boot camp class at the gym and my hamstring is not happy about it!!!! So I had to stretch this morning. I will do the sculpt tomorrow and then be ready for sweat or the fat burner express on Friday!!!

    Keep pushing play!!!
  • murfto
    murfto Posts: 29 Member
    It was so nice to find this conversation!! I am on day 26 of Power 90. I did about 20 days and Level 1-2 and then went to Level 3-4.. Too Soon.. I am now back on level 1-2 which I am putting more effort into. I am also doing the Shakelogy for lunch. At first it was very tough but now I am used to it. It has really helped my cravings. I think I may go back to level 3-4 when I hit 45 days.

    The yoga and the dips are the worst but today I did the sculpt and for the first time did it all without lowering the reps or stopping.

    Does anyone hav suggestions on how to enter power 90 under your daily exercise.?

    Thanks for your motivating posts!!
  • JMCade
    JMCade Posts: 389 Member
    I have the original Power 90 also. I used it after my first child was born and lost 20 lbs. It is an awesome workout! I thought the jumping part was the hardest (especially after kids :/ cuz it makes you pee!) I have used it off and on since 2001.
  • stgipson
    stgipson Posts: 12
    Mufto I've been putting it down as circuit training which is in the database at 30 mins it says it about 494 calories burnt not sure if that is correct, but thats the only thing I could figure out to put it under.
  • murfto
    murfto Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks That is what I have been doing also. Your doing a great job and very motivating. Keep up the great work. Are you doing level 1-2? I am on 29 days and tried 3-4 last week.. I was not ready so I went back to 1-2
    . Now it seems like I am doing 1-2 better because I know whats coming next...

    Have a good day
  • murfto
    murfto Posts: 29 Member
    One more point.. I bought a heart monitor watch for caloire intake. It was a pretty cheap one but it worked. I figured on the Sweat 1-2 I was doing about 480 calories. I used the watch this am and it said 502 calories. Pretty close but of course the watch is right:smile:

    Day 30 today of Power 90 back to level 1-2 unitl Day 45 the I am goingt to try to go to Level 3-4.. Down 17 pounds since March 28th, 3 inches off waste and 2 inches off hips.

    Good luck to you and keep pushing play..
  • n0isehazard
    n0isehazard Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for the motivation, stgipson. I've been really slacking with my diet so I've been feeling lazy with my exercises, but seeing everyone here work so hard is making me feel like getting back on track.

    Plus, I did a timed swim test in my swim class today and found that with what little strength training and exercise I'd done with Power90, I swam a lot faster than my previous record. That makes me want to keep going!

    I agree with lobster888 that rest days are important!

    Welcome murfto. :) I've had days where I think, "I'm ready for 3-4," but when I push myself with 1-2, I find it still kicks my butt. Be patient. You're almost through the 1st month.

    It's a new month. Let's all do our bests!
  • JCGilbert
    JCGilbert Posts: 33
    Hello All. My name is Joan and I started the Power 90/"Fat burning Express" last week. Completed 6 days of that w/ Sunday as my rest day. Today, Mon 5/2, I began w/ Power 90 Sculpt Circuit 1-2. I was able to complete it at prob 85% effort level...would have been 100% if not for pushups. I will have to build up there. Also, using 5 lb handweights which I may need to increase to either 8 or 10 lbs. Did NOT want to go too crazy on my 1st day.
    I entered in my MFP exercise under "strength training" for 35 mins. This showed a burn of 119 cals. If I'd entered it as "circuit training, general" it would have logged in 318 cals burned. Who knows!
    Nice to see this P90 support thread. Misery loves company!! lol
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